Source code for pysph.sph.wc.crksph

CRKSPH corrections

These are equations for the basic kernel corrections in [CRKSPH2017].


    .. [CRKSPH2017] Nicholas Frontiere, Cody D. Raskin, J. Michael Owen
        "CRKSPH - A Conservative Reproducing Kernel Smoothed Particle
        Hydrodynamics Scheme", Journal of Computational Physics 332 (2017),
        pp. 160--209.


from math import sqrt, exp
from compyle.api import declare
from pysph.sph.equation import Equation, Group, MultiStageEquations
from pysph.sph.wc.linalg import (
    augmented_matrix, dot, gj_solve, identity, mat_vec_mult
from pysph.sph.scheme import Scheme
from pysph.base.utils import get_particle_array
from pysph.sph.integrator import Integrator, IntegratorStep
from pysph.base.particle_array import get_ghost_tag

# Constants
GHOST_TAG = get_ghost_tag()

[docs]class CRKSPHPreStep(Equation): def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim=2): self.dim = dim super(CRKSPHPreStep, self).__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [augmented_matrix, gj_solve, identity, dot, mat_vec_mult]
[docs] def loop_all(self, d_idx, d_x, d_y, d_z, d_h, s_x, s_y, s_z, s_h, s_m, s_rho, SPH_KERNEL, NBRS, N_NBRS, d_ai, d_gradai, d_bi, s_V, d_gradbi): x = d_x[d_idx] y = d_y[d_idx] z = d_z[d_idx] h = d_h[d_idx] i, j, k, s_idx, d, d2 = declare('int', 6) alp, bet, gam, phi, psi = declare('int', 5) xij = declare('matrix(3)') dwij = declare('matrix(3)') d = self.dim d2 = d*d m0 = 0.0 m1 = declare('matrix(3)') m2 = declare('matrix(9)') temp_vec = declare('matrix(3)') temp_aug_m2 = declare('matrix(18)') m2inv = declare('matrix(9)') grad_m0 = declare('matrix(3)') grad_m1 = declare('matrix(9)') grad_m2 = declare('matrix(27)') ai = 0.0 bi = declare('matrix(3)') grad_ai = declare('matrix(3)') grad_bi = declare('matrix(9)') for i in range(3): m1[i] = 0.0 grad_m0[i] = 0.0 bi[i] = 0.0 grad_ai[i] = 0.0 for j in range(3): m2[3*i + j] = 0.0 grad_m1[3*i + j] = 0.0 grad_bi[3*i + j] = 0.0 for k in range(3): grad_m2[9*i + 3*j + k] = 0.0 for i in range(N_NBRS): s_idx = NBRS[i] xij[0] = x - s_x[s_idx] xij[1] = y - s_y[s_idx] xij[2] = z - s_z[s_idx] hij = (h + s_h[s_idx]) * 0.5 rij = sqrt(xij[0] * xij[0] + xij[1] * xij[1] + xij[2] * xij[2]) wij = SPH_KERNEL.kernel(xij, rij, hij) SPH_KERNEL.gradient(xij, rij, hij, dwij) V = 1.0/s_V[s_idx] m0 += V * wij for alp in range(d): m1[alp] += V * wij * xij[alp] for bet in range(d): m2[d*alp + bet] += V * wij * xij[alp] * xij[bet] for gam in range(d): grad_m0[gam] += V * dwij[gam] for alp in range(d): fac = 1.0 if alp == gam else 0.0 temp = (xij[alp] * dwij[gam] + fac * wij) grad_m1[d*gam + alp] += V * temp for bet in range(d): fac2 = 1.0 if bet == gam else 0.0 temp = xij[alp] * fac2 + xij[bet] * fac temp2 = (xij[alp] * xij[bet] * dwij[gam] + temp * wij) grad_m2[d2*gam + d*alp + bet] += V * temp2 identity(m2inv, d) augmented_matrix(m2, m2inv, d, d, d, temp_aug_m2) # If is_singular > 0 then matrix was singular is_singular = gj_solve(temp_aug_m2, d, d, m2inv) if is_singular > 0.0: # Cannot do much if the matrix is singular. Perhaps later # we can tag such particles to see if the user can do something. pass else: mat_vec_mult(m2inv, m1, d, temp_vec) # Eq. 12. ai = 1.0/(m0 - dot(temp_vec, m1, d)) # Eq. 13. mat_vec_mult(m2inv, m1, d, bi) for gam in range(d): bi[gam] = -bi[gam] # Eq. 14. and 15. for gam in range(d): temp1 = grad_m0[gam] for alp in range(d): temp2 = 0.0 for bet in range(d): temp1 -= m2inv[d*alp + bet] * ( m1[bet] * grad_m1[d*gam + alp] + m1[alp] * grad_m1[d*gam + bet] ) temp2 -= ( m2inv[d*alp + bet] * grad_m1[d*gam + bet] ) for phi in range(d): for psi in range(d): temp1 += ( m2inv[d*alp + phi] * m2inv[d*psi + bet] * grad_m2[d2*gam + d*phi + psi] * m1[bet] * m1[alp] ) temp2 += ( m2inv[d*alp + phi] * m2inv[d*psi + bet] * grad_m2[d2*gam + d*phi + psi] * m1[bet] ) grad_bi[d*gam + alp] = temp2 grad_ai[gam] = -ai*ai*temp1 if N_NBRS < 2 or is_singular > 0.0: d_ai[d_idx] = 1.0 for i in range(d): d_gradai[d * d_idx + i] = 0.0 d_bi[d * d_idx + i] = 0.0 for j in range(d): d_gradbi[d2 * d_idx + d * i + j] = 0.0 else: d_ai[d_idx] = ai for i in range(d): d_gradai[d * d_idx + i] = grad_ai[i] d_bi[d * d_idx + i] = bi[i] for j in range(d): d_gradbi[d2 * d_idx + d * i + j] = grad_bi[d*i + j]
