Source code for pysph.sph.wc.gtvf

Generalized Transport Velocity Formulation

Some notes on the paper,

- In the viscosity term of equation (17) a factor of '2' is missing.
- A negative sign is missing from equation (22) i.e, either put a negative
  sign in equation (22) or at the integrator step equation(25).
- The Solid Mechanics Equations are not tested.


    .. [ZhangHuAdams2017] Chi Zhang, Xiangyu Y. Hu, Nikolaus A. Adams
       "A generalized transport-velocity formulation for smoothed particle
       hydrodynamics", Journal of Computational Physics 237 (2017),
       pp. 216--232.

from compyle.api import declare
from pysph.sph.equation import Equation
from pysph.base.utils import get_particle_array
from pysph.sph.integrator import Integrator
from pysph.sph.integrator_step import IntegratorStep
from pysph.sph.equation import Group, MultiStageEquations
from pysph.sph.scheme import Scheme
from pysph.sph.wc.linalg import mat_vec_mult, mat_mult

[docs]def get_particle_array_gtvf(constants=None, **props): gtvf_props = [ 'uhat', 'vhat', 'what', 'rho0', 'rhodiv', 'p0', 'auhat', 'avhat', 'awhat', 'arho', 'arho0' ] pa = get_particle_array( constants=constants, additional_props=gtvf_props, **props ) pa.add_property('gradvhat', stride=9) pa.add_property('sigma', stride=9) pa.add_property('asigma', stride=9) pa.set_output_arrays([ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'rho', 'p', 'h', 'm', 'au', 'av', 'aw', 'pid', 'gid', 'tag' ]) return pa
[docs]class GTVFIntegrator(Integrator):
[docs] def one_timestep(self, t, dt): self.stage1() self.do_post_stage(dt, 1) self.compute_accelerations(0, update_nnps=False) self.stage2() # We update domain here alone as positions only change here. self.update_domain() self.do_post_stage(dt, 2) self.compute_accelerations(1) self.stage3() self.do_post_stage(dt, 3)
[docs]class GTVFStep(IntegratorStep):
[docs] def stage1(self, d_idx, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_uhat, d_vhat, d_what, d_auhat, d_avhat, d_awhat, dt): dtb2 = 0.5*dt d_u[d_idx] += dtb2*d_au[d_idx] d_v[d_idx] += dtb2*d_av[d_idx] d_w[d_idx] += dtb2*d_aw[d_idx] d_uhat[d_idx] = d_u[d_idx] + dtb2*d_auhat[d_idx] d_vhat[d_idx] = d_v[d_idx] + dtb2*d_avhat[d_idx] d_what[d_idx] = d_w[d_idx] + dtb2*d_awhat[d_idx]
[docs] def stage2(self, d_idx, d_uhat, d_vhat, d_what, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_rho, d_arho, d_sigma, d_asigma, dt): d_rho[d_idx] += dt*d_arho[d_idx] i = declare('int') for i in range(9): d_sigma[d_idx*9 + i] += dt * d_asigma[d_idx*9 + i] d_x[d_idx] += dt*d_uhat[d_idx] d_y[d_idx] += dt*d_vhat[d_idx] d_z[d_idx] += dt*d_what[d_idx]
[docs] def stage3(self, d_idx, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_au, d_av, d_aw, dt): dtb2 = 0.5*dt d_u[d_idx] += dtb2*d_au[d_idx] d_v[d_idx] += dtb2*d_av[d_idx] d_w[d_idx] += dtb2*d_aw[d_idx]
[docs]class ContinuityEquationGTVF(Equation): r"""**Evolution of density** From [ZhangHuAdams2017], equation (12), .. math:: \frac{\tilde{d} \rho_i}{dt} = \rho_i \sum_j \frac{m_j}{\rho_j} \nabla W_{ij} \cdot \tilde{\boldsymbol{v}}_{ij} """
[docs] def initialize(self, d_arho, d_idx): d_arho[d_idx] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, s_m, d_rho, s_rho, d_uhat, d_vhat, d_what, s_uhat, s_vhat, s_what, d_arho, DWIJ): uhatij = d_uhat[d_idx] - s_uhat[s_idx] vhatij = d_vhat[d_idx] - s_vhat[s_idx] whatij = d_what[d_idx] - s_what[s_idx] udotdij = DWIJ[0]*uhatij + DWIJ[1]*vhatij + DWIJ[2]*whatij fac = d_rho[d_idx] * s_m[s_idx] / s_rho[s_idx] d_arho[d_idx] += fac * udotdij
