Source code for

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import copy
from pysph.base.nnps import LinkedListNNPS
from pysph.base.utils import get_particle_array, get_particle_array_wcsph
from cyarray.api import UIntArray
from numpy.linalg import norm, matrix_power
from pysph.sph.equation import Equation
from import SPHEvaluator
from pysph.base.particle_array import ParticleArray

def distance(point1, point2=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])):
    return np.sqrt(sum((point1 - point2) * (point1 - point2)))

def distance_2d(point1, point2=np.array([0.0, 0.0])):
    return np.sqrt(sum((point1 - point2) * (point1 - point2)))

def matrix_exp(matrix):
    Exponential of a matrix.

    Finds the exponential of a square matrix of any order using the
    formula exp(A) = I + (A/1!) + (A**2/2!) + (A**3/3!) + .........

    matrix : numpy matrix of order nxn (square) filled with numbers

    result : numpy matrix of the same order

    >>>A = np.matrix([[1, 2],[2, 3]])
    matrix([[19.68002699, 30.56514746],
            [30.56514746, 50.24517445]])
    >>>B = np.matrix([[0, 0],[0, 0]])
    matrix([[1., 0.],
            [0., 1.]])

    matrix = np.asarray(matrix)
    tol = 1.0e-16
    result = matrix_power(matrix, 0)
    n = 1
    condition = True
    while condition:
        adding = matrix_power(matrix, n) / (1.0 * np.math.factorial(n))
        result += adding
        residue = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(adding)) /
        condition = (residue > tol)
        n += 1
    return result

def extrude(x, y, dx=0.01, extrude_dist=1.0, z_center=0.0):
    Extrudes a 2d geometry.

    Takes a 2d geometry with x, y values and extrudes it in z direction by the
    amount extrude_dist with z_center as center

    x : 1d array object with numbers
    y : 1d array object with numbers
    dx : a number
    extrude_dist : a number
    z_center : a number

    x, y should be of the same length and no x, y pair should be the same

    x_new : 1d numpy array object with new x values
    y_new : 1d numpy array object with new y values
    z_new : 1d numpy array object with z values

    x_new, y_new, z_new are of the same length

    >>>x = np.array([0.0])
    >>>y = np.array([0.0])
    >>>extrude(x, y, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0)
    (array([ 0., 0., 0.]),
     array([ 0., 0., 0.]),
     array([-0.1, 0., 0.1]))

    z = np.arange(z_center - extrude_dist / 2.,
                  z_center + (extrude_dist + dx) / 2., dx)
    x_new = np.tile(np.asarray(x), len(z))
    y_new = np.tile(np.asarray(y), len(z))
    z_new = np.repeat(z, len(x))
    return x_new, y_new, z_new

def translate(x, y, z, x_translate=0.0, y_translate=0.0, z_translate=0.0):
    Translates set of points in 3d cartisean space.

    Takes set of points and translates each and every point by some
    mentioned amount in all the 3 directions.

    x : 1d array object with numbers
    y : 1d array object with numbers
    z : 1d array object with numbers
    x_translate : a number
    y_translate : a number
    z_translate : a number

    x_new : 1d numpy array object with new x values
    y_new : 1d numpy array object with new y values
    z_new : 1d numpy array object with new z values

    >>>x = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
    >>>y = np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 1.5])
    >>>z = np.array([0.5, -1.5, 0.0])
    >>>translate(x, y, z, 1.0, -0.5, 2.0)
    (array([ 1., 2., 3.]), array([-1.5, -0.5, 1.]), array([2.5, 0.5, 2.]))

    x_new = np.asarray(x) + x_translate
    y_new = np.asarray(y) + y_translate
    z_new = np.asarray(z) + z_translate
    return x_new, y_new, z_new

def rotate(x, y, z, axis=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]), angle=90.0):
    Rotates set of points in 3d cartisean space.

