Source code for pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.magma2

    .. [Rosswog2009] Rosswog, Stephan. "Astrophysical smooth particle
        hydrodynamics." New Astronomy Reviews 53, no. 4-6 (2009): 78-104.

    .. [Rosswog2015] Rosswog, Stephan. "Boosting the accuracy of SPH
        techniques: Newtonian and special-relativistic tests." Monthly
        Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 448, no. 4 (2015):

    .. [Rosswog2020a] Rosswog, Stephan. "A simple, entropy-based dissipation
        trigger for SPH." The Astrophysical Journal 898, no. 1 (2020): 60.

    .. [Rosswog2020b] Rosswog, Stephan. "The Lagrangian hydrodynamics code
        MAGMA2." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 498, no. 3
        (2020): 4230-4255.

from math import log

from compyle.types import declare, annotate
from pysph.base.particle_array import get_ghost_tag

from pysph.sph.equation import Equation
from pysph.sph.integrator import Integrator
from pysph.sph.integrator_step import IntegratorStep
from pysph.sph.scheme import Scheme, add_bool_argument
from pysph.sph.wc.linalg import (augmented_matrix, gj_solve, identity,
                                 mat_mult, mat_vec_mult, dot)

GHOST_TAG = get_ghost_tag()

[docs]class MAGMA2Scheme(Scheme): """ MAGMA2 formulations. Set of Equations: [Rosswog2020b]_ Dissipation Limiter: [Rosswog2020a]_ """ def __init__(self, fluids, solids, dim, gamma, hfact=None, fkern=1.0, adaptive_h_scheme='magma2', max_density_iterations=250, density_iteration_tolerance=1e-3, alphamax=1.0, alphamin=0.1, alphac=0.05, beta=2.0, eps=0.01, eta_crit=0.3, eta_fold=0.2, ndes=None, reconstruction_order=2, formulation='mi1', recycle_accelerations=True, has_ghosts=False, l0=log(1e-4), l1=log(5e-2)): """ Parameters ---------- fluids: list List of names of fluid particle arrays. solids: list List of names of solid particle arrays (or boundaries), currently not supported dim: int Dimensionality of the problem. gamma: float :math:`\\gamma` for Equation of state. hfact: float :math:`h_{fact}` for smoothing length adaptivity, also referred to as kernel_factor in other schemes like AKDE, MPM, GSPH. formulation: str, optional Set of governing equations for momentum and energy. Should be one of {'stdgrad', 'mi1', 'mi2'}, by default 'mi1'. adaptive_h_scheme: str, optional Procedure to adapt smoothing lengths. Should be one of {'gadget2', 'mpm'}, by default 'gadget2'. max_density_iterations: int, optional Maximum number of iterations to run for one density step if using MPM procedure to adapt smoothing lengths, by default 2.0 density_iteration_tolerance: float, optional Maximum difference allowed in two successive density iterations if using MPM procedure to adapt smoothing lengths, by default 1e-3. alphamax : float, optional :math:`\\alpha_{max}` for artificial viscosity switch, by default 1.0 alphamin : float, optional :math:`\\alpha_{0}` for artificial viscosity switch, by default 0.1 alphac : float, optional :math:`\\alpha_{u}` for artificial conductivity, by default 0.05 beta : float, optional :math:`\\beta` for artificial viscosity, by default 2.0 eps : float, optional Numerical parameter often used in denominator to avoid division by zero, by default 0.01 eta_crit : float, optional :math:`\\eta_{crit}` for slope limiter, by default None eta_fold : float, optional :math:`\\eta_{fold}` for slope limiter, by default 0.2 fkern : float, optional :math:`f_{kern}`, Factor to scale smoothing length for equivalence when using kernel with altered `radius_scale`, by default 1.0. ndes : int, optional :math:`n_{des}`, Desired number of neighbours to be in the kernel support of each particle, by default 300 for 3D. reconstruction_order : int, optional Order of reconstruction, by default 2. recycle_accelerations : bool, optional Weather to recycle accelerations, i.e., weather the accelerations used in the correction step can be reused in the successive prediction step, by default True. has_ghosts : bool, optional If ghost particles (either mirror or periodic) is used, by default False. l0 : float, optional Low entropy threshold parameter for dissipation trigger, by default log(1e-4). l1 : float, optional High entropy threshold parameter for dissipation trigger, by default log(5e-2). """ self.h_scheme_choices = {'magma2', 'mpm'} self.formulation_choices = {'mi1', 'mi2', 'stdgrad'} self.reconstruction_order_choices = {0, 1, 2} self.fluids = fluids self.solids = solids self.dim = dim self.solver = None self.gamma = gamma self.beta = beta self.density_iteration_tolerance = density_iteration_tolerance self.max_density_iterations = max_density_iterations self.has_ghosts = has_ghosts self.fkern = fkern self.alphamax = alphamax self.alphamin = alphamin self.alphac = alphac self.eta_crit = eta_crit self.eta_fold = eta_fold self.eps = eps self.recycle_accelerations = recycle_accelerations self.ndes = ndes self.adaptive_h_scheme = adaptive_h_scheme self.formulation = formulation self.reconstruction_order = reconstruction_order self.hfact = hfact self.ndes = ndes self.l0 = l0 self.l1 = l1 def add_user_options(self, group): group.add_argument("--adaptive-h", action="store", dest="adaptive_h_scheme", default=None, choices=self.h_scheme_choices, help="Specify scheme for adaptive smoothing " "lengths: %s" % self.h_scheme_choices) group.add_argument("--h-fact", action="store", type=float, dest="hfact", default=None, help="h_fact for smoothing length adaptivity.") group.add_argument("--formulation", action="store", dest="formulation", default=None, choices=self.formulation_choices, help="Specify the set of governing equations for " "momentum and energy: " "%s" % self.formulation_choices) group.add_argument("--reconstruction-order", action="store", dest="reconstruction_order", type=int, default=None, choices=self.reconstruction_order_choices, help="Specify the order for reconstruction of " "velocity and internal energy: " "%s" % self.reconstruction_order_choices) group.add_argument("--alpha-max", action="store", type=float, dest="alphamax", default=None, help="alpha_max for the artificial viscosity " "switch.") group.add_argument("--alpha-min", action="store", type=float, dest="alphamin", default=None, help="alpha_0 for the artificial viscosity " "switch.") group.add_argument("--l0", action="store", type=float, dest="l0", default=None, help="Low entropy threshold parameter for " "dissipation trigger.") group.add_argument("--l1", action="store", type=float, dest="l1", default=None, help="High entropy threshold parameter for " "dissipation trigger.") group.add_argument("--beta", action="store", type=float, dest="beta", default=None, help="beta