[docs]class CorrectDensity(Equation): r"""**Density correction** From [ZhangHuAdams2017], equation (13), .. math:: \rho_i = \frac{\sum_j m_j W_{ij}} {\min(1, \sum_j \frac{m_j}{\rho_j^{*}} W_{ij})} where, .. math:: \rho_j^{*} = \text{density before this correction is applied.} """
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_rho, d_rho0, d_rhodiv): d_rho0[d_idx] = d_rho[d_idx] d_rho[d_idx] = 0.0 d_rhodiv[d_idx] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_rho, d_rhodiv, s_m, WIJ, s_rho0): d_rho[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx]*WIJ d_rhodiv[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx]*WIJ/s_rho0[s_idx]
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_rho, d_rhodiv): d_rho[d_idx] = d_rho[d_idx] / min(1, d_rhodiv[d_idx])
[docs]class MomentumEquationPressureGradient(Equation): r"""**Momentum Equation** From [ZhangHuAdams2017], equation (17), .. math:: \frac{\tilde{d} \boldsymbol{v}_i}{dt} = - \sum_j m_j \nabla W_{ij} \cdot \left[\left(\frac{p_i}{\rho_i^2} + \frac{p_j}{\rho_j^2} \right)\textbf{I} - \left(\frac{\boldsymbol{A_i}}{\rho_i^2} + \frac{\boldsymbol{A_j}}{\rho_j^2} \right)\right] + \sum_j \frac{\eta_{ij}\boldsymbol{v}_{ij}}{\rho_i \rho_j r_{ij}} \nabla W_{ij} \cdot \boldsymbol{x}_{ij} where, .. math:: \boldsymbol{A_{i/j}} = \rho_{i/j} \boldsymbol{v}_{i/j} \otimes (\tilde{\boldsymbol{v}}_{i/j} - \boldsymbol{v}_{i/j}) .. math:: \eta_{ij} = \frac{2\eta_i \eta_j}{\eta_i + \eta_j} .. math:: \eta_{i/j} = \rho_{i/j} \nu for solids, replace :math:`\boldsymbol{A}_{i/j}` with :math:`\boldsymbol{\sigma}'_{i/j}`. The rate of change of transport velocity is given by, .. math:: (\frac{d\boldsymbol{v}_i}{dt})_c = -p_i^0 \sum_j \frac{m_j} {\rho_i^2} \nabla \tilde{W}_{ij} where, .. math:: \tilde{W}_{ij} = W(\boldsymbol{x}_ij, \tilde{0.5 h_{ij}}) .. math:: p_i^0 = \min(10|p_i|, p_{ref}) Notes: A negative sign in :math:`(\frac{d\boldsymbol{v}_i}{dt})_c` is missing in the paper [ZhangHuAdams2017]. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, pref, gx=0.0, gy=0.0, gz=0.0): r""" Parameters ---------- pref : float reference pressure gx : float body force per unit mass along the x-axis gy : float body force per unit mass along the y-axis gz : float body force per unit mass along the z-axis """ self.pref = pref self.gx = gx = gy self.gz = gz super(MomentumEquationPressureGradient, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_auhat, d_avhat, d_awhat, d_p0, d_p): d_au[d_idx] = self.gx d_av[d_idx] = d_aw[d_idx] = self.gz d_auhat[d_idx] = 0.0 d_avhat[d_idx] = 0.0 d_awhat[d_idx] = 0.0 d_p0[d_idx] = min(10*abs(d_p[d_idx]), self.pref)
[docs] def loop(self, d_rho, s_rho, d_idx, s_idx, d_p, s_p, s_m, d_au, d_av, d_aw, DWIJ, d_p0, d_auhat, d_avhat, d_awhat, XIJ, RIJ, SPH_KERNEL, HIJ): rhoi2 = d_rho[d_idx] * d_rho[d_idx] rhoj2 = s_rho[s_idx] * s_rho[s_idx] pij = d_p[d_idx]/rhoi2 + s_p[s_idx]/rhoj2 tmp = -s_m[s_idx] * pij d_au[d_idx] += tmp * DWIJ[0] d_av[d_idx] += tmp * DWIJ[1] d_aw[d_idx] += tmp * DWIJ[2] tmp = -d_p0[d_idx] * s_m[s_idx]/rhoi2 dwijhat = declare('matrix(3)') SPH_KERNEL.gradient(XIJ, RIJ, 0.5*HIJ, dwijhat) d_auhat[d_idx] += tmp * dwijhat[0] d_avhat[d_idx] += tmp * dwijhat[1] d_awhat[d_idx] += tmp * dwijhat[2]