    Takes set of points and rotates each point with some angle w.r.t
    a mentioned axis.

    x : 1d array object with numbers
    y : 1d array object with numbers
    z : 1d array object with numbers
    axis : 1d array with 3 numbers
    angle(in degrees) : number

    x_new : 1d numpy array object with new x values
    y_new : 1d numpy array object with new y values
    z_new : 1d numpy array object with new z values

    >>>x = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
    >>>y = np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 1.5])
    >>>z = np.array([0.5, -1.5, 0.0])
    >>>axis = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
    >>>rotate(x, y, z, axis, 90.0)
    (array([ 1.00000000e+00,  4.25628483e-17, -1.50000000e+00]),
     array([-4.25628483e-17,  1.00000000e+00,  2.00000000e+00]),
     array([ 0.5, -1.5,  0. ]))

    theta = angle * np.pi / 180.0
    unit_vector = np.asarray(axis) / norm(np.asarray(axis))
    matrix = np.cross(np.eye(3), unit_vector * theta)
    rotation_matrix = matrix_exp(matrix)
    new_points = []
    for xi, yi, zi in zip(np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y), np.asarray(z)):
        point = np.array([xi, yi, zi])
        new =, point)
    new_points = np.array(new_points)
    x_new = new_points[:, 0]
    y_new = new_points[:, 1]
    z_new = new_points[:, 2]
    return x_new, y_new, z_new

def get_2d_wall(dx=0.01, center=np.array([0.0, 0.0]), length=1.0,
                num_layers=1, up=True):
    Generates a 2d wall which is parallel to x-axis. The wall can be
    rotated parallel to any axis using the rotate function. 3d wall
    can be also generated using the extrude function after generating
    particles using this function.

        |   wall particles

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    center : 1d array like object which is the center of wall
    length : a number which is the length of the wall
    num_layers : Number of layers for the wall
    up : True if the layers have to created on top of base wall

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the wall
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the wall

    x = np.arange(-length / 2., length / 2. + dx, dx) + center[0]
    y = np.ones_like(x) * center[1]
    value = 1 if up else -1
    for i in range(1, num_layers):
        y1 = np.ones_like(x) * center[1] + value * i * dx
        y = np.concatenate([y, y1])
    return np.tile(x, num_layers), y

def get_2d_tank(dx=0.05, base_center=np.array([0.0, 0.0]), length=1.0,
                height=1.0, num_layers=1, outside=True, staggered=False,
    Generates an open 2d tank with the base parallel to x-axis and the side
    walls parallel to y-axis. The tank can be rotated to any direction using
    rotate function. 3d tank can be generated using extrude function.

        |*               *
        |*   2d tank     *
       y|*  particles    *
        |*               *
        |* * * * * * * * *
        |      base

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    base_center : 1d array like object which is the center of base wall
    length : a number which is the length of the base
    height : a number which is the length of the side wall
    num_layers : Number of layers for the tank
    outside : A boolean value which decides if the layers are inside or outside
    staggered : A boolean value which decides if the layers are staggered or not
    top : A boolean value which decides if the top is present or not

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the tank
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the tank

    dy = dx
    fac = 1 if outside else 0
    if staggered:
        dx = dx/2

    start = fac*(1 - num_layers)*dx
    end = fac*num_layers*dx + (1 - fac) * dx
    x, y = np.mgrid[start:length+end:dx, start:height+end:dy]

    topset = 0 if top else 10*height
    if staggered:
        topset += dx
        y[1::2] += dx

    offset = 0 if outside else (num_layers-1)*dx
    cond = ~((x > offset) & (x < length-offset) &
             (y > offset) & (y < height+topset-offset))
    return x[cond] + base_center[0] - length/2, y[cond] + base_center[1]

def get_2d_circle(dx=0.01, r=0.5, center=np.array([0.0, 0.0])):
    Generates a completely filled 2d circular area.

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    r : a number which is the radius of the circle
    center : 1d array like object which is the center of the circle

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the circle particles
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the circle particles

    N = int(2.0 * r / dx) + 1
    x, y = np.mgrid[-r:r:N * 1j, -r:r:N * 1j]
    x, y = np.ravel(x), np.ravel(y)
    condition = (x * x + y * y <= r * r)
    x, y = x[condition], y[condition]
    return x + center[0], y + center[1]

def get_2d_hollow_circle(dx=0.01, r=1.0, center=np.array([0.0, 0.0]),
                         num_layers=2, inside=True):
    Generates a hollow 2d circle with some number of layers either on the
    inside or on the outside of the body which is taken as an argument

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    r : a number which is the radius of the circle
    center : 1d array like object which is the center of the circle
    num_layers : a number (int)
    inside : boolean (True or False). If this is True then the layers
             are generated inside the circle