for the artificial viscosity.") group.add_argument("--gamma", action="store", type=float, dest="gamma", default=None, help="gamma for the state equation.") group.add_argument("--n-des", action="store", type=float, dest="ndes", default=None, help="Desired Number of neighbours to" " be in the kernel support of " "each particle.") add_bool_argument(group, 'recycle-accelerations', dest='recycle_accelerations', default=None, help="Reuse accelerations used in the correction " "step in the successive prediction step.") def consume_user_options(self, options): vars = ['gamma', 'alphamax', 'beta', 'adaptive_h_scheme', 'ndes', 'recycle_accelerations', 'formulation', 'hfact', 'reconstruction_order', 'alphamin', 'l0', 'l1'] data = dict((var, self._smart_getattr(options, var)) for var in vars) self.configure(**data) def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): if kernel is None: if self.dim == 1: from pysph.base.kernels import WendlandQuinticC6_1D kernel = WendlandQuinticC6_1D(dim=self.dim) else: from pysph.base.kernels import WendlandQuinticC6 kernel = WendlandQuinticC6(dim=self.dim) if hasattr(kernel, 'fkern'): self.fkern = kernel.fkern else: self.fkern = 1.0 steppers = {} if extra_steppers is not None: steppers.update(extra_steppers) if integrator_cls is not None: int_cls = integrator_cls else: if self.recycle_accelerations: int_cls = TVDRK2IntegratorWithRecycling else: int_cls = TVDRK2Integrator step_cls = TVDRK2Step for name in self.fluids: if name not in steppers: steppers[name] = step_cls() integrator = int_cls(**steppers) from pysph.solver.solver import Solver self.solver = Solver(dim=self.dim, integrator=integrator, kernel=kernel, **kw) def get_equations(self): from pysph.sph.equation import Group all_pa = self.fluids + self.solids if self.reconstruction_order not in self.reconstruction_order_choices: raise ValueError("reconstruction_order must be one of: " "%r." % self.reconstruction_order_choices) equations = [] if self.adaptive_h_scheme == "magma2": if self.ndes is None: raise ValueError("ndes should be specified if smoothing " "lengths are to be adapted by MAGMA2 " "procedure.") else: g1p0 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g1p0.append(IncreaseSmoothingLength(dest=fluid, sources=None)) equations.append(Group(equations=g1p0)) g1p1 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g1p1.append(UpdateSmoothingLength(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, ndes=self.ndes)) equations.append(Group(equations=g1p1)) g2 = [] from pysph.sph.basic_equations import SummationDensity for fluid in self.fluids: g2.append(SummationDensity(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa)) g2.append(IdealGasEOS(dest=fluid, sources=None, gamma=self.gamma)) if self.reconstruction_order > 1: g2.append(AuxiliaryGradient(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim)) equations.append(Group(equations=g2)) elif self.adaptive_h_scheme == "mpm": if self.hfact is None: raise ValueError("hfact should be specified if smoothing " "lengths are to be adapted by MPM procedure.") else: g1 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g1.append(SummationDensityMPMStyle( dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, hfact=self.hfact, density_iterations=True, dim=self.dim, htol=self.density_iteration_tolerance)) equations.append( Group(equations=g1, update_nnps=True, iterate=True, max_iterations=self.max_density_iterations)) g2 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g2.append(IdealGasEOS(dest=fluid, sources=None, gamma=self.gamma)) if self.reconstruction_order > 1: g2.append(AuxiliaryGradient(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim)) equations.append(Group(equations=g2)) else: raise ValueError("adaptive_h_scheme must be one of: " "%r." % self.h_scheme_choices) g3p1 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g3p1.append(CorrectionMatrix(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim)) equations.append(Group(equations=g3p1)) g3p2 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: if self.reconstruction_order > 0: g3p2.append(FirstGradient(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim)) if self.reconstruction_order > 1: g3p2.append(SecondGradient(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim)) g3p2.append(EntropyBasedDissipationTrigger(dest=fluid, sources=None, alphamax=self.alphamax, alphamin=self.alphamin, fkern=self.fkern, l0=self.l0, l1=self.l1, gamma=self.gamma)) equations.append(Group(equations=g3p2)) g4 = [] for solid in self.solids: g4.append(WallBoundary(solid, sources=self.fluids, dim=self.dim)) equations.append(Group(equations=g4)) if self.has_ghosts: gh = [] for fluid in self.fluids: gh.append(UpdateGhostProps(dest=fluid, sources=None, dim=self.dim)) equations.append(Group(equations=gh, real=False)) g5 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: if self.formulation == 'mi1': g5.append(MomentumAndEnergyMI1(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim, beta=self.beta, fkern=self.fkern, eta_crit=self.eta_crit, eta_fold=self.eta_fold, alphac=self.alphac, eps=self.eps)) elif self.formulation == 'mi2': g5.append(MomentumAndEnergyMI2(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim, beta=self.beta, fkern=self.fkern, eta_crit=self.eta_crit, eta_fold=self.eta_fold, alphac=self.alphac, eps=self.eps)) elif self.formulation == 'stdgrad': g5.append(MomentumAndEnergyStdGrad(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim, beta=self.beta, fkern=self.fkern, eta_crit=self.eta_crit, eta_fold=self.eta_fold, alphac=self.alphac, eps=self.eps)) else: raise ValueError("formulation must be one of: " "%r." % self.formulation_choices) g5.append( EvaluateTildeMu(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim)) equations.append(Group(equations=g5)) return equations def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): import numpy particle_arrays = dict([(, p) for p in particles]) props = ['rho', 'm', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'h', 'cs', 'p', 'e', 'au', 'av', 'aw', 'ae', 'pid', 'gid', 'tag', 'dwdh', 'converged', 'ah', 'arho', 'dt_cfl', 'u0', 'v0', 'w0'] more_props = ['n', 'dndh', 'prevn', 'prevdndh', 'divv', 'an', 'h0', 'aalpha', 'tilmu', 'dt_adapt', 'aalpha0', 'ae0', 'ah0', 'an0', 'arho0', 'au0', 'av0', 'aw0'] props.extend(more_props) output_props = 'm rho p u v w x y z e n divv h alpha'.split(' ') for fluid in self.fluids: pa = particle_arrays[fluid] self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) # The initial smoothing length needs to be huge if using # adaptive_h_scheme='magma2' if self.adaptive_h_scheme == 'magma2': pa.h = 2.0 * pa.h pa.add_property('orig_idx', type='int') # Guess for number density. pa.add_property('n', data=pa.rho / pa.m) pa.add_property('s', data=pa.p / (pa.rho ** self.gamma)) pa.add_property('alpha', data=self.alphamin) pa.add_property('dv', stride=9, data=0.0) pa.add_property('dvaux', stride=9, data=0.0) pa.add_property('invdm', stride=9, data=0.0) pa.add_property('cm', stride=9, data=0.0) pa.add_property('ddv', stride=27, data=0.0) pa.add_property('de', stride=3, data=0.0) pa.add_property('dde', stride=9, data=0.0) pa.add_property('deaux', stride=3, data=0.0) nfp = pa.get_number_of_particles() pa.orig_idx[:] = numpy.arange(nfp) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props) solid_props = set(props) | set('wij htmp alpha rho0'.split(' ')) for solid in self.solids: pa = particle_arrays[solid] self._ensure_properties(pa, solid_props, clean) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props) pa.add_property('cm', stride=9, data=0.0) pa.add_property('ddv', stride=27, data=0.0) pa.add_property('de', stride=3, data=0.0) pa.add_property('dde', stride=9, data=0.0) pa.add_property('dv', stride=9, data=0.0) pa.add_property('dvaux', stride=9, data=0.0) pa.add_property('deaux', stride=3, data=0.0)
[docs]class IncreaseSmoothingLength(Equation): """ Increase smoothing length by 10%. """
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_h): d_h[d_idx] *= 1.10
[docs]class UpdateSmoothingLength(Equation): """ Sorts neighbours based on distance and uses the distance of nearest :math:`(n_{des} + 1)^{th}` particle to set the smoothing length. Here, :math:`n_{des}` is the desired number of neighbours to be in the kernel support of each particle. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, ndes): self.ndes = int(ndes) super().__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [quicksort]
[docs] def loop_all(self, d_idx, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_h, s_x, s_y, s_z, NBRS, N_NBRS, SPH_KERNEL): i, ndes = declare('int', 2) ndes = self.ndes s_idx = declare('long') xij = declare('matrix(3)') rij = declare('matrix(1000)') # May set a bigger or a smaller size. for i in range(N_NBRS): s_idx = NBRS[i] xij[0] = d_x[d_idx] - s_x[s_idx] xij[1] = d_y[d_idx] - s_y[s_idx] xij[2] = d_z[d_idx] - s_z[s_idx] rij[i] = sqrt(xij[0] * xij[0] + xij[1] * xij[1] + xij[2] * xij[2]) quicksort(rij, 0, N_NBRS - 1) if N_NBRS > 1: # Scheme recommends using (ndes + 1)th rij. The min() used below # is just an extra precaution. Btw, index of (ndes + 1)th element # is ndes as indexing starts from 0. i = min(ndes, N_NBRS - 1) d_h[d_idx] = rij[i] / SPH_KERNEL.radius_scale
[docs]class SummationDensityMPMStyle(Equation): """ :class:`SummationDensity <pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.basic.SummationDensity>` modified to use number density and without grad-h terms. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim, density_iterations=False, iterate_only_once=False, hfact=1.2, htol=1e-6): self.density_iterations = density_iterations self.iterate_only_once = iterate_only_once self.dim = dim self.hfact = hfact self.htol = htol self.equation_has_converged = 1 super().__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_rho, d_arho, d_n, d_dndh, d_prevn, d_prevdndh, d_an): d_rho[d_idx] = 0.0 d_arho[d_idx] = 0.0 d_prevn[d_idx] = d_n[d_idx] d_prevdndh[d_idx] = d_dndh[d_idx] d_n[d_idx] = 0.0 d_an[d_idx] = 0.0 d_dndh[d_idx] = 0.0 # set the converged attribute for the Equation to True. Within # the post-loop, if any particle hasn't converged, this is set # to False. The Group can therefore iterate till convergence. self.equation_has_converged = 1
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_rho, d_arho, s_m, VIJ, WI, DWI, GHI, d_n, d_dndh, d_an): mj = s_m[s_idx] vijdotdwij = VIJ[0] * DWI[0] + VIJ[1] * DWI[1] + VIJ[2] * DWI[2] # density d_rho[d_idx] += mj * WI d_arho[d_idx] += mj * vijdotdwij d_an[d_idx] += vijdotdwij # gradient of kernel w.r.t h d_n[d_idx] += WI d_dndh[d_idx] += GHI
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_h0, d_h, d_ah, d_converged, d_n, d_dndh, d_an): # iteratively find smoothing length if self.density_iterations: if not (d_converged[d_idx] == 1): hi = d_h[d_idx] hi0 = d_h0[d_idx] # estimated, without summations ni = (self.hfact / hi) ** self.dim dndhi = - self.dim * d_n[d_idx] / hi # the non-linear function and it's derivative func = d_n[d_idx] - ni dfdh = d_dndh[d_idx] - dndhi # Newton Raphson estimate for the new h hnew = hi - func / dfdh # Nanny control for h if hnew > 1.2 * hi: hnew = 1.2 * hi elif hnew < 0.8 * hi: hnew = 0.8 * hi # check for convergence diff = abs(hnew - hi) / hi0 if not ((diff < self.htol) or self.iterate_only_once): # this particle hasn't converged. This means the # entire group must be repeated until this fellow # has converged, or till the maximum iteration has # been reached. self.equation_has_converged = -1 # set particle properties for the next # iteration. For the 'converged' array, a value of # 0 indicates the particle hasn't converged d_h[d_idx] = hnew d_converged[d_idx] = 0 else: d_ah[d_idx] = d_an[d_idx] / dndhi d_converged[d_idx] = 1
[docs] def converged(self): return self.equation_has_converged
[docs]class IdealGasEOS(Equation): """ :class:`IdealGasEOS <pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.basic.IdealGasEOS>` modified to avoid repeated calculations using :meth:`loop() <pysph.sph.equation.Equation.loop()>`. Doing the same using :meth:`post_loop() <pysph.sph.equation.Equation.loop()>`. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, gamma): self.gamma = gamma self.gamma1 = gamma - 1.0 super(IdealGasEOS, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_p, d_rho, d_e, d_cs): d_p[d_idx] = self.gamma1 * d_rho[d_idx] * d_e[d_idx] d_cs[d_idx] = sqrt(self.gamma * d_p[d_idx] / d_rho[d_idx])
[docs]class AuxiliaryGradient(Equation): """ Auxiliary first gradient calculated using analytical gradient of kernel and without using density. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim): self.dim = dim self.dimsq = dim * dim super().__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [mat_mult, augmented_matrix, identity, gj_solve, mat_vec_mult]
[docs] def initialize(self, d_dvaux, d_idx, d_invdm, d_deaux): dsi2, i, dim, dimsq = declare('int', 4) dimsq = self.dimsq dim = self.dim dsi2 = dimsq * d_idx for i in range(dim): d_deaux[dim * d_idx + i] = 0.0 for i in range(dimsq): d_dvaux[dsi2 + i] = 0.0 d_invdm[dsi2 + i] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, VIJ, XIJ, d_invdm, DWI, d_dvaux, s_m, s_idx, d_deaux, d_e, s_e): dsi2, row, col, drowcol, dim, dimsq = declare('int', 6) dim = self.dim dsi2 = d_idx * self.dimsq eij = d_e[d_idx] - s_e[s_idx] for row in range(dim): d_deaux[d_idx * dim + row] += s_m[s_idx] * eij * DWI[row] for col in range(dim): drowcol = dsi2 + row * dim + col d_dvaux[drowcol] += s_m[s_idx] * VIJ[row] * DWI[col] d_invdm[drowcol] += s_m[s_idx] * XIJ[row] * DWI[col]