[docs]class CRKSPH(Equation): r"""**Conservative Reproducing Kernel SPH** Equations from the paper [CRKSPH2017]. .. math:: W_{ij}^{R} = A_{i}\left(1+B_{i}^{\alpha}x_{ij}^{\alpha} \right)W_{ij} .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}W_{ij}^{R} = A_{i}\left(1+B_{i}^{\alpha} x_{ij}^{\alpha}\right)\partial_{\gamma}W_{ij} + \partial_{\gamma}A_{i}\left(1+B_{i}^{\alpha}x_{ij}^{\alpha} \right)W_{ij} + A_{i}\left(\partial_{\gamma}B_{i}^{\alpha} x_{ij}^{\alpha} + B_{i}^{\gamma}\right)W_{ij} .. math:: \nabla\tilde{W}_{ij} = 0.5 * \left(\nabla W_{ij}^{R}-\nabla W_{ji}^{R} \right) where, .. math:: A_{i} = \left[m_{0} - \left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^{\alpha \beta} m_1^{\beta}m_1^{\alpha}\right]^{-1} .. math:: B_{i}^{\alpha} = -\left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^{\alpha \beta} m_{1}^{\beta} .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}A_{i} = -A_{i}^{2}\left(\partial_{\gamma} m_{0}-\left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^{\alpha \beta}\left( m_{1}^{\beta}\partial_{\gamma}m_{1}^{\alpha} + \partial_{\gamma}m_{1}^{\beta}m_{1}^{\alpha}\right) + \left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^{\alpha \phi}\partial_{\gamma} m_{2}^{\phi \psi}\left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^{\psi \beta} m_{1}^{\beta}m_{1}^{\alpha} \right) .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}B_{i}^{\alpha} = -\left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^ {\alpha \beta}\partial_{\gamma}m_{1}^{\beta} + \left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^ {\alpha \phi}\partial_{\gamma}m_{2}^{\phi \psi}\left(m_{2}^ {-1}\right)^{\psi \beta}m_{1}^{\beta} .. math:: m_{0} = \sum_{j}V_{j}W_{ij} .. math:: m_{1}^{\alpha} = \sum_{j}V_{j}x_{ij}^{\alpha}W_{ij} .. math:: m_{2}^{\alpha \beta} = \sum_{j}V_{j}x_{ij}^{\alpha} x_{ij}^{\beta}W_{ij} .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}m_{0} = \sum_{j}V_{j}\partial_{\gamma} W_{ij} .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}m_{1}^{\alpha} = \sum_{j}V_{j}\left[ x_{ij}^{\alpha}\partial_{\gamma}W_{ij}+\delta^ {\alpha \gamma}W_{ij} \right] .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}m_{2}^{\alpha \beta} = \sum_{j}V_{j}\left[ x_{ij}^{\alpha}x_{ij}^{\beta}\partial_{\gamma}W_{ij} + \left(x_{ij}^{\alpha}\delta^{\beta \gamma} + x_{ij}^{\beta} \delta^{\alpha \gamma} \right)W_{ij} \right] """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim=2, tol=0.5): r""" Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimensionality of the problem. tol : float Tolerence value to decide std or corrected kernel """ self.dim = dim self.tol = tol super(CRKSPH, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_ai, d_gradai, d_cwij, d_bi, d_gradbi, WIJ, DWIJ, XIJ, HIJ): alp, gam, d = declare('int', 3) res = declare('matrix(3)') dbxij = declare('matrix(3)') d = self.dim ai = d_ai[d_idx] eps = 1.0e-04 * HIJ bxij = 0.0 for alp in range(d): bxij += d_bi[d*d_idx + alp] * XIJ[alp] for gam in range(d): temp = 0.0 for alp in range(d): temp += d_gradbi[d*d*d_idx + d*gam + alp]*XIJ[alp] dbxij[gam] = temp d_cwij[d_idx] = (ai*(1 + bxij)) for gam in range(d): res[gam] = ((ai * DWIJ[gam] + d_gradai[d * d_idx + gam] * WIJ) * (1 + bxij)) res[gam] += ai * (dbxij[gam] + d_bi[d * d_idx + gam]) * WIJ res_mag = 0.0 dwij_mag = 0.0 for i in range(d): res_mag += abs(res[i]) dwij_mag += abs(DWIJ[i]) change = abs(res_mag - dwij_mag)/(dwij_mag + eps) if change < self.tol: for i in range(d): DWIJ[i] = res[i]