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the circle particles
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the circle particles

    r_grid = r + dx * num_layers
    N = int(2.0 * r_grid / dx) + 1
    x, y = np.mgrid[-r_grid:r_grid:N * 1j, -r_grid:r_grid:N * 1j]
    x, y = np.ravel(x), np.ravel(y)
    if inside:
        cond1 = (x * x + y * y <= r * r)
        cond2 = (x * x + y * y >= (r - num_layers * dx)**2)
        cond1 = (x * x + y * y >= r * r)
        cond2 = (x * x + y * y <= (r + num_layers * dx)**2)
    cond = cond1 & cond2
    x, y = x[cond], y[cond]
    return x + center[0], y + center[0]

def get_3d_hollow_cylinder(dx=0.01, r=0.5, length=1.0,
                           center=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
                           num_layers=2, inside=True):
    Generates a 3d hollow cylinder which is a extruded geometry
    of the hollow circle with a closed base.

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    r : a number which is the radius of the cylinder
    length : a number which is the length of the cylinder
    center : 1d array like object which is the center of the cylinder
    num_layers : a number (int)
    inside : boolean (True or False). If this is True then the layers
             are generated inside the cylinder

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the cylinder particles
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the cylinder particles
    z : 1d numpy array with z coordinates of the cylinder particles

    x_2d, y_2d = get_2d_hollow_circle(dx, r, center[:2], num_layers, inside)
    x, y, z = extrude(x_2d, y_2d, dx, length - dx, center[2] + dx / 2.)
    x_circle, y_circle = get_2d_circle(dx, r, center[:2])
    z_circle = np.ones_like(x_circle) * (center[2] - length / 2.)
    x = np.concatenate([x, x_circle])
    y = np.concatenate([y, y_circle])
    z = np.concatenate([z, z_circle])
    return x, y, z

def get_2d_block(dx=0.01, length=1.0, height=1.0, center=np.array([0., 0.])):
    Generates a 2d rectangular block of particles with axes parallel to
    the coordinate axes.

     |h * * * * * * *
     |e * * * * * * *
    y|i * * * * * * *
     |g * * * * * * *
     |h * * * * * * *
     |t * * * * * * *
     |  * * * * * * *
     |    length

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    length : a number which is the length of the block
    height : a number which is the height of the block
    center : 1d array like object which is the center of the block

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the block particles
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the block particles

    n1 = int(length / dx) + 1
    n2 = int(height / dx) + 1
    x, y = np.mgrid[-length / 2.:length / 2.:n1 *
                    1j, -height / 2.:height / 2.:n2 * 1j]
    x, y = np.ravel(x), np.ravel(y)
    return x + center[0], y + center[1]

def get_3d_sphere(dx=0.01, r=0.5, center=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])):
    Generates a 3d sphere.

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    r : a number which is the radius of the sphere
    center : 1d array like object which is the center of the sphere

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the sphere particles
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the sphere particles
    z : 1d numpy array with z coordinates of the sphere particles

    N = int(2.0 * r / dx) + 1
    x, y, z = np.mgrid[-r:r:N * 1j, -r:r:N * 1j, -r:r:N * 1j]
    x, y, z = np.ravel(x), np.ravel(y), np.ravel(z)
    cond = (x * x + y * y + z * z <= r * r)
    x, y, z = x[cond], y[cond], z[cond]
    return x + center[0], y + center[1], z + center[2]

def get_3d_block(dx=0.01, length=1.0, height=1.0, depth=1.0,
                 center=np.array([0., 0., 0.])):
    Generates a 3d block of particles with the length, height and depth
    parallel to x, y and z axis respectively.

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    length : a number which is the length of the block
    height : a number which is the height of the block
    depth : a number which is the depth of the block
    center : 1d array like object which is the center of the block

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the block particles
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the block particles
    z : 1d numpy array with z coordinates of the block particles

    n1 = int(length / dx) + 1
    n2 = int(height / dx) + 1
    n3 = int(depth / dx) + 1
    x, y, z = np.mgrid[-length / 2.:length / 2.:n1 * 1j, -height /
                       2.:height / 2.:n2 * 1j, -depth / 2.:depth / 2.:n3 * 1j]
    x, y, z = np.ravel(x), np.ravel(y), np.ravel(z)
    return x + center[0], y + center[1], z + center[2]

def get_4digit_naca_airfoil(dx=0.01, airfoil='0012', c=1.0):
    Generates a 4 digit series NACA airfoil. For a 4 digit series airfoil,
    the first digit is the (maximum camber / chord) * 100, second digit is
    (location of maximum camber / chord) * 10 and the third and fourth digits
    are the (maximum thickness / chord) * 100. The particles generated
    using this function will form a solid 2d airfoil.