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_invdm, d_dvaux, d_deaux): dsi2, row, col, rowcol, dim = declare('int', 5) invdm, idmat, dvaux, dvauxpre, dm = declare('matrix(9)', 5) auginvdm = declare('matrix(18)') deauxpre, deaux = declare('matrix(3)', 2) dim = self.dim dsi2 = self.dimsq * d_idx for row in range(dim): deauxpre[row] = d_deaux[dim * d_idx + row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col dvauxpre[rowcol] = d_dvaux[dsi2 + rowcol] invdm[rowcol] = d_invdm[dsi2 + rowcol] identity(idmat, dim) augmented_matrix(invdm, idmat, dim, dim, dim, auginvdm) gj_solve(auginvdm, dim, dim, dm) mat_mult(dm, dvauxpre, dim, dvaux) mat_vec_mult(dm, deauxpre, dim, deaux) for row in range(dim): d_deaux[d_idx * dim + row] = deaux[row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col d_dvaux[dsi2 + rowcol] = dvaux[rowcol]
[docs]class CorrectionMatrix(Equation): """ Correction matrix, C, that accounts for the local particle distribution and used in calculation of gradients without using analytical derivatives of kernel. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim): self.dim = dim self.dimsq = dim * dim super().__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [identity, augmented_matrix, gj_solve]
[docs] def initialize(self, d_cm, d_idx): dsi, i, dimsq = declare('int', 3) dimsq = self.dimsq dsi = dimsq * d_idx for i in range(dimsq): d_cm[dsi + i] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_m, s_idx, XIJ, s_rho, d_cm, WI): dsi2, row, col, drowcol, dim, dimsq = declare('int', 6) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dsi2 = d_idx * dimsq mbbyrhob = s_m[s_idx] / s_rho[s_idx] for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): drowcol = dsi2 + row * dim + col d_cm[drowcol] += mbbyrhob * XIJ[row] * XIJ[col] * WI
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_cm): invcm, cm, idmat = declare('matrix(9)', 3) augcm = declare('matrix(18)') dsi2, row, col, rowcol, dim, dimsq = declare('int', 6) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dsi2 = dimsq * d_idx identity(invcm, dim) identity(idmat, dim) for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col invcm[rowcol] = d_cm[dsi2 + rowcol] augmented_matrix(invcm, idmat, dim, dim, dim, augcm) gj_solve(augcm, dim, dim, cm) for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col d_cm[dsi2 + rowcol] = cm[rowcol]
[docs]class FirstGradient(Equation): """ First gradient and divergence calculated using matrix inversion formulation without analytical derivative of the kernel. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim): self.dim = dim self.dimsq = dim * dim super().__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [mat_mult, mat_vec_mult]
[docs] def initialize(self, d_dv, d_idx, d_divv, d_de): dsi2, i, dim, dimsq = declare('int', 4) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dsi2 = dimsq * d_idx for i in range(dim): d_de[dim * d_idx + i] = 0.0 for i in range(dimsq): d_dv[dsi2 + i] = 0.0 d_divv[d_idx] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, VIJ, XIJ, d_dv, WI, s_m, s_rho, s_idx, d_e, s_e, d_de): dsi2, row, col, dim = declare('int', 4) dim = self.dim dsi2 = d_idx * self.dimsq mbbyrhob = s_m[s_idx] / s_rho[s_idx] eij = d_e[d_idx] - s_e[s_idx] for row in range(dim): d_de[d_idx * dim + row] += mbbyrhob * eij * XIJ[row] * WI for col in range(dim): d_dv[dsi2 + row * dim + col] += mbbyrhob * VIJ[row] * \ XIJ[col] * WI
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_dv, d_divv, d_cm, d_de): dv, dvpre, cm = declare('matrix(9)', 3) dsi2, row, col, rowcol, dim = declare('int', 5) depre, de = declare('matrix(3)', 2) dim = self.dim dsi2 = self.dimsq * d_idx for row in range(dim): depre[row] = d_de[dim * d_idx + row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col dvpre[rowcol] = d_dv[dsi2 + rowcol] cm[rowcol] = d_cm[dsi2 + rowcol] mat_mult(cm, dvpre, dim, dv) mat_vec_mult(cm, depre, dim, de) for row in range(dim): d_divv[d_idx] += dv[row * dim + row] d_de[d_idx * dim + row] = de[row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col d_dv[dsi2 + rowcol] = dv[rowcol]
[docs]class SecondGradient(Equation): """ Second gradient calculated from auxiliary gradient using matrix inversion formulation without analytical derivative of the kernel. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim): self.dim = dim self.dimsq = dim * dim self.dimcu = self.dimsq * dim super().__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [mat_mult]
[docs] def initialize(self, d_ddv, d_idx, d_dde): dsi3, i, dim, dimcu, blk, row, col = declare('int', 7) dsi2, dimsq = declare('int', 2) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dimcu = self.dimcu dsi2 = dimsq * d_idx dsi3 = dimcu * d_idx for i in range(dimcu): d_ddv[dsi3 + i] = 0.0 for i in range(dimsq): d_dde[dsi2 + i] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, XIJ, d_dvaux, s_dvaux, WI, d_ddv, s_m, s_rho, s_idx, s_deaux, d_deaux, d_dde): dsi2, row, col, dim, dimsq = declare('int', 5) blk, dblkrowcol, ssi2, srowcol, rowcol = declare('int', 5) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dsi2 = d_idx * dimsq ssi2 = s_idx * dimsq mbbyrhob = s_m[s_idx] / s_rho[s_idx] for row in range(dim): deij = d_deaux[d_idx * dim + row] - s_deaux[s_idx * dim + row] for col in range(dim): d_dde[dsi2 + row * dim + col] += mbbyrhob * deij * XIJ[col] * \ WI for blk in range(dim): for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): dblkrowcol = dsi2 * dim + blk * dimsq + row * dim + col dvij = d_dvaux[dsi2 + blk * dim + row] - s_dvaux[ ssi2 + blk * dim + row] d_ddv[dblkrowcol] += mbbyrhob * dvij * XIJ[col] * WI
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_cm, d_ddv, d_dde): ddvpre = declare('matrix(27)') ddvpreb, ddvblk, cm, ddepre, dde = declare('matrix(9)', 5) dsi2, row, col, rowcol, dim, dimsq = declare('int', 6) blk, blkrowcol, dsi3 = declare('int', 3) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dsi2 = dimsq * d_idx dsi3 = dsi2 * dim for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col ddepre[rowcol] = d_dde[dsi2 + rowcol] cm[rowcol] = d_cm[dsi2 + rowcol] mat_mult(cm, ddepre, dim, dde) for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col d_dde[dsi2 + rowcol] = dde[rowcol] for blk in range(dim): for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): blkrowcol = blk * dimsq + row * dim + col ddvpre[blkrowcol] = d_ddv[dsi3 + blkrowcol] for blk in range(dim): for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col ddvpreb[rowcol] = ddvpre[blk * dimsq + rowcol] mat_mult(cm, ddvpreb, dim, ddvblk) for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col d_ddv[dsi3 + blk * dimsq + rowcol] = ddvblk[rowcol]
