Source code for pysph.sph.bc.inlet_outlet_manager

Inlet Outlet Manager

from pysph.sph.equation import Equation
from compyle.api import get_config
from pysph.base.utils import get_particle_array
from pysph.sph.integrator_step import IntegratorStep
import numpy as np
from compyle.api import declare

[docs]class InletInfo(object): def __init__(self, pa_name, normal, refpoint, has_ghost=True, update_cls=None, equations=None, umax=1.0, props_to_copy=None): """Create object with information of inlets, all the others parameters which are not passed here get evaluated by `InletOutletManager` once the inlet is created. Parameters ---------- pa_name : str Name of the inlet normal : list Components of normal (float) refpoint : list Point at the fluid-inlet interface (float) has_ghost : bool if True, the ghost particles will be created update_cls : class_name the class which is to be used to update the inlet/outlet equations : list List of equations (optional) props_to_copy : array properties to copy """ self.pa_name = pa_name self.normal = normal self.refpoint = refpoint self.has_ghost = has_ghost self.update_cls = InletBase if update_cls is None else update_cls self.length = 0.0 self.dx = 0.1 self.umax = umax self.equations = [] if equations is None else equations self.props_to_copy = props_to_copy
[docs]class OutletInfo(InletInfo): def __init__(self, pa_name, normal, refpoint, has_ghost=False, update_cls=None, equations=None, umax=1.0, props_to_copy=None): """Create object with information of outlet The name is kept different for distinction only. """ super(OutletInfo, self).__init__( pa_name, normal, refpoint, has_ghost, update_cls, equations, umax, props_to_copy) self.update_cls = OutletBase if update_cls is None else update_cls
[docs]class InletOutletManager(object): def __init__(self, fluid_arrays, inletinfo, outletinfo, extraeqns=None): """Create the object to manage inlet outlet boundary conditions. Most of the variables are evaluated after the scheme and particles are created. Parameters ----------- fluid_arrays : list List of fluid particles array names (str) inletinfo : list List of inlets (InletInfo) outletinfo : list List of outlet (OutletInfo) extraeqns : dict Dict of custom equations """ self.fluids = fluid_arrays self.dim = None self.kernel = None self.inlets = [] if inletinfo is None else\ [x.pa_name for x in inletinfo] self.outlets = [] if outletinfo is None else\ [x.pa_name for x in outletinfo] self.inlet_pairs = {} self.outlet_pairs = {} self.inletinfo = inletinfo self.outletinfo = outletinfo self.ghost_inlets = [] self.ghost_outlets = [] self.inlet_pairs = {} self.outlet_pairs = {} self.extraeqns = {} if extraeqns is None else extraeqns self.active_stages = [] self._create_ghost_names()
[docs] def create_ghost(self, pa_arr, inlet=True): """Creates ghosts for the given inlet/outlet particles Parameters ----------- pa_arr : Particle array particles array for which ghost is required inlet : bool if True, inlet info will be used for ghost creation """ xref, yref, zref = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 xn, yn, zn = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 has_ghost = True if inlet: for info in self.inletinfo: if info.pa_name == xref = info.refpoint[0] yref = info.refpoint[1] zref = info.refpoint[2] xn = info.normal[0] yn = info.normal[1] zn = info.normal[2] has_ghost = info.has_ghost break if not inlet: for info in self.outletinfo: if info.pa_name == xref = info.refpoint[0] yref = info.refpoint[1] zref = info.refpoint[2] xn = info.normal[0] yn = info.normal[1] zn = info.normal[2] has_ghost = info.has_ghost break if not has_ghost: return None x = pa_arr.x y = pa_arr.y z = pa_arr.z xij = x - xref yij = y - yref zij = z - zref disp = xij * xn + yij * yn + zij * zn x = x - 2 * disp * xn y = y - 2 * disp * yn z = z - 2 * disp * zn m = pa_arr.m h = pa_arr.h rho = pa_arr.rho u = pa_arr.u name = '' if inlet: name = self.inlet_pairs[] else: name = self.outlet_pairs[] ghost_pa = get_particle_array( name=name, m=m, x=x, y=y, h=h, u=u, p=0.0, rho=rho ) return ghost_pa