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    airfoil : a string of 4 characters which is the airfoil name
    c : a number which is the chord of the airfoil

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the airfoil particles
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the airfoil particles


    n = int(c / dx) + 1
    x, y = np.mgrid[0:c:n * 1j, -c / 2.:c / 2.:n * 1j]
    x = np.ravel(x)
    y = np.ravel(y)
    x_naca = []
    y_naca = []
    t = float(airfoil[2:]) * 0.01 * c
    if airfoil[:2] == '00':
        for xi, yi in zip(x, y):
            yt = 5.0 * t * (0.2969 * np.sqrt(xi / c) - 0.1260 * (xi / c) -
                            0.3516 * ((xi / c)**2.) + 0.2843 * ((xi / c)**3.)
                            - 0.1015 * ((xi / c)**4.))
            if abs(yi) <= yt:
        m = 0.01 * float(airfoil[0])
        p = 0.1 * float(airfoil[1])
        for xi, yi in zip(x, y):
            yt = 5.0 * t * (0.2969 * np.sqrt(xi / c) - 0.1260 * (xi / c) -
                            0.3516 * ((xi / c)**2.) + 0.2843 * ((xi / c)**3.)
                            - 0.1015 * ((xi / c)**4.))
            if xi <= p * c:
                yc = (m / (p * p)) * (2. * p * (xi / c) - (xi / c)**2.)
                dydx = (2. * m / (p * p)) * (p - xi / c) / c
                yc = (m / ((1. - p) * (1. - p))) * \
                    (1. - 2. * p + 2. * p * (xi / c) - (xi / c)**2.)
                dydx = (2. * m / ((1. - p) * (1. - p))) * (p - xi / c) / c
            theta = np.arctan(dydx)
            if yi >= 0.0:
                yu = yc + yt * np.cos(theta)
                if yi <= yu:
                    xu = xi - yt * np.sin(theta)
                yl = yc - yt * np.cos(theta)
                if yi >= yl:
                    xl = xi + yt * np.sin(theta)
    x_naca = np.array(x_naca)
    y_naca = np.array(y_naca)
    return x_naca, y_naca

def _get_m_k(series):
    if series == '210':
        return 0.058, 361.4
    elif series == '220':
        return 0.126, 51.64
    elif series == '230':
        return 0.2025, 15.957
    elif series == '240':
        return 0.290, 6.643
    elif series == '250':
        return 0.391, 3.23
    elif series == '221':
        return 0.130, 51.99
    elif series == '231':
        return 0.217, 15.793
    elif series == '241':
        return 0.318, 6.52
    elif series == '251':
        return 0.441, 3.191

def get_5digit_naca_airfoil(dx=0.01, airfoil='23112', c=1.0):
    Generates a 5 digit series NACA airfoil. For a 5 digit series airfoil,
    the first digit is the design lift coefficient * 20 / 3, second digit is
    (location of maximum camber / chord) * 20, third digit indicates the
    reflexitivity of the camber and the fourth and fifth digits are the
    (maximum thickness / chord) * 100. The particles generated using this
    function will form a solid 2d airfoil.

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    airfoil : a string of 5 characters which is the airfoil name
    c : a number which is the chord of the airfoil

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the airfoil particles
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the airfoil particles