[docs]class CRKSPHSymmetric(Equation): r"""**Conservative Reproducing Kernel SPH** This is symmetric and will only work for particles of the same array. Equations from the paper [CRKSPH2017]. .. math:: W_{ij}^{R} = A_{i}\left(1+B_{i}^{\alpha}x_{ij}^{\alpha} \right)W_{ij} .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}W_{ij}^{R} = A_{i}\left(1+B_{i}^{\alpha} x_{ij}^{\alpha}\right)\partial_{\gamma}W_{ij} + \partial_{\gamma}A_{i}\left(1+B_{i}^{\alpha}x_{ij}^{\alpha} \right)W_{ij} + A_{i}\left(\partial_{\gamma}B_{i}^{\alpha} x_{ij}^{\alpha} + B_{i}^{\gamma}\right)W_{ij} .. math:: \nabla\tilde{W}_{ij} = 0.5 * \left(\nabla W_{ij}^{R}-\nabla W_{ji}^{R} \right) where, .. math:: A_{i} = \left[m_{0} - \left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^{\alpha \beta} m1_{\beta}m1_{\alpha}\right]^{-1} .. math:: B_{i}^{\alpha} = -\left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^{\alpha \beta} m_{1}^{\beta} .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}A_{i} = -A_{i}^{2}\left(\partial_{\gamma} m_{0}-\left[m_{2}^{-1}\right]^{\alpha \beta}\left[ m_{1}^{\beta}\partial_{\gamma}m_{1}^{\beta}m_{1}^{\alpha} + \partial_{\gamma}m_{1}^{\alpha}m_{1}^{\beta}\right] + \left[m_{2}^{-1}\right]^{\alpha \phi}\partial_{\gamma} m_{2}^{\phi \psi}\left[m_{2}^{-1}\right]^{\psi \beta} m_{1}^{\beta}m_{1}^{\alpha} \right) .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}B_{i}^{\alpha} = -\left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^ {\alpha \beta}\partial_{\gamma}m_{1}^{\beta} + \left(m_{2}^{-1}\right)^ {\alpha \phi}\partial_{\gamma}m_{2}^{\phi \psi}\left(m_{2}^ {-1}\right)^{\psi \beta}m_{1}^{\beta} .. math:: m_{0} = \sum_{j}V_{j}W_{ij} .. math:: m_{1}^{\alpha} = \sum_{j}V_{j}x_{ij}^{\alpha}W_{ij} .. math:: m_{2}^{\alpha \beta} = \sum_{j}V_{j}x_{ij}^{\alpha} x_{ij}^{\beta}W_{ij} .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}m_{0} = \sum_{j}V_{j}\partial_{\gamma} W_{ij} .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}m_{1}^{\alpha} = \sum_{j}V_{j}\left[ x_{ij}^{\alpha}\partial_{\gamma}W_{ij}+\delta^ {\alpha \gamma}W_{ij} \right] .. math:: \partial_{\gamma}m_{2}^{\alpha \beta} = \sum_{j}V_{j}\left[ x_{ij}^{\alpha}x_{ij}^{\beta}\partial_{\gamma}W_{ij} + \left(x_{ij}^{\alpha}\delta^{\beta \gamma} + x_{ij}^{\beta} \delta^{\alpha \gamma} \right)W_{ij} \right] """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim=2, tol=0.5): self.dim = dim self.tol = tol super(CRKSPHSymmetric, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_ai, d_gradai, d_cwij, d_bi, d_gradbi, s_ai, s_gradai, s_bi, s_gradbi, d_h, s_h, WIJ, DWIJ, XIJ, HIJ, RIJ, DWI, DWJ, WI, WJ, SPH_KERNEL): alp, gam, d = declare('int', 3) dbxij = declare('matrix(3)') dbxji = declare('matrix(3)') dwij, dwji = declare('matrix(3)', 2) SPH_KERNEL.gradient(XIJ, RIJ, d_h[d_idx], dwij) SPH_KERNEL.gradient(XIJ, RIJ, s_h[s_idx], dwji) wij = SPH_KERNEL.kernel(XIJ, RIJ, d_h[d_idx]) wji = SPH_KERNEL.kernel(XIJ, RIJ, s_h[s_idx]) d = self.dim ai = d_ai[d_idx] aj = s_ai[s_idx] bxij = 0.0 bxji = 0.0 for alp in range(d): bxij += d_bi[d*d_idx + alp] * XIJ[alp] bxji -= s_bi[d*s_idx + alp] * XIJ[alp] for gam in range(d): temp = 0.0 temp1 = 0.0 for alp in range(d): temp += d_gradbi[d*d*d_idx + d*gam + alp]*XIJ[alp] temp1 -= s_gradbi[d*d*s_idx + d*gam + alp]*XIJ[alp] dbxij[gam] = temp dbxji[gam] = temp1 d_cwij[d_idx] = (ai*(1 + bxij)) WI = (ai*(1 + bxij)) * WIJ WJ = (aj*(1 + bxji)) * WIJ for gam in range(d): temp = ((ai * dwij[gam] + d_gradai[d * d_idx + gam] * wij) * (1 + bxij)) temp += ai * (dbxij[gam] + d_bi[d * d_idx + gam]) * wij temp1 = ((-aj * dwji[gam] + s_gradai[d * s_idx + gam] * wji) * (1 + bxji)) temp1 += aj * (dbxji[gam] + s_bi[d * s_idx + gam]) * wji DWIJ[gam] = 0.5*(temp - temp1) DWI[gam] = temp DWJ[gam] = temp1