[docs]class MomentumEquationViscosity(Equation): r"""**Momentum equation Artificial stress for solids** See the class MomentumEquationPressureGradient for details. Notes: A factor of '2' is missing in the viscosity equation given by [ZhangHuAdams2017]. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, nu): r""" Parameters ---------- nu : float viscosity of the fluid. """ = nu super(MomentumEquationViscosity, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_rho, s_rho, s_m, d_au, d_av, d_aw, VIJ, R2IJ, EPS, DWIJ, XIJ): etai = * d_rho[d_idx] etaj = * s_rho[s_idx] etaij = 4 * (etai * etaj)/(etai + etaj) xdotdij = DWIJ[0]*XIJ[0] + DWIJ[1]*XIJ[1] + DWIJ[2]*XIJ[2] tmp = s_m[s_idx]/(d_rho[d_idx] * s_rho[s_idx]) fac = tmp * etaij * xdotdij/(R2IJ + EPS) d_au[d_idx] += fac * VIJ[0] d_av[d_idx] += fac * VIJ[1] d_aw[d_idx] += fac * VIJ[2]
[docs]class MomentumEquationArtificialStress(Equation): r"""**Momentum equation Artificial stress for solids** See the class MomentumEquationPressureGradient for details. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim): r""" Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimensionality of the problem. """ self.dim = dim super(MomentumEquationArtificialStress, self).__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [mat_vec_mult]
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_rho, s_rho, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_uhat, d_vhat, d_what, s_u, s_v, s_w, s_uhat, s_vhat, s_what, d_au, d_av, d_aw, s_m, DWIJ): rhoi = d_rho[d_idx] rhoj = s_rho[s_idx] i, j = declare('int', 2) ui, uj, uidif, ujdif, res = declare('matrix(3)', 5) Aij = declare('matrix(9)') for i in range(3): res[i] = 0.0 for j in range(3): Aij[3*i + j] = 0.0 ui[0] = d_u[d_idx] ui[1] = d_v[d_idx] ui[2] = d_w[d_idx] uj[0] = s_u[s_idx] uj[1] = s_v[s_idx] uj[2] = s_w[s_idx] uidif[0] = d_uhat[d_idx] - d_u[d_idx] uidif[1] = d_vhat[d_idx] - d_v[d_idx] uidif[2] = d_what[d_idx] - d_w[d_idx] ujdif[0] = s_uhat[s_idx] - s_u[s_idx] ujdif[1] = s_vhat[s_idx] - s_v[s_idx] ujdif[2] = s_what[s_idx] - s_w[s_idx] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): Aij[3*i + j] = (ui[i]*uidif[j] / rhoi + uj[i]*ujdif[j] / rhoj) mat_vec_mult(Aij, DWIJ, 3, res) d_au[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * res[0] d_av[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * res[1] d_aw[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * res[2]
[docs]class VelocityGradient(Equation): r"""**Gradient of velocity vector** .. math:: (\nabla \otimes \tilde{\boldsymbol{v}})_i = \sum_j \frac{m_j} {\rho_j} \tilde{\boldsymbol{v}}_{ij} \otimes \nabla W_{ij} """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim): r""" Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimensionality of the problem. """ self.dim = dim super(VelocityGradient, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_gradvhat): for i in range(9): d_gradvhat[9*d_idx + i] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, s_idx, d_idx, s_m, d_uhat, d_vhat, d_what, s_uhat, s_vhat, s_what, s_rho, d_gradvhat, DWIJ): i, j = declare('int', 2) uhatij = declare('matrix(3)') Vj = s_m[s_idx]/s_rho[s_idx] uhatij[0] = d_uhat[d_idx] - s_uhat[s_idx] uhatij[1] = d_vhat[d_idx] - s_vhat[s_idx] uhatij[2] = d_what[d_idx] - s_what[s_idx] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): d_gradvhat[d_idx*9 + 3*i + j] += Vj * uhatij[i] * DWIJ[j]