    n = int(c / dx) + 1
    x, y = np.mgrid[0:c:n * 1j, -c / 2.:c / 2.:n * 1j]
    x = np.ravel(x)
    y = np.ravel(y)
    x_naca = []
    y_naca = []
    t = 0.01 * float(airfoil[3:])
    series = airfoil[:3]
    m, k = _get_m_k(series)
    for xi, yi in zip(x, y):
        yt = 5.0 * t * (0.2969 * np.sqrt(xi / c) - 0.1260 * (xi / c) -
                        0.3516 * ((xi / c)**2.) + 0.2843 * ((xi / c)**3.)
                        - 0.1015 * ((xi / c)**4.))
        xn = xi / c
        if xn <= m:
            yc = c * (k / 6.) * (xn**3. - 3. * m *
                                 xn * xn + m * m * (3. - m) * xn)
            dydx = (k / 6.) * (3. * xn * xn - 6. * m * xn + m * m * (3. - m))
            yc = c * (k * (m**3.) / 6.) * (1. - xn)
            dydx = -(k * (m**3.) / 6.)
        theta = np.arctan(dydx)
        if yi >= 0.0:
            yu = yc + yt * np.cos(theta)
            if yi <= yu:
                xu = xi - yt * np.sin(theta)
            yl = yc - yt * np.cos(theta)
            if yi >= yl:
                xl = xi + yt * np.sin(theta)
    x_naca = np.array(x_naca)
    y_naca = np.array(y_naca)
    return x_naca, y_naca

def get_naca_wing(dx=0.01, airfoil='0012', span=1.0, chord=1.0):
    Generates a wing using a NACA 4 or 5 digit series airfoil. This will
    generate only a rectangular wing.

    dx : a number which is the spacing required
    airfoil : a string of 4 or 5 characters which is the airfoil name
    span : a number which is the span of the wing
    c : a number which is the chord of the wing

    x : 1d numpy array with x coordinates of the airfoil particles
    y : 1d numpy array with y coordinates of the airfoil particles
    z : 1d numpy array with z coordinates of the airfoil particles

    if len(airfoil) == 4:
        x, y = get_4digit_naca_airfoil(dx, airfoil, chord)
    elif len(airfoil) == 5:
        x, y = get_5digit_naca_airfoil(dx, airfoil, chord)
    return extrude(x, y, dx, span)

class FindRepeatedPoints(Equation):
    def loop_all(self, d_idx, d_min_idx, NBRS, N_NBRS):
        d_min_idx[d_idx] = NBRS[0]
        for i in range(N_NBRS):
            if NBRS[i] < d_min_idx[d_idx]:
                d_min_idx[d_idx] = NBRS[i]

def evaluate_area_of_triangle(points=[]):
    """Calculate are of a triangle

    Points: array

    Area of the triangle
    from math import sqrt
    x1 = points[0, 0]
    y1 = points[0, 1]
    z1 = points[0, 2]
    x2 = points[1, 0]
    y2 = points[1, 1]
    z2 = points[1, 2]
    x3 = points[2, 0]
    y3 = points[2, 1]
    z3 = points[2, 2]
    v1 = (z2-z3) * (y2-y1) - (z2-z1) * (y2-y3)
    v2 = - (z2-z3) * (x2-x1) + (z2-z1) * (x2-x3)
    v3 = (y2-y3) * (x2-x1) - (y2-y1) * (x2-x3)
    ar = 0.5 * sqrt(v1*v1 + v2*v2 + v3*v3)
    return ar

def remove_repeated_points(x, y, z, dx_triangle):
    EPS = np.finfo(float).eps
    pa_mesh = ParticleArray(name='mesh', x=x, y=y, z=z, h=EPS)
    pa_grid = ParticleArray(name='grid', x=x, y=y, z=z, h=EPS)

    equation = [FindRepeatedPoints(dest='mesh', sources=['grid'])]
    sph_eval = SPHEvaluator([pa_mesh, pa_grid], equation, dim=3)

    idx = list(set(pa_mesh.min_idx))
    idx = np.array(idx, dtype=int)
    return pa_mesh.x[idx], pa_mesh.y[idx], pa_mesh.z[idx]

def find_overlap_particles(fluid_parray, solid_parray, dx_solid, dim=3):
    """This function will take 2 particle arrays as input and will find all the
    particles of the first particle array which are in the vicinity of the
    particles from second particle array. The function will find all the
    particles within the dx_solid vicinity so some particles may be identified
    at the outer surface of the particles from the second particle array.