[docs]class EntropyBasedDissipationTrigger(Equation): """ Simple, entropy-based dissipation trigger from [Rosswog2020a]_ """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, alphamax, alphamin, fkern, l0, l1, gamma): self.alphamax = alphamax self.fkern = fkern self.l0 = l0 self.l1 = l1 self.gamma = gamma self.alphamin = alphamin super().__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_h, d_idx, d_cs, d_alpha, d_s, d_p, d_rho, dt, d_aalpha): snew = d_p[d_idx] / pow(d_rho[d_idx], self.gamma) tau = self.fkern * d_h[d_idx] / d_cs[d_idx] epsdot = abs(d_s[d_idx] - snew) * tau / (d_s[d_idx] * dt) d_s[d_idx] = snew ll = log(epsdot) x = min(max((ll - self.l0) / (self.l1 - self.l0), 0.0), 1.0) sx = ((6.0 * x - 15.0) * x + 10.0) * x * x * x alphades = self.alphamax * sx if d_alpha[d_idx] > alphades: d_aalpha[d_idx] = -(d_alpha[d_idx] - self.alphamin) / (30.0 * tau) else: d_alpha[d_idx] = alphades d_aalpha[d_idx] = 0.0
[docs]class WallBoundary(Equation): """:class:`WallBoundary <pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.boundary_equations.WallBoundary>` modified for MAGMA2. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim): self.dim = dim self.dimsq = dim * dim self.dimcu = self.dimsq * dim super().__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_p, d_rho, d_e, d_m, d_cs, d_h, d_htmp, d_h0, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_wij, d_n, d_dndh, d_divv, d_alpha, d_ddv, d_dv, d_de, d_cm, d_dde, d_rho0): i, dim, dimsq, dimcu, dsi1, dsi2, dsi3 = declare('int', 7) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dimcu = self.dimcu dsi1 = d_idx * dim dsi2 = d_idx * dimsq dsi3 = d_idx * dimcu d_p[d_idx] = 0.0 d_u[d_idx] = 0.0 d_v[d_idx] = 0.0 d_w[d_idx] = 0.0 d_rho0[d_idx] = d_rho[d_idx] d_m[d_idx] = 0.0 d_rho[d_idx] = 0.0 d_e[d_idx] = 0.0 d_cs[d_idx] = 0.0 d_divv[d_idx] = 0.0 d_wij[d_idx] = 0.0 d_h[d_idx] = d_h0[d_idx] d_htmp[d_idx] = 0.0 d_n[d_idx] = 0.0 d_dndh[d_idx] = 0.0 d_alpha[d_idx] = 0.0 for i in range(dim): d_de[dsi1 + i] = 0.0 for i in range(dimsq): d_dv[dsi2 + i] = 0.0 d_cm[dsi2 + i] = 0.0 d_dde[dsi2 + i] = 0.0 for i in range(dimcu): d_ddv[dsi3 + i] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_p, d_rho, d_e, d_m, d_cs, d_divv, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_wij, d_htmp, s_p, s_rho, s_e, s_m, s_cs, s_h, s_divv, s_u, s_v, s_w, WI, s_n, d_n, s_dndh, d_dndh, d_alpha, s_alpha, d_de, s_de, d_dv, d_cm, d_dde, s_dv, s_cm, s_dde, s_ddv, d_ddv): i, dim, dimsq, dimcu = declare('int', 4) dsi1, dsi2, dsi3, ssi1, ssi2, ssi3 = declare('int', 6) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dimcu = self.dimcu dsi1 = d_idx * dim dsi2 = d_idx * dimsq dsi3 = d_idx * dimcu ssi1 = s_idx * dim ssi2 = s_idx * dimsq ssi3 = s_idx * dimcu d_wij[d_idx] += WI d_p[d_idx] += s_p[s_idx] * WI d_u[d_idx] -= s_u[s_idx] * WI d_v[d_idx] -= s_v[s_idx] * WI d_w[d_idx] -= s_w[s_idx] * WI d_m[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * WI d_rho[d_idx] += s_rho[s_idx] * WI d_e[d_idx] += s_e[s_idx] * WI d_cs[d_idx] += s_cs[s_idx] * WI d_divv[d_idx] += s_divv[s_idx] * WI d_htmp[d_idx] += s_h[s_idx] * WI d_n[d_idx] += s_n[s_idx] * WI d_dndh[d_idx] += s_dndh[s_idx] * WI d_alpha[d_idx] += s_alpha[s_idx] * WI for i in range(dim): d_de[dsi1 + i] -= s_de[ssi1 + i] * WI for i in range(dimsq): d_dv[dsi2 + i] -= s_dv[ssi2 + i] * WI d_cm[dsi2 + i] += s_cm[ssi2 + i] * WI d_dde[dsi2 + i] += s_dde[ssi2 + i] * WI for i in range(dimcu): d_ddv[dsi3 + i] += s_ddv[ssi3 + i] * WI
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_p, d_rho, d_e, d_m, d_cs, d_divv, d_h, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_wij, d_htmp, d_n, d_dndh, d_de, d_dv, d_cm, d_dde, d_ddv, d_rho0): i, dim, dimsq, dimcu, dsi1, dsi2, dsi3 = declare('int', 7) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dimcu = self.dimcu dsi1 = d_idx * dim dsi2 = d_idx * dimsq dsi3 = d_idx * dimcu if d_wij[d_idx] > 1e-30: d_p[d_idx] = d_p[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_u[d_idx] = d_u[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_v[d_idx] = d_v[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_w[d_idx] = d_w[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_m[d_idx] = d_m[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_rho[d_idx] = d_rho[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_e[d_idx] = d_e[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_cs[d_idx] = d_cs[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_divv[d_idx] = d_divv[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_h[d_idx] = d_htmp[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_n[d_idx] = d_n[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] d_dndh[d_idx] = d_dndh[d_idx] / d_wij[d_idx] for i in range(dim): d_de[dsi1 + i] = d_de[dsi1 + i] / d_wij[d_idx] for i in range(dimsq): d_dv[dsi2 + i] = d_dv[dsi2 + i] / d_wij[d_idx] d_cm[dsi2 + i] = d_cm[dsi2 + i] / d_wij[d_idx] d_dde[dsi2 + i] = d_dde[dsi2 + i] / d_wij[d_idx] for i in range(dimcu): d_ddv[dsi3 + i] = d_ddv[dsi3 + i] / d_wij[d_idx] # Rho appears in denominator of correction matrix and elsewhere, so it # should not be zero. if abs(d_rho[d_idx]) < 1e-10: d_rho[d_idx] = d_rho0[d_idx]
class UpdateGhostProps(Equation): """ :class:`MPMUpdateGhostProps <pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.basic.MPMUpdateGhostProps>` modified for MAGMA2. """ def __init__(self, dest, dim, sources=None): super().__init__(dest, sources) self.dim = dim self.dimsq = dim * dim assert GHOST_TAG == 2 def initialize(self, d_idx, d_orig_idx, d_p, d_tag, d_h, d_rho, d_dndh, d_n, d_cm, d_dv, d_dvaux, d_ddv, d_dde, d_de, d_deaux, d_cs, d_alpha): idx, dim, dimsq, row, col, rowcol, blk = declare('int', 7) blkrowcol, dsi2, si2, drowcol, srowcol = declare('int', 5) if d_tag[d_idx] == 2: idx = d_orig_idx[d_idx] d_p[d_idx] = d_p[idx] d_h[d_idx] = d_h[idx] d_cs[d_idx] = d_cs[idx] d_alpha[d_idx] = d_alpha[idx] d_rho[d_idx] = d_rho[idx] d_dndh[d_idx] = d_dndh[idx] d_n[d_idx] = d_n[idx] dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dsi2 = dimsq * d_idx si2 = dimsq * idx for row in range(dim): d_de[d_idx * dim + row] = d_de[idx * dim + row] d_deaux[d_idx * dim + row] = d_de[idx * dim + row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col drowcol = dsi2 + rowcol srowcol = si2 + rowcol d_cm[drowcol] = d_cm[srowcol] d_dv[drowcol] = d_dv[srowcol] d_dvaux[drowcol] = d_dvaux[srowcol] d_dde[drowcol] = d_dde[srowcol] for blk in range(dim): for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): blkrowcol = blk * dimsq + row * dim + col d_ddv[dim * dsi2 + blkrowcol] = d_ddv[dim * si2 + blkrowcol] class MomentumAndEnergy(Equation): def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim, fkern, eta_crit=0.3, eta_fold=0.2, beta=2.0, alphac=0.05, eps=0.01): self.beta = beta self.dim = dim self.fkern = fkern self.dimsq = dim * dim self.eta_crit = eta_crit self.eta_fold = eta_fold self.alphac = alphac self.epssq = eps * eps super().__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [dot] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_ae): d_au[d_idx] = 0.0 d_av[d_idx] = 0.0 d_aw[d_idx] = 0.0 d_ae[d_idx] = 0.0