[docs]class DeviatoricStressRate(Equation): r"""**Stress rate for solids** From [ZhangHuAdams2017], equation (5), .. math:: \frac{d \boldsymbol{\sigma}'}{dt} = 2 G (\boldsymbol{\epsilon} - \frac{1}{3} \text{Tr}(\boldsymbol{\epsilon})\textbf{I}) + \boldsymbol{\sigma}' \cdot \boldsymbol{\Omega}^{T} + \boldsymbol{\Omega} \cdot \boldsymbol{\sigma}' where, .. math:: \boldsymbol{\Omega_{i/j}} = \frac{1}{2} \left(\nabla \otimes \boldsymbol{v}_{i/j} - (\nabla \otimes \boldsymbol{v}_{i/j})^{T}\right) .. math:: \boldsymbol{\epsilon_{i/j}} = \frac{1}{2} \left(\nabla \otimes \boldsymbol{v}_{i/j} + (\nabla \otimes \boldsymbol{v}_{i/j})^{T}\right) see the class VelocityGradient for :math:`\nabla \otimes \boldsymbol{v}_i` """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim, G): r""" Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimensionality of the problem. G : float value of shear modulus """ self.G = G self.dim = dim super(DeviatoricStressRate, self).__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [mat_vec_mult, mat_mult]
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_sigma, d_asigma, d_gradvhat): i, j, ind = declare('int', 3) eps, omega, omegaT, sigmai, dvi = declare('matrix(9)', 5) G = self.G for i in range(9): sigmai[i] = d_sigma[d_idx*9 + i] dvi[i] = d_gradvhat[d_idx*9 + i] d_asigma[d_idx*9 + i] = 0.0 eps_trace = 0.0 for i in range(3): for j in range(3): eps[3*i + j] = 0.5*(dvi[3*i + j] + dvi[3*j + i]) omega[3*i + j] = 0.5*(dvi[3*i + j] - dvi[3*j + i]) if i == j: eps_trace += eps[3*i + j] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): omegaT[3*j + i] = omega[3*i + j] smo, oms = declare('matrix(9)', 2) mat_mult(sigmai, omegaT, 3, smo) mat_mult(omega, sigmai, 3, oms) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): ind = 3*i + j d_asigma[d_idx*9 + ind] = 2*G * eps[ind] + smo[ind] + oms[ind] if i == j: d_asigma[d_idx*9 + ind] += -2*G * eps_trace/3.0
[docs]class MomentumEquationArtificialStressSolid(Equation): r"""**Momentum equation Artificial stress for solids** See the class MomentumEquationPressureGradient for details. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim): r""" Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimensionality of the problem. """ self.dim = dim super(MomentumEquationArtificialStressSolid, self).__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [mat_vec_mult]
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_sigma, s_sigma, d_au, d_av, d_aw, s_m, DWIJ): i = declare('int') sigmaij = declare('matrix(9)') res = declare('matrix(3)') for i in range(9): sigmaij[i] = d_sigma[d_idx*9 + i] + s_sigma[s_idx*9 + i] mat_vec_mult(sigmaij, DWIJ, 3, res) d_au[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * res[0] d_av[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * res[1] d_aw[d_idx] += s_m[s_idx] * res[2]
[docs]class GTVFScheme(Scheme): def __init__(self, fluids, solids, dim, rho0, c0, nu, h0, pref, gx=0.0, gy=0.0, gz=0.0, b=1.0, alpha=0.0): r"""Parameters ---------- fluids: list List of names of fluid particle arrays. solids: list List of names of solid particle arrays. dim: int Dimensionality of the problem. rho0: float Reference density. c0: float Reference speed of sound. nu: float Real viscosity of the fluid. h0: float Reference smoothing length. pref: float reference pressure for rate of change of transport velocity. gx: float Body force acceleration components in x direction. gy: float Body force acceleration components in y direction. gz: float Body force acceleration components in z direction. b: float constant for the equation of state. """ self.fluids = fluids self.solids = solids self.dim = dim self.rho0 = rho0 self.c0 = c0 = nu self.h0 = h0 self.pref = pref self.gx = gx = gy self.gz = gz self.b = b self.alpha = alpha self.solver = None
