Source code for pysph.sph.wc.kernel_correction

Kernel Corrections

These are the equations for the kernel corrections that are mentioned in the
paper by Bonet and Lok [BonetLok1999].


    .. [BonetLok1999] Bonet, J. and Lok T.-S.L. (1999)
        Variational and Momentum Preservation Aspects of Smoothed
        Particle Hydrodynamic Formulations.


from math import sqrt
from compyle.api import declare
from pysph.sph.equation import Equation
from pysph.sph.wc.density_correction import gj_solve

[docs]class KernelCorrection(Equation): r"""**Kernel Correction** From [BonetLok1999], equation (53): .. math:: \mathbf{f}_{a} = \frac{\sum_{b}\frac{m_{b}}{\rho_{b}} \mathbf{f}_{b}W_{ab}}{\sum_{b}\frac{m_{b}}{\rho_{b}}W_{ab}} """
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_cwij): d_cwij[d_idx] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_cwij, s_m, s_rho, WIJ): d_cwij[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * WIJ / s_rho[s_idx]
[docs]class GradientCorrectionPreStep(Equation): def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim=2): self.dim = dim super(GradientCorrectionPreStep, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_m_mat): i = declare('int') for i in range(9): d_m_mat[9 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
[docs] def loop_all(self, d_idx, d_m_mat, s_m, s_rho, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_h, s_x, s_y, s_z, s_h, SPH_KERNEL, NBRS, N_NBRS): x = d_x[d_idx] y = d_y[d_idx] z = d_z[d_idx] h = d_h[d_idx] i, j, s_idx, n = declare('int', 4) xij = declare('matrix(3)') dwij = declare('matrix(3)') n = self.dim for k in range(N_NBRS): s_idx = NBRS[k] xij[0] = x - s_x[s_idx] xij[1] = y - s_y[s_idx] xij[2] = z - s_z[s_idx] hij = (h + s_h[s_idx]) * 0.5 r = sqrt(xij[0] * xij[0] + xij[1] * xij[1] + xij[2] * xij[2]) SPH_KERNEL.gradient(xij, r, hij, dwij) V = s_m[s_idx] / s_rho[s_idx] if r > 1.0e-12: for i in range(n): for j in range(n): xj = xij[j] d_m_mat[9 * d_idx + 3 * i + j] -= V * dwij[i] * xj
[docs]class GradientCorrection(Equation): r"""**Kernel Gradient Correction** From [BonetLok1999], equations (42) and (45) .. math:: \nabla \tilde{W}_{ab} = L_{a}\nabla W_{ab} .. math:: L_{a} = \left(\sum \frac{m_{b}}{\rho_{b}} \nabla W_{ab} \mathbf{\otimes}x_{ba} \right)^{-1} """ def _get_helpers_(self): return [gj_solve] def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim=2, tol=0.1): self.dim = dim self.tol = tol super(GradientCorrection, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, d_m_mat, DWIJ, HIJ): i, j, n, nt = declare('int', 4) n = self.dim nt = n + 1 # Note that we allocate enough for a 3D case but may only use a # part of the matrix. temp = declare('matrix(12)') res = declare('matrix(3)') eps = 1.0e-04 * HIJ for i in range(n): for j in range(n): temp[nt * i + j] = d_m_mat[9 * d_idx + 3 * i + j] # Augmented part of matrix temp[nt*i + n] = DWIJ[i] gj_solve(temp, n, 1, res) res_mag = 0.0 dwij_mag = 0.0 for i in range(n): res_mag += abs(res[i]) dwij_mag += abs(DWIJ[i]) change = abs(res_mag - dwij_mag)/(dwij_mag + eps) if change < self.tol: for i in range(n): DWIJ[i] = res[i]