[docs]class MomentumAndEnergyStdGrad(MomentumAndEnergy): """Standard Gradient formulation (stdGrad) momentum and energy equations with artificial viscosity and artificial conductivity from [Rosswog2020b]_ """
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, s_m, d_p, s_p, d_cs, s_cs, d_rho, s_rho, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_ae, XIJ, VIJ, d_alpha, s_alpha, d_ddv, s_ddv, RHOIJ1, d_h, s_h, DWI, DWJ, d_dv, s_dv, d_de, s_de, d_dde, s_dde, d_e, s_e): etai, etaj, vij, mpinc, dvdel, ddvdeldel = declare('matrix(3)', 6) dsi2, ssi2, row, col, blk = declare('int', 5) blkrowcol, rowcol, dim, dimsq = declare('int', 4) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dsi2 = dimsq * d_idx ssi2 = dimsq * s_idx epssq = self.epssq beta = self.beta hi = self.fkern * d_h[d_idx] hj = self.fkern * s_h[s_idx] for row in range(dim): etai[row] = XIJ[row] / hi etaj[row] = XIJ[row] / hj # Limiter etaisq = dot(etai, etai, dim) etajsq = dot(etaj, etaj, dim) etaij = sqrt(min(etaisq, etajsq)) aanum = 0.0 aaden = 0.0 for row in range(dim): mpinc[row] = 0.5 * XIJ[row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col aanum += d_dv[dsi2 + rowcol] * XIJ[row] * XIJ[col] aaden += s_dv[ssi2 + rowcol] * XIJ[row] * XIJ[col] aaij = aanum / aaden phiijin = min(1.0, 4.0 * aaij / ((1.0 + aaij) * (1.0 + aaij))) phiij = max(0.0, phiijin) if etaij < self.eta_crit: powin = (etaij - self.eta_crit) / self.eta_fold phiij = phiij * exp(-powin * powin) # Reconstruction dedel = 0.0 ddedel = 0.0 for row in range(dim): dvdel[row] = 0.0 ddvdeldel[row] = 0.0 # [(\partial_j e) \delta^j]_a - [(\partial_j e) \delta^j]_b dedel -= (d_de[d_idx * dim + row] + s_de[s_idx * dim + row]) * mpinc[row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col # [(\partial_j v^i) \delta^j]_a - [(\partial_j v^i) \delta^j]_b dvdel[row] -= (d_dv[dsi2 + rowcol] + s_dv[ssi2 + rowcol]) * mpinc[col] # [(\partial_l \partial_m e) \delta^l \delta^m]_a - # [(\partial_l \partial_m e) \delta^l \delta^m]_b ddedel += (d_dde[dsi2 + rowcol] - s_dde[ssi2 + rowcol]) * mpinc[row] * mpinc[col] for blk in range(dim): blkrowcol = dimsq * blk + row * dim + col # [(\partial_l \partial_m v^i) \delta^l \delta^m]_a - # [(\partial_l \partial_m v^i) \delta^l \delta^m]_b ddvdeldel[row] += (d_ddv[dsi2 * dim + blkrowcol] - s_ddv[ ssi2 * dim + blkrowcol]) * mpinc[col] * mpinc[blk] # Reconstructed differences and norm(DWIJ) sm = 0.0 for row in range(dim): vij[row] = VIJ[row] + phiij * (dvdel[row] + 0.5 * ddvdeldel[row]) sm += (DWI[row] + DWJ[row]) * (DWI[row] + DWJ[row]) eij = d_e[d_idx] - s_e[s_idx] + phiij * (dedel + 0.5 * ddedel) normdwij = 0.5 * sqrt(sm) # Artificial viscosity vsigng = sqrt(abs(d_p[d_idx] - s_p[s_idx]) * RHOIJ1) mui = min(0.0, dot(vij, etai, dim) / (etaisq + epssq)) muj = min(0.0, dot(vij, etaj, dim) / (etajsq + epssq)) qi = d_rho[d_idx] * mui * (-d_alpha[d_idx] * d_cs[d_idx] + beta * mui) qj = s_rho[s_idx] * muj * (-s_alpha[s_idx] * s_cs[s_idx] + beta * muj) pi = d_p[d_idx] + qi pj = s_p[s_idx] + qj # Accelerations for velocity mjpibyrhoisq = s_m[s_idx] * pi / (d_rho[d_idx] * d_rho[d_idx]) mjpjbyrhojsq = s_m[s_idx] * pj / (s_rho[s_idx] * s_rho[s_idx]) d_au[d_idx] -= mjpibyrhoisq * DWI[0] + mjpjbyrhojsq * DWJ[0] d_av[d_idx] -= mjpibyrhoisq * DWI[1] + mjpjbyrhojsq * DWJ[1] d_aw[d_idx] -= mjpibyrhoisq * DWI[2] + mjpjbyrhojsq * DWJ[2] # Accelerations for the thermal energy vijdotdwi = dot(VIJ, DWI, dim) d_ae[d_idx] += mjpibyrhoisq * vijdotdwi # artificial conduction d_ae[d_idx] -= (self.alphac * s_m[s_idx] * vsigng * eij * normdwij * RHOIJ1)
class MomentumAndEnergyMI1(MomentumAndEnergy): """Matrix inversion formulation 1 (MI1) momentum and energy equations with artificial viscosity and artificial conductivity from [Rosswog2020b]_ """ def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, s_m, d_p, s_p, d_cs, s_cs, d_rho, s_rho, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_ae, XIJ, VIJ, d_alpha, s_alpha, d_ddv, s_ddv, RHOIJ1, d_h, s_h, d_cm, s_cm, WI, WJ, d_dv, s_dv, d_de, s_de, d_dde, s_dde, d_e, s_e): gmi, gmj, etai, etaj, vij, mpinc = declare('matrix(3)', 6) dvdel, ddvdeldel = declare('matrix(3)', 3) dsi2, ssi2, row, col, blk = declare('int', 5) blkrowcol, rowcol, dim, dimsq = declare('int', 4) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dsi2 = dimsq * d_idx ssi2 = dimsq * s_idx epssq = self.epssq beta = self.beta hi = self.fkern * d_h[d_idx] hj = self.fkern * s_h[s_idx] for row in range(3): gmi[row] = 0.0 gmj[row] = 0.0 for row in range(dim): etai[row] = XIJ[row] / hi etaj[row] = XIJ[row] / hj # Limiter etaisq = dot(etai, etai, dim) etajsq = dot(etaj, etaj, dim) etaij = sqrt(min(etaisq, etajsq)) aanum = 0.0 aaden = 0.0 for row in range(dim): mpinc[row] = 0.5 * XIJ[row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col aanum += d_dv[dsi2 + rowcol] * XIJ[row] * XIJ[col] aaden += s_dv[ssi2 + rowcol] * XIJ[row] * XIJ[col] aaij = aanum / aaden phiijin = min(1.0, 4.0 * aaij / ((1.0 + aaij) * (1.0 + aaij))) phiij = max(0.0, phiijin) if etaij < self.eta_crit: powin = (etaij - self.eta_crit) / self.eta_fold phiij = phiij * exp(-powin * powin) # Reconstruction dedel = 0.0 ddedel = 0.0 for row in range(dim): dvdel[row] = 0.0 ddvdeldel[row] = 0.0 # [(\partial_j e) \delta^j]_a - [(\partial_j e) \delta^j]_b dedel -= (d_de[d_idx * dim + row] + s_de[s_idx * dim + row]) * mpinc[row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col # [(\partial_j v^i) \delta^j]_a - [(\partial_j v^i) \delta^j]_b dvdel[row] -= (d_dv[dsi2 + rowcol] + s_dv[ssi2 + rowcol]) * mpinc[col] # [(\partial_l \partial_m e) \delta^l \delta^m]_a - # [(\partial_l \partial_m e) \delta^l \delta^m]_b ddedel += (d_dde[dsi2 + rowcol] - s_dde[ssi2 + rowcol]) * mpinc[row] * mpinc[col] for blk in range(dim): blkrowcol = dimsq * blk + row * dim + col # [(\partial_l \partial_m v^i) \delta^l \delta^m]_a - # [(\partial_l \partial_m v^i) \delta^l \delta^m]_b