    The particle arrays should atleast contain x, y and h values for a 2d case
    and atleast x, y, z and h values for a 3d case.

    fluid_parray : a pysph particle array object
    solid_parray : a pysph particle array object
    dx_solid : a number which is the dx of the second particle array
    dim : dimensionality of the problem

    list of particle indices to remove from the first array.


    x = fluid_parray.x
    x1 = solid_parray.x
    y = fluid_parray.y
    y1 = solid_parray.y
    z = fluid_parray.z
    z1 = solid_parray.z
    if dim == 2:
        z = np.zeros_like(x)
        z1 = np.zeros_like(x1)
    to_remove = []
    ll_nnps = LinkedListNNPS(dim, [fluid_parray, solid_parray])
    for i in range(len(x)):
        nbrs = UIntArray()
        ll_nnps.get_nearest_particles(1, 0, i, nbrs)
        point_i = np.array([x[i], y[i], z[i]])
        near_points = nbrs.get_npy_array()
        distances = []
        for ind in near_points:
            dest = [x1[ind], y1[ind], z1[ind]]
            distances.append(distance(point_i, dest))
        if len(distances) == 0:
        elif min(distances) < (dx_solid * (1.0 - 1.0e-07)):
    return to_remove

def remove_overlap_particles(fluid_parray, solid_parray, dx_solid, dim=3):
    This function will take 2 particle arrays as input and will remove all
    the particles of the first particle array which are in the vicinity of
    the particles from second particle array. The function will remove all
    the particles within the dx_solid vicinity so some particles are removed
    at the outer surface of the particles from the second particle array.

    The particle arrays should atleast contain x, y and h values for a 2d case
    and atleast x, y, z and h values for a 3d case

    fluid_parray : a pysph particle array object
    solid_parray : a pysph particle array object
    dx_solid : a number which is the dx of the second particle array
    dim : dimensionality of the problem


    idx = find_overlap_particles(fluid_parray, solid_parray, dx_solid, dim)

def show_2d(points, **kw):
    """Show two-dimensional geometry data.

    The `points` are a tuple of x, y, z values, the extra keyword arguments are
    passed along to the scatter function.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.scatter(points[0], points[1], **kw)

def show_3d(points, **kw):
    """Show two-dimensional geometry data.

    The `points` are a tuple of x, y, z values, the extra keyword arguments are
    passed along to the `mlab.points3d` function.

    from mayavi import mlab
    mlab.points3d(points[0], points[1], points[2], **kw)
    mlab.axes(xlabel='X', ylabel='Y', zlabel='Z')