def _create_ghost_names(self): '''Creates names for ghost for both inlets and outlets if needed''' for inlet in self.inletinfo: if inlet.has_ghost: name = 'ghost_' + inlet.pa_name self.inlet_pairs[inlet.pa_name] = name self.ghost_inlets.append(name) for outlet in self.outletinfo: if outlet.has_ghost: name = 'ghost_' + outlet.pa_name self.outlet_pairs[outlet.pa_name] = name self.ghost_outlets.append(name)
[docs] def update_dx(self, dx): """Update the discretisation length Parameters ----------- dx : float The discretisation length """ all_info = self.inletinfo + self.outletinfo for info in all_info: info.dx = dx
def _update_inlet_outlet_info(self, pa): """Updates refpoint, length and bound Parameters ----------- pa : Particle_array Particle array of inlet/outlet """ all_info = self.inletinfo + self.outletinfo for info in all_info: dx = info.dx if (info.pa_name == x = pa.x y = pa.y z = pa.z xmax, xmin = max(x)+dx/2, min(x)-dx/2 ymax, ymin = max(y)+dx/2, min(y)-dx/2 zmax, zmin = max(z)+dx/2, min(z)-dx/2 xdist = xmax - xmin ydist = ymax - ymin zdist = zmax - zmin xn, yn, zn = info.normal[0], info.normal[1], info.normal[2] info.length = abs(xdist*xn+ydist*yn+zdist*zn)
[docs] def add_io_properties(self, pa, scheme=None): """Add properties to be used in inlet/outlet equations Parameters ---------- pa : particle_array Particle array of inlet/outlet scheme : pysph.sph.scheme The insance of scheme class """ pass
[docs] def get_io_names(self, ghost=False): """return all the names of inlets and outlets Parameters ---------- ghost : bool if True, return the names of ghost also """ if ghost: return (self.inlets + self.outlets + self.ghost_inlets + self.ghost_outlets) else: return self.inlets + self.outlets
[docs] def get_stepper(self, scheme, integrator, **kw): """Returns the steppers for inlet/outlet Parameters ---------- scheme : pysph.sph.scheme The instance of the scheme class intergrator : pysph.sph.integrator The parent class of the integrator **kw : extra arguments Extra arguments depending upon the scheme used """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setup_iom(self, dim, kernel): """Essential data passed Parameters ---------- dim : int dimension of the problem kernel : pysph.base.kernel the kernel instance """ self.dim = dim self.kernel = kernel
[docs] def get_equations(self, scheme, **kw): """Returns the equations for inlet/outlet Parameters ---------- scheme : pysph.sph.scheme The instance of the scheme class **kw : extra arguments Extra arguments depending upon the scheme used """ return []
[docs] def get_equations_post_compute_acceleration(self): """Returns the equations for inlet/outlet used post acceleration computation""" return []