[docs]class NumberDensity(Equation): r"""**Number Density** From [CRKSPH2017], equation (75): .. math:: V_{i}^{-1} = \sum_{j} W_{i} Note that the quantity `V` is the inverse of particle volume, so when using in the equation use :math:`\frac{1}{V}`. """
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_V): d_V[d_idx] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, d_V, WI): d_V[d_idx] += WI
[docs]class SummationDensityCRKSPH(Equation): r"""**Summation Density CRKSPH** From [CRKSPH2017], equation (76): .. math:: \rho_{i} = \frac{\sum_j m_{ij} V_j W_{ij}^R} {\sum_{j} V_{j}^{2} W_{ij}^R} where, .. math:: mij = \begin{cases} m_j, &i \text{ and } j \text{ are same material} \\ m_i, &i \text{ and } j \text{ are different material} \end{cases} Note that in this equation we are just using :math:`m_{ij}` to be :math:`m_i` as the mass remains constant through out the simulation. """
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_rho, d_rhofac): d_rho[d_idx] = 0.0 d_rhofac[d_idx] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_m, d_rho, d_rhofac, s_V, WIJ, d_cwij): Vj = 1.0/s_V[s_idx] fac = Vj * d_cwij[d_idx] * WIJ d_rho[d_idx] += d_m[d_idx] * fac d_rhofac[d_idx] += Vj * fac
[docs] def post_loop(self, d_idx, d_rho, d_rhofac): d_rho[d_idx] = d_rho[d_idx] / d_rhofac[d_idx]
[docs]class VelocityGradient(Equation): r"""**Velocity Gradient** From [CRKSPH2017], equation (74) .. math:: \partial_{\beta} v_i^{\alpha} = -\sum_j V_j v_{ij}^{\alpha} \partial_{\beta} W_{ij}^R """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim): r""" Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimensionality of the Problem. """ self.dim = dim super(VelocityGradient, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_gradv): i = declare('int') for i in range(9): d_gradv[9*d_idx + i] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, s_V, d_gradv, d_h, s_h, XIJ, DWIJ, VIJ, DWI): alp, bet, d = declare('int', 3) d = self.dim Vj = 1.0/s_V[s_idx] for alp in range(d): for bet in range(d): d_gradv[d_idx*d*d + d*alp + bet] += -Vj * VIJ[alp] * DWI[bet]
[docs]class MomentumEquation(Equation): r"""**Momentum Equation** From [CRKSPH2017], equation (64): .. math:: \frac{Dv_{i}^{\alpha}}{Dt} = -\frac{1}{2 m_i}\sum_{j} V_i V_j (P_i + P_j + Q_i + Q_j) (\partial_{\alpha}W_{ij}^R - \partial_{\alpha} W_{ji}^R) where, .. math:: V_{i/j} = \text{dest/source particle number density} .. math:: P_{i/j} = \text{dest/source particle pressure} .. math:: Q_i = \rho_{i} (-C_{l} c_{i} \mu_{i} + C_{q} \mu_{i}^{2}) .. math:: \mu_i = \min \left(0, \frac{\hat{v}_{ij} \eta_{i}^{\alpha}}{\eta_{i}^{\alpha}\eta_{i}^{\alpha} + \epsilon^{2}}\right) .. math:: \hat{v}_{ij}^{\alpha} = v_{i}^{\alpha} - v_{j}^{\alpha} - \frac{\phi_{ij}}{2}\left(\partial_{\beta} v_i^{\alpha} + \partial_{\beta}v_j^{\alpha}\right) x_{ij}^{\beta} .. math:: \phi_{ij} = \max \left[0, \min \left[1, \frac{4r_{ij}}{(1 + r_{ij})^2}\right]\right] \times \begin{cases} \exp{\left[-\left((\eta_{ij} - \eta_{crit})/\eta_{fold}\right)^2\right]}, &\eta_{ij} < \eta_{crit} \\ 1, & \eta_{ij} >= \eta_{crit} \end{cases} .. math:: \eta_{ij} = \min(\eta_i, \eta_j) .. math:: \eta_{i/j} = (x_{ij}^{\alpha} x_{ij}^{\alpha})^{1/2} / h_{i/j} .. math:: r_{ij} = \frac{\partial_{\beta} v_i^{\alpha} x_{ij}^{\alpha} x_{ij}^{\beta}}{\partial_{\beta} v_j^{\alpha}x_{ij}^{\alpha} x_{ij}^{\beta}} .. math:: \partial_{\beta} v_i^{\alpha} = -\sum_j V_j v_{ij}^{\alpha} \partial_{\beta} W_{ij}^R """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim, gx=0.0, gy=0.0, gz=0.0, cl=2, cq=1, eta_crit=0.3, eta_fold=0.2, tol=0.5): self.dim = dim self.gx = gx = gy self.gz = gz = cl self.cq = cq self.eta_crit = eta_crit self.eta_fold = eta_fold self.tol = tol super(MomentumEquation, self).__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [dot]