[docs]class MixedKernelCorrectionPreStep(Equation): r"""**Mixed Kernel Correction** From [BonetLok1999], equations (54), (57) and (58) .. math:: \tilde{W}_{ab} = \frac{W_{ab}}{\sum_{b} V_{b}W_{ab}} .. math:: \nabla \tilde{W}_{ab} = L_{a}\nabla \bar{W}_{ab} where, .. math:: L_{a} = \left(\sum_{b} V_{b} \nabla \bar{W}_{ab} \mathbf{\otimes}x_{ba} \right)^{-1} .. math:: \nabla \bar{W}_{ab} = \frac{\nabla W_{ab} - \gamma} {\sum_{b} V_{b}W_{ab}} .. math:: \gamma = \frac{\sum_{b} V_{b}\nabla W_{ab}} {\sum_{b} V_{b}W_{ab}} """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim=2): self.dim = dim super(MixedKernelCorrectionPreStep, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_m_mat): i = declare('int') for i in range(9): d_m_mat[9 * d_idx + i] = 0.0
[docs] def loop_all(self, d_idx, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_h, s_x, s_y, s_z, s_h, SPH_KERNEL, N_NBRS, NBRS, d_m_mat, s_m, s_rho, d_cwij, d_dw_gamma): x = d_x[d_idx] y = d_y[d_idx] z = d_z[d_idx] h = d_h[d_idx] i, j, n, k, s_idx = declare('int', 5) n = self.dim xij = declare('matrix(3)') dwij = declare('matrix(3)') dwij1 = declare('matrix(3)') numerator = declare('matrix(3)') for i in range(3): numerator[i] = 0.0 den = 0.0 for k in range(N_NBRS): s_idx = NBRS[k] xij[0] = x - s_x[s_idx] xij[1] = y - s_y[s_idx] xij[2] = z - s_z[s_idx] V = s_m[s_idx] / s_rho[s_idx] rij = sqrt(xij[0] * xij[0] + xij[1] * xij[1] + xij[2] * xij[2]) hij = (h + s_h[s_idx]) * 0.5 SPH_KERNEL.gradient(xij, rij, hij, dwij) wij = SPH_KERNEL.kernel(xij, rij, hij) den += V * wij for i in range(n): numerator[i] += V * dwij[i] for i in range(n): d_dw_gamma[3*d_idx + i] = numerator[i]/den d_cwij[d_idx] = den for k in range(N_NBRS): s_idx = NBRS[k] xij[0] = x - s_x[s_idx] xij[1] = y - s_y[s_idx] xij[2] = z - s_z[s_idx] hij = (h + s_h[s_idx]) * 0.5 r = sqrt(xij[0] * xij[0] + xij[1] * xij[1] + xij[2] * xij[2]) SPH_KERNEL.gradient(xij, r, hij, dwij) for i in range(n): dwij1[i] = (dwij[i] - numerator[i] / den) / den V = s_m[s_idx] / s_rho[s_idx] if r > 1.0e-12: for i in range(n): for j in range(n): xj = xij[j] d_m_mat[9 * d_idx + 3 * i + j] -= V * dwij1[i] * xj
[docs]class MixedGradientCorrection(Equation): r"""**Mixed Kernel Gradient Correction** This is as per [BonetLok1999]. See the MixedKernelCorrectionPreStep for the equations. """ def _get_helpers_(self): return [gj_solve] def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim=2, tol=0.1): self.dim = dim self.tol = tol super(MixedGradientCorrection, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, d_m_mat, d_dw_gamma, d_cwij, DWIJ, HIJ): i, j, n, nt = declare('int', 4) n = self.dim nt = n + 1 temp = declare('matrix(12)') # The augmented matrix res = declare('matrix(3)') dwij = declare('matrix(3)') eps = 1.0e-04 * HIJ for i in range(n): dwij[i] = (DWIJ[i] - d_dw_gamma[3*d_idx + i])/d_cwij[d_idx] for j in range(n): temp[nt * i + j] = d_m_mat[9 * d_idx + 3 * i + j] temp[nt*i + n] = dwij[i] gj_solve(temp, n, 1, res) res_mag = 0.0 dwij_mag = 0.0 for i in range(n): res_mag += abs(res[i]) dwij_mag += abs(dwij[i]) change = abs(res_mag - dwij_mag)/(dwij_mag + eps) if change < self.tol: for i in range(n): DWIJ[i] = res[i]