[docs] def get_inlet_outlet(self, particle_array): """ Returns list of `Inlet` and `Outlet` instances which performs the change in inlet particles to outlet particles. Parameters ----------- particle_array : list List of all particle_arrays """ result = [] for inlet in self.inletinfo: i_name = inlet.pa_name self._update_inlet_outlet_info(particle_array[i_name]) ghost_pa = None if i_name not in self.inlet_pairs\ else particle_array[self.inlet_pairs[i_name]] for fluid in self.fluids: in1 = inlet.update_cls( particle_array[i_name], particle_array[fluid], inlet, self.kernel, self.dim, self.active_stages, ghost_pa=ghost_pa ) result.append(in1) for outlet in self.outletinfo: o_name = outlet.pa_name self._update_inlet_outlet_info(particle_array[o_name]) ghost_pa = None if o_name not in self.outlet_pairs else\ particle_array[self.outlet_pairs[o_name]] for fluid in self.fluids: out1 = outlet.update_cls( particle_array[o_name], particle_array[fluid], outlet, self.kernel, self.dim, self.active_stages, ghost_pa=ghost_pa ) result.append(out1) return result
[docs]class IOEvaluate(Equation): def __init__(self, dest, sources, x, y, z, xn, yn, zn, maxdist=1000.0): """Compute ioid for the particles 0 : particle is in fluid 1 : particle is inside the inlet/outlet 2 : particle is out of inlet/outlet Parameters ----------- dest : str destination particle array name sources : list List of source particle arrays x : float x coordinate of interface point y : float y coordinate of interface point z : float z coordinate of interface point xn : float x component of interface outward normal yn : float y component of interface outward normal zn : float z component of interface outward normal maxdist : float Maximum length of inlet/outlet """ self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z self.xn = xn self.yn = yn self.zn = zn self.maxdist = maxdist super(IOEvaluate, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def initialize(self, d_ioid, d_idx): d_ioid[d_idx] = 1
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_ioid, d_disp): delx = d_x[d_idx] - self.x dely = d_y[d_idx] - self.y delz = d_z[d_idx] - self.z d_disp[d_idx] = delx * self.xn + dely * self.yn + delz * self.zn if ((d_disp[d_idx] > 0.000001) and (d_disp[d_idx]-self.maxdist < 0.000001)): d_ioid[d_idx] = 1 elif (d_disp[d_idx] - self.maxdist > 0.000001): d_ioid[d_idx] = 2 else: d_ioid[d_idx] = 0
[docs]class UpdateNormalsAndDisplacements(Equation): def __init__(self, dest, sources, xn, yn, zn, xo, yo, zo): """Update normal and perpendicular distance from the interface for the inlet/outlet particles Parameters ---------- dest : str destination particle array name sources : list List of source particle arrays xn : float x component of interface outward normal yn : float y component of interface outward normal zn : float z component of interface outward normal xo : float x coordinate of interface point yo : float y coordinate of interface point zo : float z coordinate of interface point """ self.xn = xn self.yn = yn self.zn = zn self.xo = xo self.yo = yo self.zo = zo super(UpdateNormalsAndDisplacements, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, d_xn, d_yn, d_zn, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_disp): d_xn[d_idx] = self.xn d_yn[d_idx] = self.yn d_zn[d_idx] = self.zn xij = declare('matrix(3)') xij[0] = d_x[d_idx] - self.xo xij[1] = d_y[d_idx] - self.yo xij[2] = d_z[d_idx] - self.zo d_disp[d_idx] = abs(xij[0]*d_xn[d_idx] + xij[1]*d_yn[d_idx] + xij[2]*d_yn[d_idx])
[docs]class CopyNormalsandDistances(Equation): """Copy normals and distances from outlet/inlet particles to ghosts"""
[docs] def initialize_pair(self, d_idx, d_xn, d_yn, d_zn, s_xn, s_yn, s_zn, d_disp, s_disp): d_xn[d_idx] = s_xn[d_idx] d_yn[d_idx] = s_yn[d_idx] d_zn[d_idx] = s_zn[d_idx] d_disp[d_idx] = s_disp[d_idx]
[docs]class InletStep(IntegratorStep):
[docs] def initialize(self, d_x0, d_idx, d_x): d_x0[d_idx] = d_x[d_idx]