[docs] def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): """Configure the solver to be generated. Parameters ---------- kernel : Kernel instance. Kernel to use, if none is passed a default one is used. integrator_cls : pysph.sph.integrator.Integrator Integrator class to use, use sensible default if none is passed. extra_steppers : dict Additional integration stepper instances as a dict. **kw : extra arguments Any additional keyword args are passed to the solver instance. """ from pysph.base.kernels import WendlandQuintic if kernel is None: kernel = WendlandQuintic(dim=self.dim) steppers = {} if extra_steppers is not None: steppers.update(extra_steppers) step_cls = GTVFStep for fluid in self.fluids: if fluid not in steppers: steppers[fluid] = step_cls() if integrator_cls is not None: cls = integrator_cls print("Warning: GTVF Integrator is not being used.") else: cls = GTVFIntegrator integrator = cls(**steppers) from pysph.solver.solver import Solver self.solver = Solver( dim=self.dim, integrator=integrator, kernel=kernel, **kw )
[docs] def get_equations(self): from pysph.sph.wc.transport_velocity import ( StateEquation, SetWallVelocity, SolidWallPressureBC, VolumeSummation, SolidWallNoSlipBC, MomentumEquationArtificialViscosity, ContinuitySolid ) all = self.fluids + self.solids stage1 = [] if self.solids: eq0 = [] for solid in self.solids: eq0.append(SetWallVelocity(dest=solid, sources=self.fluids)) stage1.append(Group(equations=eq0, real=False)) eq1 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq1.append(ContinuityEquationGTVF(dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids)) if self.solids: eq1.append( ContinuitySolid(dest=fluid, sources=self.solids) ) stage1.append(Group(equations=eq1, real=False)) eq2, stage2 = [], [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq2.append(CorrectDensity(dest=fluid, sources=all)) stage2.append(Group(equations=eq2, real=False)) eq3 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq3.append( StateEquation(dest=fluid, sources=None, p0=self.pref, rho0=self.rho0, b=1.0) ) stage2.append(Group(equations=eq3, real=False)) g2_s = [] for solid in self.solids: g2_s.append(VolumeSummation(dest=solid, sources=all)) g2_s.append(SolidWallPressureBC( dest=solid, sources=self.fluids, b=1.0, rho0=self.rho0, p0=self.pref, gx=self.gx,, gz=self.gz )) if g2_s: stage2.append(Group(equations=g2_s, real=False)) eq4 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq4.append( MomentumEquationPressureGradient( dest=fluid, sources=all, pref=self.pref, gx=self.gx,, gz=self.gz )) if self.alpha > 0.0: eq4.append( MomentumEquationArtificialViscosity( dest=fluid, sources=all, c0=self.c0, alpha=self.alpha )) if > 0.0: eq4.append( MomentumEquationViscosity( dest=fluid, sources=all, )) if self.solids: eq4.append( SolidWallNoSlipBC( dest=fluid, sources=self.solids, )) eq4.append( MomentumEquationArtificialStress( dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids, dim=self.dim )) stage2.append(Group(equations=eq4, real=True)) return MultiStageEquations([stage1, stage2])
[docs] def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): particle_arrays = dict([(, p) for p in particles]) dummy = get_particle_array_gtvf(name='junk') props = list( props += [dict(name=p, stride=v) for p, v in dummy.stride.items()] output_props = dummy.output_property_arrays for fluid in self.fluids: pa = particle_arrays[fluid] self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props) solid_props = ['uf', 'vf', 'wf', 'vg', 'ug', 'wij', 'wg', 'V'] props += solid_props for solid in self.solids: pa = particle_arrays[solid] self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props)