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_au, d_av, d_aw): d_au[d_idx] = self.gx d_av[d_idx] = d_aw[d_idx] = self.gz
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_m, s_m, d_rho, s_rho, d_p, s_p, d_cs, s_cs, d_u, d_v, d_w, s_u, s_v, s_w, d_gradv, s_gradv, d_h, s_h, s_ai, s_bi, s_gradai, s_gradbi, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_V, s_V, XIJ, VIJ, DWIJ, EPS, HIJ, WIJ, DWI, DWJ): Cl = Cq = self.cq eta_fold = self.eta_fold eta_crit = self.eta_crit mi = d_m[d_idx] Vi = 1.0/d_V[d_idx] Vj = 1.0/s_V[s_idx] pi = d_p[d_idx] pj = s_p[s_idx] rhoi = d_rho[d_idx] rhoj = s_rho[s_idx] ci = d_cs[d_idx] cj = s_cs[s_idx] hi = d_h[d_idx] hj = s_h[s_idx] alp, bet, i, d = declare('int', 4) uijhat, tmpdvxij = declare('matrix(3)', 2) d = self.dim tmpri = 0.0 tmprj = 0.0 for alp in range(d): for bet in range(d): tmpri += d_gradv[d*d*d_idx + d*alp + bet] * XIJ[alp] * XIJ[bet] tmprj += s_gradv[d*d*s_idx + d*alp + bet] * XIJ[alp] * XIJ[bet] rij = tmpri/tmprj tmprij = min(1, 4*rij/((1 + rij)*(1 + rij))) phiij = max(0, tmprij) tmpxij = dot(XIJ, XIJ, d) tmpxij2 = sqrt(tmpxij) etai_scalar = tmpxij2/hi etaj_scalar = tmpxij2/hj etaij = min(etai_scalar, etaj_scalar) if etaij < eta_crit: tmpphi = (etaij - eta_crit)/eta_fold phiij = phiij * exp(-tmpphi*tmpphi) for alp in range(d): s = 0.0 for bet in range(d): s += (d_gradv[d*d*d_idx + d*alp + bet] + s_gradv[d*d*s_idx + d*alp + bet]) * XIJ[bet] tmpdvxij[alp] = s uijhat[0] = d_u[d_idx] - s_u[s_idx] - 0.5*phiij * tmpdvxij[0] uijhat[1] = d_v[d_idx] - s_v[s_idx] - 0.5*phiij * tmpdvxij[1] uijhat[2] = d_w[d_idx] - s_w[s_idx] - 0.5*phiij * tmpdvxij[2] tmpmui = dot(uijhat, XIJ, d) / (tmpxij/hi + EPS * hi) mui = min(0, tmpmui) tmpmuj = dot(uijhat, XIJ, d) / (tmpxij/hi + EPS * hj) muj = min(0, tmpmuj) Qi = rhoi * (-Cl*ci*mui + Cq*mui*mui) Qj = rhoj * (-Cl*cj*muj + Cq*muj*muj) fac = -(1.0/mi) * Vi * Vj * (pi + pj + Qi + Qj) d_au[d_idx] += fac * DWIJ[0] d_av[d_idx] += fac * DWIJ[1] d_aw[d_idx] += fac * DWIJ[2]
[docs]class EnergyEquation(Equation): r"""**Energy Equation** From [CRKSPH2017], equation (66): .. math:: \Delta u_{ij} = \frac{f_{ij}}{2}\left(v_j^{\alpha}(t) + v_j^{\alpha}(t + \Delta t) - v_i^{\alpha}(t) - v_i^{\alpha}(t + \Delta t)\right) \frac{Dv_{ij}^{\alpha}}{Dt} .. math:: f_{ij} = \begin{cases} 1/2 &|s_i - s_j| = 0,\\ s_{\min} / (s_{\min} + s_{\max}) &\Delta u_{ij}\times(s_i - s_j) > 0\\ s_{\max} / (s_{\min} + s_{\max}) &\Delta u_{ij}\times(s_i - s_j) < 0\\ \end{cases} .. math:: s_{\min} = \min(|s_i|, |s_j|) .. math:: s_{\max} = \max(|s_i|, |s_j|) .. math:: s_{i/j} = \frac{p_{i/j}}{\rho_{i/j}^\gamma} see MomentumEquation for :math:`\frac{Dv_{ij}^{\alpha}}{Dt}` """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, dim, gamma, gx=0.0, gy=0.0, gz=0.0, cl=2, cq=1, eta_crit=0.5, eta_fold=0.2, tol=0.5): self.dim = dim self.gamma = gamma self.dim = dim self.gx = gx = gy self.gz = gz = cl self.cq = cq self.eta_crit = eta_crit self.eta_fold = eta_fold self.tol = tol super(EnergyEquation, self).__init__(dest, sources) def _get_helpers_(self): return [dot]
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_ae): d_ae[d_idx] = 0.0