[docs] def stage1(self, d_idx, d_x, d_x0, d_u, dt): dtb2 = 0.5 * dt d_x[d_idx] = d_x0[d_idx] + dtb2*d_u[d_idx]
[docs] def stage2(self, d_idx, d_x, d_x0, d_u, dt): d_x[d_idx] = d_x0[d_idx] + dt*d_u[d_idx]
[docs]class OutletStepWithUhat(IntegratorStep):
[docs] def initialize(self, d_x0, d_idx, d_x): d_x0[d_idx] = d_x[d_idx]
[docs] def stage1(self, d_idx, d_x, d_x0, d_uhat, dt): dtb2 = 0.5 * dt d_x[d_idx] = d_x0[d_idx] + dtb2*d_uhat[d_idx]
[docs] def stage2(self, d_idx, d_x, d_x0, d_uhat, dt): d_x[d_idx] = d_x0[d_idx] + dt*d_uhat[d_idx]
[docs]class OutletStep(InletStep): pass
[docs]class InletBase(object): def __init__(self, inlet_pa, dest_pa, inletinfo, kernel, dim, active_stages=[1], callback=None, ghost_pa=None): """An API to add/delete particle when moving between inlet-fluid Parameters ---------- inlet_pa : particle_array particle array for inlet dest_pa : particle_array particle_array of the fluid inletinfo : InletInfo instance contains information fo inlet kernel : Kernel instance Kernel to be used for computations dim : int dimension of the problem active_stages : list stages of integrator at which update should be active callback : function callback after the update function ghost_pa : particle_array particle_array of the ghost_inlet """ self.inlet_pa = inlet_pa self.dest_pa = dest_pa self.ghost_pa = ghost_pa self.callback = callback self.dim = dim self.kernel = kernel self.inletinfo = inletinfo self.x = self.y = self.z = 0.0 self.xn = self.yn = self.zn = 0.0 self.length = 0.0 self.dx = 0.0 self.active_stages = active_stages self.io_eval = None self._init = False cfg = get_config() self.gpu = cfg.use_opencl or cfg.use_cuda
[docs] def initialize(self): """Function to initialize the class variables after evaluation in SimpleInletOutlet class""" inletinfo = self.inletinfo self.x = inletinfo.refpoint[0] self.y = inletinfo.refpoint[1] self.z = inletinfo.refpoint[2] self.xn = inletinfo.normal[0] self.yn = inletinfo.normal[1] self.zn = inletinfo.normal[2] self.length = inletinfo.length self.dx = inletinfo.dx
def _create_io_eval(self): """Evaluator to assign ioid to particles leaving a domain""" if self.io_eval is None: from pysph.sph.equation import Group from import SPHEvaluator i_name = f_name = eqns = [] eqns.append(Group(equations=[ IOEvaluate( i_name, [], x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z, xn=self.xn, yn=self.yn, zn=self.zn, maxdist=self.length)], real=False, update_nnps=False)) eqns.append(Group(equations=[ IOEvaluate( f_name, [], x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z, xn=self.xn, yn=self.yn, zn=self.zn)], real=False, update_nnps=False)) if self.gpu: from pysph.base.gpu_nnps import ZOrderGPUNNPS as NNPS else: from pysph.base.nnps import LinkedListNNPS as NNPS arrays = [self.inlet_pa] + [self.dest_pa] io_eval = SPHEvaluator( arrays=arrays, equations=eqns, dim=self.dim, kernel=self.kernel, nnps_factory=NNPS) return io_eval else: return self.io_eval
[docs] def update(self, time, dt, stage): """ Update function called after each stage""" if not self._init: self.initialize() self._init = True if stage in self.active_stages: dest_pa = self.dest_pa inlet_pa = self.inlet_pa ghost_pa = self.ghost_pa self.io_eval = self._create_io_eval() self.io_eval.update() self.io_eval.evaluate() if self.gpu: inlet_pa.gpu.pull(*'ioid x y z'.split()) ghost_pa.gpu.pull(*'x y z'.split()) dest_pa.gpu.pull('ioid') io_id = inlet_pa.ioid cond = (io_id == 0) all_idx = np.where(cond)[0] inlet_pa.extract_particles(all_idx, dest_pa) # moving the moved particles back to the array beginning. inlet_pa.x[all_idx] += self.length * self.xn inlet_pa.y[all_idx] += self.length * self.yn inlet_pa.z[all_idx] += self.length * self.zn if ghost_pa: ghost_pa.x[all_idx] -= self.length * self.xn ghost_pa.y[all_idx] -= self.length * self.yn ghost_pa.z[all_idx] -= self.length * self.zn if self.callback is not None: self.callback(dest_pa, inlet_pa)