ddvdeldel[row] += (d_ddv[dsi2 * dim + blkrowcol] - s_ddv[ ssi2 * dim + blkrowcol]) * mpinc[col] * mpinc[blk] # Gradient functions and reconstructed differences sm = 0.0 for row in range(dim): for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col gmi[row] -= d_cm[dsi2 + rowcol] * XIJ[col] * WI gmj[row] -= s_cm[ssi2 + rowcol] * XIJ[col] * WJ gmij = 0.5 * (gmi[row] + gmj[row]) sm += gmij * gmij vij[row] = VIJ[row] + phiij * (dvdel[row] + 0.5 * ddvdeldel[row]) normgmij = 0.5 * sqrt(sm) eij = d_e[d_idx] - s_e[s_idx] + phiij * (dedel + 0.5 * ddedel) # Artificial viscosity vsigng = sqrt(abs(d_p[d_idx] - s_p[s_idx]) * RHOIJ1) mui = min(0.0, dot(vij, etai, dim) / (etaisq + epssq)) muj = min(0.0, dot(vij, etaj, dim) / (etajsq + epssq)) qi = d_rho[d_idx] * mui * (-d_alpha[d_idx] * d_cs[d_idx] + beta * mui) qj = s_rho[s_idx] * muj * (-s_alpha[s_idx] * s_cs[s_idx] + beta * muj) pi = d_p[d_idx] + qi pj = s_p[s_idx] + qj # Accelerations for velocity mjpibyrhoisq = s_m[s_idx] * pi / (d_rho[d_idx] * d_rho[d_idx]) mjpjbyrhojsq = s_m[s_idx] * pj / (s_rho[s_idx] * s_rho[s_idx]) d_au[d_idx] -= mjpibyrhoisq * gmi[0] + mjpjbyrhojsq * gmj[0] d_av[d_idx] -= mjpibyrhoisq * gmi[1] + mjpjbyrhojsq * gmj[1] d_aw[d_idx] -= mjpibyrhoisq * gmi[2] + mjpjbyrhojsq * gmj[2] # Accelerations for the thermal energy vijdotdwi = dot(VIJ, gmi, dim) d_ae[d_idx] += mjpibyrhoisq * vijdotdwi # artificial conduction d_ae[d_idx] -= (self.alphac * s_m[s_idx] * vsigng * eij * normgmij * RHOIJ1)
[docs]class MomentumAndEnergyMI2(MomentumAndEnergy): """Matrix inversion formulation 2 (MI2) momentum and energy equations with artificial viscosity and artificial conductivity from [Rosswog2020b]_ """
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, s_m, d_p, s_p, d_cs, s_cs, d_rho, s_rho, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_ae, XIJ, VIJ, d_alpha, s_alpha, d_ddv, s_ddv, RHOIJ1, d_h, s_h, d_cm, s_cm, WI, WJ, d_dv, s_dv, d_de, s_de, d_dde, s_dde, d_e, s_e): gmij, etai, etaj, vij, mpinc = declare('matrix(3)', 5) dvdel, ddvdeldel = declare('matrix(3)', 3) dsi2, ssi2, row, col, blk = declare('int', 5) blkrowcol, rowcol, dim, dimsq = declare('int', 4) dim = self.dim dimsq = self.dimsq dsi2 = dimsq * d_idx ssi2 = dimsq * s_idx epssq = self.epssq beta = self.beta hi = self.fkern * d_h[d_idx] hj = self.fkern * s_h[s_idx] for row in range(dim): etai[row] = XIJ[row] / hi etaj[row] = XIJ[row] / hj for row in range(3): gmij[row] = 0.0 # Limiter etaisq = dot(etai, etai, dim) etajsq = dot(etaj, etaj, dim) etaij = sqrt(min(etaisq, etajsq)) aanum = 0.0 aaden = 0.0 for row in range(dim): mpinc[row] = 0.5 * XIJ[row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col aanum += d_dv[dsi2 + rowcol] * XIJ[row] * XIJ[col] aaden += s_dv[ssi2 + rowcol] * XIJ[row] * XIJ[col] aaij = aanum / aaden phiijin = min(1.0, 4.0 * aaij / ((1.0 + aaij) * (1.0 + aaij))) phiij = max(0.0, phiijin) if etaij < self.eta_crit: powin = (etaij - self.eta_crit) / self.eta_fold phiij = phiij * exp(-powin * powin) # Reconstruction dedel = 0.0 ddedel = 0.0 for row in range(dim): dvdel[row] = 0.0 ddvdeldel[row] = 0.0 # [(\partial_j e) \delta^j]_a - [(\partial_j e) \delta^j]_b dedel -= (d_de[d_idx * dim + row] + s_de[s_idx * dim + row]) * mpinc[row] for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col # [(\partial_j v^i) \delta^j]_a - [(\partial_j v^i) \delta^j]_b dvdel[row] -= (d_dv[dsi2 + rowcol] + s_dv[ssi2 + rowcol]) * mpinc[col] # [(\partial_l \partial_m e) \delta^l \delta^m]_a - # [(\partial_l \partial_m e) \delta^l \delta^m]_b ddedel += (d_dde[dsi2 + rowcol] - s_dde[ssi2 + rowcol]) * mpinc[row] * mpinc[col] for blk in range(dim): blkrowcol = dimsq * blk + row * dim + col # [(\partial_l \partial_m v^i) \delta^l \delta^m]_a - # [(\partial_l \partial_m v^i) \delta^l \delta^m]_b ddvdeldel[row] += (d_ddv[dsi2 * dim + blkrowcol] - s_ddv[ ssi2 * dim + blkrowcol]) * mpinc[col] * mpinc[blk] # Gradient functions and reconstructed differences sm = 0.0 for row in range(dim): gmi = 0.0 gmj = 0.0 for col in range(dim): rowcol = row * dim + col gmi -= d_cm[dsi2 + rowcol] * XIJ[col] * WI gmj -= s_cm[ssi2 + rowcol] * XIJ[col] * WJ gmij[row] = 0.5 * (gmi + gmj) sm += gmij[row] * gmij[row] vij[row] = VIJ[row] + phiij * (dvdel[row] + 0.5 * ddvdeldel[row]) normgmij = sqrt(sm) eij = d_e[d_idx] - s_e[s_idx] + phiij * (dedel + 0.5 * ddedel) # Artificial viscosity vsigng = sqrt(abs(d_p[d_idx] - s_p[s_idx]) * RHOIJ1) mui = min(0.0, dot(vij, etai, dim) / (etaisq + epssq)) muj = min(0.0, dot(vij, etaj, dim) / (etajsq + epssq)) qi = d_rho[d_idx] * mui * (-d_alpha[d_idx] * d_cs[d_idx] + beta * mui) qj = s_rho[s_idx] * muj * (-s_alpha[s_idx] * s_cs[s_idx] + beta * muj) pi = d_p[d_idx] + qi pj = s_p[s_idx] + qj # Accelerations for velocity invrhosq = 1.0 / (d_rho[d_idx] * s_rho[s_idx]) comn = s_m[s_idx] * (pi + pj) * invrhosq d_au[d_idx] -= comn * gmij[0] d_av[d_idx] -= comn * gmij[1] d_aw[d_idx] -= comn * gmij[2] # Accelerations for the thermal energy vijdotgmij = dot(VIJ, gmij, dim) d_ae[d_idx] -= self.alphac * s_m[ s_idx] * vsigng * eij * normgmij * RHOIJ1 d_ae[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * pi * invrhosq * vijdotgmij
[docs]class EvaluateTildeMu(Equation): """ Find :math:`\\tilde{\\mu}` to calculate time step. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim): self.dim = dim super().__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [dot]
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_tilmu): d_tilmu[d_idx] = -INFINITY
[docs] def loop(self, d_tilmu, d_idx, d_h, VIJ, XIJ, R2IJ): d_tilmu[d_idx] = max(d_tilmu[d_idx], d_h[d_idx] * dot(VIJ, XIJ, self.dim) / ( R2IJ + 0.01))
[docs]class SettleByArtificialPressure(Equation): """Equation 40 of [Rosswog2020b]_ . Combined with an equation to update density (and smoothing length, if preferred), this equation can be evaluated through :py:class:`` to settle the particles and obtain an initial distribution.""" def __init__(self, dest, sources, xi=0.5, fkern=1.0): self.fkern = fkern self.xi = xi super().__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def initialize(self, d_deltax, d_deltay, d_deltaz, d_idx, d_n, d_pouerr): d_deltax[d_idx] = 0.0 d_deltay[d_idx] = 0.0 d_deltaz[d_idx] = 0.0 d_n[d_idx] = 0.0 d_pouerr[d_idx] = 0.0 # partition of unity error
[docs] def loop(self, d_rho, d_idx, d_rhodes, s_rho, s_rhodes, s_idx, d_deltax, d_deltay, d_deltaz, DWI, d_n, WI, s_m, d_pouerr): cpia = max(1 + ((d_rho[d_idx] - d_rhodes[d_idx]) / d_rhodes[d_idx]), 0.1) cpib = max(1 + ((s_rho[s_idx] - s_rhodes[s_idx]) / s_rhodes[s_idx]), 0.1) common = (cpia + cpib) / s_rho[s_idx] d_deltax[d_idx] += common * DWI[0] d_deltay[d_idx] += common * DWI[1] d_deltaz[d_idx] += common * DWI[2] d_n[d_idx] += WI d_pouerr[d_idx] += s_m[d_idx] * WI / s_rho[s_idx]