[docs] def loop(self, d_idx, s_idx, d_au, d_av, d_aw, d_ae, s_au, s_av, s_aw, d_u0, d_v0, d_w0, s_u0, s_v0, s_w0, d_u, d_v, d_w, s_u, s_v, s_w, d_p, d_rho, s_p, s_rho, d_m, d_V, s_V, d_cs, s_cs, d_h, s_h, XIJ, d_gradv, s_gradv, EPS, DWIJ): Cl = Cq = self.cq eta_fold = self.eta_fold eta_crit = self.eta_crit mi = d_m[d_idx] Vi = 1.0/d_V[d_idx] Vj = 1.0/s_V[s_idx] pi = d_p[d_idx] pj = s_p[s_idx] rhoi = d_rho[d_idx] rhoj = s_rho[s_idx] ci = d_cs[d_idx] cj = s_cs[s_idx] hi = d_h[d_idx] hj = s_h[s_idx] alp, bet, i, d = declare('int', 4) uijhat, tmpdvxij = declare('matrix(3)', 2) d = self.dim tmpri = 0.0 tmprj = 0.0 for alp in range(d): for bet in range(d): tmpri += d_gradv[d*d*d_idx + d*alp + bet] * XIJ[alp] * XIJ[bet] tmprj += s_gradv[d*d*s_idx + d*alp + bet] * XIJ[alp] * XIJ[bet] rij = tmpri/tmprj tmprij = min(1, 4*rij/((1 + rij)*(1 + rij))) phiij = max(0, tmprij) tmpxij = dot(XIJ, XIJ, d) tmpxij2 = sqrt(tmpxij) etai_scalar = tmpxij2/hi etaj_scalar = tmpxij2/hj etaij = min(etai_scalar, etaj_scalar) if etaij < eta_crit: tmpphi = (etaij - eta_crit)/eta_fold phiij = phiij * exp(-tmpphi*tmpphi) for alp in range(d): s = 0.0 for bet in range(d): s += (d_gradv[d*d*d_idx + d*alp + bet] + s_gradv[d*d*s_idx + d*alp + bet]) * XIJ[bet] tmpdvxij[alp] = s uijhat[0] = d_u0[d_idx] - s_u0[s_idx] - 0.5*phiij * tmpdvxij[0] uijhat[1] = d_v0[d_idx] - s_v0[s_idx] - 0.5*phiij * tmpdvxij[1] uijhat[2] = d_w0[d_idx] - s_w0[s_idx] - 0.5*phiij * tmpdvxij[2] tmpmui = dot(uijhat, XIJ, d) / (tmpxij/hi + EPS * hi) mui = min(0, tmpmui) tmpmuj = dot(uijhat, XIJ, d) / (tmpxij/hi + EPS * hj) muj = min(0, tmpmuj) Qi = rhoi * (-Cl*ci*mui + Cq*mui*mui) Qj = rhoj * (-Cl*cj*muj + Cq*muj*muj) fac = -(1.0 / mi) * Vi * Vj * (pi + pj + Qi + Qj) gamma = self.gamma d = self.dim auij, delu = declare('matrix(3)', 2) auij[0] = fac * DWIJ[0] auij[1] = fac * DWIJ[1] auij[2] = fac * DWIJ[2] delu[0] = s_u0[s_idx] + s_u[s_idx] - d_u0[d_idx] - d_u[d_idx] delu[1] = s_v0[s_idx] + s_v[s_idx] - d_v0[d_idx] - d_v[d_idx] delu[2] = s_w0[s_idx] + s_w[s_idx] - d_w0[d_idx] - d_w[d_idx] aeij = dot(delu, auij, d) si = d_p[d_idx]/((d_rho[d_idx])**gamma) sj = s_p[s_idx]/((s_rho[s_idx])**gamma) smin = min(abs(si), abs(sj)) smax = max(abs(si), abs(sj)) fij = 0.5 sdiff = si - sj if sdiff * aeij > 0: fij = smin/(smin + smax) elif sdiff * aeij < 0: fij = smax/(smin + smax) d_ae[d_idx] += 0.5*fij * aeij
[docs]class StateEquation(Equation): r"""**State Equation** State equation for ideal gas, from [CRKSPH2017] equation (77): .. math:: p_i = (\gamma - 1)\rho_{i} u_i where, :math:`u_i` is the specific thermal energy. """ def __init__(self, dest, sources, gamma): self.gamma = gamma super(StateEquation, self).__init__(dest, sources)
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_p, d_rho, d_e): d_p[d_idx] = (self.gamma - 1) * d_rho[d_idx] * d_e[d_idx]
[docs]class SpeedOfSound(Equation): def __init__(self, dest, sources=None, gamma=7.0): super(SpeedOfSound, self).__init__(dest, sources) self.gamma = gamma
[docs] def initialize(self, d_cs, d_idx, d_p, d_rho): d_cs[d_idx] = (self.gamma * d_p[d_idx] / d_rho[d_idx])**0.5
[docs]class CRKSPHUpdateGhostProps(Equation): def __init__(self, dest, sources=None, dim=2): super(CRKSPHUpdateGhostProps, self).__init__(dest, sources) self.dim = dim assert GHOST_TAG == 2
[docs] def initialize(self, d_idx, d_orig_idx, d_p, d_cs, d_V, d_ai, d_bi, d_tag, d_gradbi, d_gradai, d_rho, d_u0, d_v0, d_w0, d_gradv, d_u, d_v, d_w): idx, d, alp, bet = declare('int', 4) d = self.dim if d_tag[d_idx] == 2: idx = d_orig_idx[d_idx] d_p[d_idx] = d_p[idx] d_cs[d_idx] = d_cs[idx] d_V[d_idx] = d_V[idx] d_rho[d_idx] = d_rho[idx] d_u0[d_idx] = d_u0[idx] d_v0[d_idx] = d_v0[idx] d_w0[d_idx] = d_w0[idx] d_u[d_idx] = d_u[idx] d_v[d_idx] = d_v[idx] d_w[d_idx] = d_w[idx] d_ai[d_idx] = d_ai[idx] for alp in range(d): d_gradai[d*d_idx + alp] = d_gradai[d*idx + alp] d_bi[d*d_idx + alp] = d_bi[d*idx + alp] for bet in range(d): d_gradv[d*d*d_idx + d*alp + bet] = \ d_gradv[d*d*idx + d*alp + bet] d_gradbi[d*d*d_idx + d*alp + bet] = \ d_gradbi[d*d*idx + d*alp + bet]