[docs]class OutletBase(object): def __init__(self, outlet_pa, source_pa, outletinfo, kernel, dim, active_stages=[1], callback=None, ghost_pa=None): """An API to add/delete particle when moving between fluid-outlet Parameters ---------- outlet_pa : particle_array particle array for outlet source_pa : particle_array particle_array of the fluid ghost_pa : particle_array particle_array of the outlet ghost outletinfo : OutletInfo instance contains information fo outlet kernel : Kernel instance Kernel to be used for computations dim : int dimnesion of the problem active_stages : list stages of integrator at which update should be active callback : function callback after the update function """ self.outlet_pa = outlet_pa self.source_pa = source_pa self.ghost_pa = ghost_pa self.dim = dim self.kernel = kernel self.outletinfo = outletinfo self.x = self.y = self.z = 0.0 self.xn = self.yn = self.zn = 0.0 self.length = 0.0 self.callback = callback self.active_stages = active_stages self.io_eval = None self._init = False self.props_to_copy = None cfg = get_config() self.gpu = cfg.use_opencl or cfg.use_cuda
[docs] def initialize(self): """Function to initialize the class variables after evaluation in SimpleInletOutlet class""" outletinfo = self.outletinfo self.x = outletinfo.refpoint[0] self.y = outletinfo.refpoint[1] self.z = outletinfo.refpoint[2] self.xn = outletinfo.normal[0] self.yn = outletinfo.normal[1] self.zn = outletinfo.normal[2] self.length = outletinfo.length self.props_to_copy = outletinfo.props_to_copy
def _create_io_eval(self): """Evaluator to assign ioid to particles leaving a domain""" if self.io_eval is None: from pysph.sph.equation import Group from import SPHEvaluator o_name = f_name = eqns = [] if self.gpu: from pysph.base.gpu_nnps import ZOrderGPUNNPS as NNPS else: from pysph.base.nnps import LinkedListNNPS as NNPS eqns.append(Group(equations=[ IOEvaluate( o_name, [], x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z, xn=self.xn, yn=self.yn, zn=self.zn, maxdist=self.length)], real=False, update_nnps=False)) eqns.append(Group(equations=[ IOEvaluate( f_name, [], x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z, xn=self.xn, yn=self.yn, zn=self.zn,)], real=False, update_nnps=False)) arrays = [self.outlet_pa] + [self.source_pa] io_eval = SPHEvaluator(arrays=arrays, equations=eqns, dim=self.dim, kernel=self.kernel, nnps_factory=NNPS) return io_eval else: return self.io_eval
[docs] def update(self, time, dt, stage): """Update function called after each stage""" if not self._init: self.initialize() self._init = True if stage in self.active_stages: props_to_copy = self.props_to_copy outlet_pa = self.outlet_pa source_pa = self.source_pa self.io_eval = self._create_io_eval() self.io_eval.update() self.io_eval.evaluate() # adding particles to the destination array. if self.gpu: source_pa.gpu.pull('ioid') io_id = source_pa.ioid cond = (io_id == 1) all_idx = np.where(cond)[0] source_pa.extract_particles( all_idx, dest_array=outlet_pa, props=props_to_copy) source_pa.remove_particles(all_idx) if self.gpu: outlet_pa.gpu.pull('ioid') io_id = outlet_pa.ioid cond = (io_id == 2) all_idx = np.where(cond)[0] outlet_pa.remove_particles(all_idx) if self.callback is not None: self.callback(source_pa, outlet_pa)