[docs]def get_packed_periodic_packed_particles(add_opt_func, folder, dx, L, B, H=0, dim=2, dfreq=-1, pb=None, nu=None, k=None, tol=1e-2): """ Creates a periodic packed 2D or 3D domain. It creates particles which are not aligned but packed such that the number density is uniform. Parameters ---------- add_opt_func : options function from the parent Application class folder : Application class output directory dx : float required particle spacing L : float length of the domain B : float Width of the domain H : float Height of the domain dim : int dimensionality of the problem dfreq : int projection frequency of particles pb : float background pressure (default: 1.0) nu : float viscosity coefficient (default: 0.3/dx) k : float coefficient of repulsion (default: 0.005*dx) tol : float tolerance value for convergence (default: 1e-2) Returns ------- xs: float x coordinate of solid particles ys: float y coordinate of solid particles zs: float z coordinate of solid particles xf: float x coordinate of fluid particles yf: float y coordinate of fluid particles zf: float z coordinate of fluid particles """ from import get_packing_folders, readdata import os preprocess_folder, layer_folder, res_file = get_packing_folders(folder, dx) no_solid = True if os.path.exists(res_file): return readdata(res_file) else: from import Packer packer = Packer( None, preprocess_folder, None, add_opt_func, dx, res_file, dim=dim, L=L, B=B, H=H, pb=pb, nu=nu, k=k, dfreq=dfreq, no_solid=no_solid, tol=tol ) packer.post_process(packer.info_filename) return readdata(res_file)
[docs]def get_packed_2d_particles_from_surface_coordinates( add_opt_func, folder, dx, x, y, pb=None, nu=None, k=None, scale=1.0, shift=False, dfreq=-1, invert_normal=False, hardpoints=None, use_prediction=False, filter_layers=False, reduce_dfreq=False, tol=1e-2): """ Creates a packed configuration of particles around the given coordinates of a 2D geometry. Parameters ---------- add_opt_func : method options function from the parent Application class folder : string Application class output directory dx : float required particle spacing x : array x coordinates of the geometry y : array y coordinates of the geometry pb : float background pressure (default: 1.0) nu : float viscosity coefficient (default: 0.3/dx) k : float coefficient of repulsion (default: 0.005*dx) scale : float the scaling factor for the coordinates dfreq : int projection frequency of particles invert_normal : bool if True the computed normals are inverted hardpoints : dict the dictionary of hardpoints use_prediction : bool if True, points are projected quickly to reach prediction points filter_layers : bool if True, particles away from boundary are frozen reduce_dfreq : bool if True, reduce projection frequency tol : float tolerance value for convergence (default: 1e-2) Returns ------- xs: float x coordinate of solid particles ys: float y coordinate of solid particles zs: float z coordinate of solid particles xf: float x coordinate of fluid particles yf: float y coordinate of fluid particles zf: float z coordinate of fluid particles """ from import get_packing_folders, readdata import os preprocess_folder, layer_folder, res_file = get_packing_folders(folder, dx) if os.path.exists(res_file): return readdata(res_file) else: from import Packer, HexaToRectLayer packer = Packer( None, preprocess_folder, None, add_opt_func, dx, res_file, dim=2, x=x, y=y, pb=pb, nu=nu, k=k, dfreq=dfreq, hardpoints=hardpoints, use_prediction=use_prediction, filter_layers=filter_layers, reduce_dfreq=reduce_dfreq, tol=tol, scale=scale, shift=shift, invert_normal=invert_normal) packer.post_process(packer.info_filename) hextorect = HexaToRectLayer( None, layer_folder, None, add_opt_func, dx, res_file, dim=2, x=x, y=y, pb=pb, nu=nu, k=k, dfreq=dfreq, hardpoints=hardpoints, use_prediction=use_prediction, filter_layers=filter_layers, reduce_dfreq=reduce_dfreq, tol=tol, scale=scale, shift=shift, invert_normal=invert_normal, no_solid=True) hextorect.post_process(hextorect.info_filename) return readdata(res_file)
[docs]def get_packed_2d_particles_from_surface_file( add_opt_func, folder, dx, filename, pb=None, nu=None, k=None, scale=1.0, shift=False, dfreq=-1, invert_normal=False, hardpoints=None, use_prediction=False, filter_layers=False, reduce_dfreq=False, tol=1e-2): """ Creates a packed configuration of particles around the given geometry file containing the x, y coordinates. Parameters ---------- add_opt_func : method options function from the parent Application class folder : string Application class output directory dx : float required particle spacing filename : string file containing the x, y coordinates of the geometry pb : float background pressure (default: 1.0) nu : float viscosity coefficient (default: 0.3/dx) k : float coefficient of repulsion (default: 0.005*dx) scale : float the scaling factor for the coordinates dfreq : int projection frequency of particles invert_normal : bool if True the computed normals are inverted hardpoints : dict the dictionary of hardpoints use_prediction : bool if True, points are projected quickly to reach prediction points filter_layers : bool if True, particles away from boundary are frozen reduce_dfreq : bool if True, reduce projection