[docs]def get_particle_array_crksph(constants=None, **props): crksph_props = [ 'e', 'au', 'av', 'aw', 'ae', 'u0', 'v0', 'w0', 'cs', 'V', 'rhofac', 'x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'rho0', 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'arho' ] pa = get_particle_array( additional_props=crksph_props, constants=constants, **props ) pa.add_property('cwij') pa.add_property('ai') pa.add_property('bi', stride=3) pa.add_property('gradai', stride=3) pa.add_property('gradbi', stride=9) pa.add_property('gradv', stride=9) pa.add_output_arrays(['p', 'V']) return pa
[docs]class CRKSPHIntegrator(Integrator):
[docs] def one_timestep(self, t, dt): self.stage1() self.do_post_stage(dt, 1) self.compute_accelerations(0) self.stage2() self.do_post_stage(dt, 2) self.compute_accelerations(1) # We update domain here alone as positions only change here. self.stage3() self.do_post_stage(dt, 3) self.update_domain()
[docs]class CRKSPHStep(IntegratorStep):
[docs] def stage1(self, d_idx, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_u0, d_v0, d_w0): d_u0[d_idx] = d_u[d_idx] d_v0[d_idx] = d_v[d_idx] d_w0[d_idx] = d_w[d_idx]
[docs] def stage2(self, d_idx, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_au, d_av, d_aw, dt): d_u[d_idx] += d_au[d_idx] * dt d_v[d_idx] += d_av[d_idx] * dt d_w[d_idx] += d_aw[d_idx] * dt
[docs] def stage3(self, d_idx, d_e, d_ae, d_u, d_v, d_w, d_u0, d_v0, d_w0, d_x, d_y, d_z, dt): d_e[d_idx] += d_ae[d_idx] * dt d_x[d_idx] += 0.5*dt*(d_u[d_idx] + d_u0[d_idx]) d_y[d_idx] += 0.5*dt*(d_v[d_idx] + d_v0[d_idx]) d_z[d_idx] += 0.5*dt*(d_w[d_idx] + d_w0[d_idx])
[docs]class CRKSPHScheme(Scheme): def __init__(self, fluids, dim, rho0, c0, nu, h0, p0, gx=0.0, gy=0.0, gz=0.0, cl=2, cq=1, gamma=7.0, eta_crit=0.3, eta_fold=0.2, tol=0.5, has_ghosts=False): """ Parameters ---------- fluids: list a list with names of fluid particle arrays solids: list a list with names of solid (or boundary) particle arrays """ self.fluids = fluids self.solver = None self.dim = dim self.rho0 = rho0 self.c0 = c0 self.h0 = h0 self.p0 = p0 = nu self.gx = gx = gy self.gz = gz = cl self.cq = cq self.gamma = gamma self.eta_crit = eta_crit self.eta_fold = eta_fold self.tol = tol self.has_ghosts = has_ghosts
[docs] def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): """Configure the solver to be generated. Parameters ---------- kernel : Kernel instance. Kernel to use, if none is passed a default one is used. integrator_cls : pysph.sph.integrator.Integrator Integrator class to use, use sensible default if none is passed. extra_steppers : dict Additional integration stepper instances as a dict. **kw : extra arguments Any additional keyword args are passed to the solver instance. """ from pysph.base.kernels import QuinticSpline if kernel is None: kernel = QuinticSpline(dim=self.dim) steppers = {} if extra_steppers is not None: steppers.update(extra_steppers) step_cls = CRKSPHStep for fluid in self.fluids: if fluid not in steppers: steppers[fluid] = step_cls() if integrator_cls is not None: cls = integrator_cls print("warning: CRKSPHIntegrator is not being used") else: cls = CRKSPHIntegrator integrator = cls(**steppers) from pysph.solver.solver import Solver self.solver = Solver( dim=self.dim, integrator=integrator, kernel=kernel, **kw )
[docs] def get_equations(self): from pysph.sph.wc.viscosity import LaminarViscosity all = self.fluids equations_stage1 = [] equations_stage2 = [] eq00 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq00.append( StateEquation(dest=fluid, sources=None, gamma=self.gamma) ) eq00.append( SpeedOfSound(dest=fluid, sources=None, gamma=self.gamma) ) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=eq00)) gh = [] for fluid in self.fluids: gh.append( CRKSPHUpdateGhostProps(dest=fluid, sources=None, dim=self.dim) ) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=gh, real=False)) eq0 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq0.append(NumberDensity(dest=fluid, sources=all)) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=eq0, real=False)) if