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_deltax, d_deltay, d_deltaz, d_idx, d_h, d_m, d_pouerr, d_rhodes, d_n, d_x, d_y, d_z): xi = self.xi hi = self.fkern * d_h[d_idx] common = -xi * hi * hi * d_m[d_idx] d_deltax[d_idx] *= common d_deltay[d_idx] *= common d_deltaz[d_idx] *= common d_x[d_idx] += d_deltax[d_idx] d_y[d_idx] += d_deltay[d_idx] d_z[d_idx] += d_deltaz[d_idx] d_pouerr[d_idx] = 1 - d_pouerr[d_idx] d_m[d_idx] = d_rhodes[d_idx] / d_n[d_idx]
[docs]class TVDRK2Step(IntegratorStep): """ Total variation diminishing (TVD) second-order Runge–Kutta (RK2) integrator step. """ def initialize(self, d_idx, d_u0, d_v0, d_w0, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_converged, d_au0, d_av0, d_aw0, d_ae0, d_ah0, d_arho0, d_an0, d_aalpha0, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_ae, d_ah, d_arho, d_an, d_aalpha): d_u0[d_idx] = d_u[d_idx] d_v0[d_idx] = d_v[d_idx] d_w0[d_idx] = d_w[d_idx] d_au0[d_idx] = d_au[d_idx] d_av0[d_idx] = d_av[d_idx] d_aw0[d_idx] = d_aw[d_idx] d_ae0[d_idx] = d_ae[d_idx] d_ah0[d_idx] = d_ah[d_idx] d_arho0[d_idx] = d_arho[d_idx] d_an0[d_idx] = d_an[d_idx] d_aalpha0[d_idx] = d_aalpha[d_idx] # set the converged attribute to 0 at the beginning of a Group d_converged[d_idx] = 0 def stage1(self, d_idx, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_e, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_ae, d_rho, d_arho, d_h, d_ah, dt, d_n, d_an, d_alpha, d_aalpha, d_h0, d_converged): d_x[d_idx] += dt * d_u[d_idx] d_y[d_idx] += dt * d_v[d_idx] d_z[d_idx] += dt * d_w[d_idx] d_u[d_idx] += dt * d_au[d_idx] d_v[d_idx] += dt * d_av[d_idx] d_w[d_idx] += dt * d_aw[d_idx] # update thermal energy d_e[d_idx] += dt * d_ae[d_idx] # predict density and smoothing lengths for faster # convergence. NNPS need not be explicitly updated since it # will be called at the end of the predictor stage. d_h0[d_idx] = d_h[d_idx] d_h[d_idx] += dt * d_ah[d_idx] d_rho[d_idx] += dt * d_arho[d_idx] d_n[d_idx] += dt * d_an[d_idx] d_alpha[d_idx] += dt * d_aalpha[d_idx] d_converged[d_idx] = 0 def stage2(self, d_idx, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_u0, d_v0, d_w0, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_e, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_ae, dt, d_alpha, d_aalpha, d_h, d_tilmu, d_cs, d_dt_adapt, d_au0, d_av0, d_aw0, d_aalpha0, d_ae0, d_h0, d_ah0, d_ah, d_arho, d_arho0, d_an, d_an0, d_rho, d_n): dtb2 = 0.5 * dt d_x[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_u[d_idx] - d_u0[d_idx]) d_y[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_v[d_idx] - d_v0[d_idx]) d_z[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_w[d_idx] - d_w0[d_idx]) d_u[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_au[d_idx] - d_au0[d_idx]) d_v[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_av[d_idx] - d_av0[d_idx]) d_w[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_aw[d_idx] - d_aw0[d_idx]) d_e[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_ae[d_idx] - d_ae0[d_idx]) d_alpha[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_aalpha[d_idx] - d_aalpha0[d_idx]) d_h0[d_idx] = d_h[d_idx] d_h[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_ah[d_idx] - d_ah0[d_idx]) d_rho[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_arho[d_idx] - d_arho0[d_idx]) d_n[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_an[d_idx] - d_an0[d_idx]) d_alpha[d_idx] += dtb2 * (d_aalpha[d_idx] - d_aalpha0[d_idx]) # For adaptive time-stepping fmag = sqrt(d_au[d_idx] * d_au[d_idx] + d_av[d_idx] * d_av[d_idx] + d_aw[d_idx] * d_aw[d_idx]) dt_force = sqrt(d_h[d_idx] / fmag) dt_courant_visc = d_h[d_idx] / (d_cs[d_idx] + 0.6 * d_alpha[d_idx] * ( d_cs[d_idx] + 2.0 * d_tilmu[d_idx])) d_dt_adapt[d_idx] = 0.2 * min(dt_force, dt_courant_visc)
[docs]class TVDRK2Integrator(Integrator): r""" Total variation diminishing (TVD) second-order Runge–Kutta (RK2) integrator. Prescribed equations in [Rosswog2020b]_ are, .. math:: y^{*} = y^n + \Delta t f(y^{n}) --> Predict y^{n+1} = 0.5 (y^n + y^{*} + \Delta t f(y^{*})) --> Correct This is not suitable to be used with periodic boundaries. Say, if a particle crosses the left boundary at the prediction step, `update_domain()` will introduce that particle at the right boundary. Afterwards, the correction step essentially averages the positions and the particle ends up near the mid-point. To do away with this issue, the equation for the correction step is changed to, .. math:: y^{n+1} = y^{*} + 0.5 * \Delta t (f(y^{*}) - f(y^{n})) """ def one_timestep(self, t, dt): self.initialize() self.compute_accelerations() # Predict self.stage1() self.update_domain() # Call any post-stage functions. self.do_post_stage(0.5 * dt, 1) self.compute_accelerations() # Correct self.stage2() self.update_domain() # Call any post-stage functions. self.do_post_stage(dt, 2)
[docs]class TVDRK2IntegratorWithRecycling(Integrator): r""" Total variation diminishing (TVD) second-order Runge–Kutta (RK2) integrator with recycling of derivatives. The system is advanced using: .. math:: y^{*,n} = y^n + \Delta t f(y^{*,n-1}) y^{n+1} = 0.5 (y^n + y^{*} + \Delta t f(y^{*,n})) This is not suitable to be used with periodic boundaries. Say, if a particle crosses the left boundary at the prediction step, `update_domain()` will introduce that particle at the right boundary. Afterwards, the correction step essentially averages the positions and the particle ends up near the mid-point. To do away with this issue, the equation for correction step is changed to, .. math:: y^{n+1} = y^{*} + 0.5 * \Delta t (f(y^{*,n}) - f(y^{*,n-1})) """ def one_timestep(self, t, dt): self.initialize() # Predict self.stage1() self.update_domain() # Call any post-stage functions. self.do_post_stage(0.5 * dt, 1) self.compute_accelerations() # Correct self.stage2() self.update_domain() # Call any post-stage functions. self.do_post_stage(dt, 2)
@annotate(fst='int', lst='int', arr='doublep') def quicksort(arr, fst=0, lst=3): """ Sort in-place with QuickSort Thanks Parameters ---------- arr : list Array to be sorted. fst : int The index of the first element from arr and key to begin sorting from. Must be in the range [0, len(xs)). lst : int The index of the last element from arr and key to begin sorting from. Must be in the range [0, len(xs)). """ i, j = declare('int', 2) if fst >= lst: return i, j = fst, lst pivot = arr[lst] while i <= j: while arr[i] < pivot: i += 1 while arr[j] > pivot: j -= 1 if i <= j: arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i] i, j = i + 1, j - 1 quicksort(arr, fst, j) quicksort(arr, i, lst)