frequency tol : float tolerance value for convergence (default: 1e-2) Returns ------- xs: float x coordinate of solid particles ys: float y coordinate of solid particles zs: float z coordinate of solid particles xf: float x coordinate of fluid particles yf: float y coordinate of fluid particles zf: float z coordinate of fluid particles """ from import get_packing_folders, readdata import os preprocess_folder, layer_folder, res_file = get_packing_folders(folder, dx) if os.path.exists(res_file): return readdata(res_file) else: from import Packer, HexaToRectLayer packer = Packer( None, preprocess_folder, None, add_opt_func, dx, res_file, dim=2, filename=filename, pb=pb, nu=nu, k=k, dfreq=dfreq, hardpoints=hardpoints, use_prediction=use_prediction, filter_layers=filter_layers, reduce_dfreq=reduce_dfreq, tol=tol, scale=scale, shift=shift, invert_normal=invert_normal) packer.post_process(packer.info_filename) hextorect = HexaToRectLayer( None, layer_folder, None, add_opt_func, dx, res_file, dim=2, filename=filename, pb=pb, nu=nu, k=k, dfreq=dfreq, hardpoints=hardpoints, use_prediction=use_prediction, filter_layers=filter_layers, reduce_dfreq=reduce_dfreq, tol=tol, scale=scale, shift=shift, invert_normal=invert_normal, no_solid=True) hextorect.post_process(hextorect.info_filename) return readdata(res_file)
[docs]def get_packed_3d_particles_from_surface_file( add_opt_func, folder, dx, filename, pb=None, nu=None, k=None, scale=1.0, shift=False, dfreq=-1, invert_normal=False, hardpoints=None, use_prediction=False, filter_layers=False, reduce_dfreq=False, tol=1e-2): """ Creates a packed configuration of particles around the given STL file containing the x, y, z coordinates and normals. Parameters ---------- add_opt_func : method options function from the parent Application class folder : string Application class output directory dx : float required particle spacing filename : string the STL filename pb : float background pressure (default: 1.0) nu : float viscosity coefficient (default: 0.3/dx) k : float coefficient of repulsion (default: 0.005*dx) scale : float the scaling factor for the coordinates dfreq : int projection frequency of particles invert_normal : bool if True the computed normals are inverted hardpoints : dict the dictionary of hardpoints use_prediction : bool if True, points are projected quickly to reach prediction points filter_layers : bool if True, particles away from boundary are frozen reduce_dfreq : bool if True, reduce projection frequency tol : float tolerance value for convergence (default: 1e-2) Returns ------- xs: float x coordinate of solid particles ys: float y coordinate of solid particles zs: float z coordinate of solid particles xf: float x coordinate of fluid particles yf: float y coordinate of fluid particles zf: float z coordinate of fluid particles """ from import get_packing_folders, readdata import os preprocess_folder, layer_folder, res_file = get_packing_folders(folder, dx) if os.path.exists(res_file): return readdata(res_file) else: from import Packer, HexaToRectLayer packer = Packer( None, preprocess_folder, None, add_opt_func, dx, res_file, dim=3, filename=filename, pb=pb, nu=nu, k=k, dfreq=dfreq, hardpoints=hardpoints, use_prediction=use_prediction, filter_layers=filter_layers, reduce_dfreq=reduce_dfreq, tol=tol, scale=scale, shift=shift, invert_normal=invert_normal) packer.post_process(packer.info_filename) hextorect = HexaToRectLayer( None, layer_folder, None, add_opt_func, dx, res_file, dim=3, filename=filename, pb=pb, nu=nu, k=k, dfreq=dfreq, hardpoints=hardpoints, use_prediction=use_prediction, filter_layers=filter_layers, reduce_dfreq=reduce_dfreq, tol=tol, scale=scale, shift=shift, invert_normal=invert_normal, no_solid=True) hextorect.post_process(hextorect.info_filename) return readdata(res_file)
[docs]def create_fluid_around_packing(dx, xf, yf, L, B, zf=[0.0], H=0.0, **props): """ Create the outer fluid particles around the generated packing. It adds the packed fluid particles and generate a concatenated particle array Parameters ---------- dx : float particle spacing xf : array x coordinate of fluid particles yf : array y coordinate of fluid particles L : float length of the domain B : float width of the domain zf : array z coordinate of fluid particles H : float height of the domain Returns ------- Particle array of fluid """ from pysph.base.utils import get_particle_array xmax = max(xf) xmin = min(xf) ymax = max(yf) ymin = min(yf) zmax = max(zf) zmin = min(zf) print(props) if H < 1e-14: eps = dx/10 x, y = np.mgrid[dx/2:L:dx, -B/2+dx/2:B/2:dx] cond = ~( (x - xmin + eps > 1e-14) & (x - xmax - eps < 1e-14) & (y - ymin + eps > 1e-14) & (y - ymax - eps < 1e-14) ) x = np.concatenate((x[cond], xf)) y = np.concatenate((y[cond], yf)) return get_particle_array( name='fluid', x=x, y=y, **props) else: eps = dx/10 x, y, z = np.mgrid[dx/2:L:dx, -B/2+dx/2:B/2:dx, -H/2+dx/2:H/2:dx] cond = ~( (x - xmin + eps > 1e-14) & (x - xmax - eps < 1e-14) & (y - ymin + eps > 1e-14) & (y - ymax - eps < 1e-14) & (z - zmin + eps > 1e-14) & (z - zmax - eps < 1e-14) ) x = np.concatenate((x[cond], xf)) y = np.concatenate((y[cond], yf)) z = np.concatenate((z[cond], zf)) return get_particle_array(name='fluid', x=x, y=y, z=z, **props)