self.has_ghosts: gh = [] for fluid in self.fluids: gh.append( CRKSPHUpdateGhostProps( dest=fluid, sources=None, dim=self.dim ) ) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=gh, real=False)) eq1 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq1.append(CRKSPHPreStep(dest=fluid, sources=all, dim=self.dim)) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=eq1, real=False)) if self.has_ghosts: gh = [] for fluid in self.fluids: gh.append( CRKSPHUpdateGhostProps( dest=fluid, sources=None, dim=self.dim ) ) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=gh, real=False)) eq2 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq2.extend([ CRKSPHSymmetric( dest=fluid, sources=all, dim=self.dim, tol=self.tol ), SummationDensityCRKSPH(dest=fluid, sources=all) ]) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=eq2, real=False)) eq3 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq3.append( StateEquation(dest=fluid, sources=None, gamma=self.gamma) ) eq3.append( SpeedOfSound(dest=fluid, sources=None, gamma=self.gamma) ) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=eq3)) if self.has_ghosts: gh = [] for fluid in self.fluids: gh.append( CRKSPHUpdateGhostProps( dest=fluid, sources=None, dim=self.dim ) ) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=gh, real=False)) eq4 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq4.extend([ CRKSPHSymmetric( dest=fluid, sources=all, dim=self.dim, tol=self.tol ), VelocityGradient(dest=fluid, sources=all, dim=self.dim) ]) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=eq4)) if self.has_ghosts: gh = [] for fluid in self.fluids: gh.append( CRKSPHUpdateGhostProps( dest=fluid, sources=None, dim=self.dim ) ) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=gh, real=False)) eq5 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq5.append( CRKSPHSymmetric( dest=fluid, sources=all, dim=self.dim, tol=self.tol ) ) eq5.append( MomentumEquation( dest=fluid, sources=all, dim=self.dim, gx=self.gx,, gz=self.gz,, cq=self.cq, eta_crit=self.eta_crit, eta_fold=self.eta_fold ) ) if abs( > 1e-14: eq5.append(LaminarViscosity( dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids, )) equations_stage1.append(Group(equations=eq5)) if self.has_ghosts: gh = [] for fluid in self.fluids: gh.append( CRKSPHUpdateGhostProps( dest=fluid, sources=None, dim=self.dim ) ) equations_stage2.append(Group(equations=gh, real=False)) eq6 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: eq6.append( CRKSPHSymmetric( dest=fluid, sources=all, dim=self.dim, tol=self.tol ) ) eq6.append( EnergyEquation( dest=fluid, sources=all, dim=self.dim, gamma=self.gamma ) ) equations_stage2.append(Group(equations=eq6)) return MultiStageEquations([equations_stage1, equations_stage2])
[docs] def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): import numpy particle_arrays = dict([(, p) for p in particles]) crksph_props = [ 'au', 'av', 'aw', 'ae', 'u0', 'v0', 'w0', 'cs', 'V', 'rhofac', 'x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'rho0', 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'arho' ] dummy = get_particle_array_crksph(name='junk') props = list( props += [dict(name=p, stride=v) for p, v in dummy.stride.items()] props += crksph_props output_props = dummy.output_property_arrays output_props += ['p', 'V', 'e'] for fluid in self.fluids: pa = particle_arrays[fluid] self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) pa.add_property('cwij') pa.add_property('ai') pa.add_property('bi', stride=3) pa.add_property('gradai', stride=3) pa.add_property('gradbi', stride=9) pa.add_property('gradv', stride=9) pa.add_property('orig_idx', type='int') nfp = pa.get_number_of_particles() pa.orig_idx[:] = numpy.arange(nfp) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props)