Source code for pysph.sph.scheme

"""Abstract class to define the API for an SPH scheme.  The idea is that
one can define a scheme and thereafter one simply instantiates a suitable
scheme, gives it a bunch of particles and runs the application.

[docs]class Scheme(object): """An API for an SPH scheme. """ def __init__(self, fluids, solids, dim): """ Parameters ---------- fluids: list List of names of fluid particle arrays. solids: list List of names of solid particle arrays (or boundaries). dim: int Dimensionality of the problem. """ self.fluids = fluids self.solids = solids self.dim = dim self.solver = None self.attributes_changed() # Public protocol ###################################################
[docs] def add_user_options(self, group): pass
[docs] def attributes_changed(self): """Overload this to compute any properties that depend on others. This is automatically called when configure is called. """ pass
[docs] def configure(self, **kw): """Configure the scheme with given parameters. Overload this to do any scheme specific stuff. """ for k, v in kw.items(): if not hasattr(self, k): msg = 'Parameter {param} not defined for {scheme}.'.format( param=k, scheme=self.__class__.__name__ ) raise RuntimeError(msg) setattr(self, k, v) self.attributes_changed()
[docs] def consume_user_options(self, options): pass
[docs] def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): """Configure the solver to be generated. Parameters ---------- kernel : Kernel instance. Kernel to use, if none is passed a default one is used. integrator_cls : pysph.sph.integrator.Integrator Integrator class to use, use sensible default if none is passed. extra_steppers : dict Additional integration stepper instances as a dict. **kw : extra arguments Any additional keyword args are passed to the solver instance. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_equations(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_solver(self): return self.solver
[docs] def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): """Setup the particle arrays so they have the right set of properties for this scheme. Parameters ---------- particles : list List of particle arrays. clean : bool If True, removes any unnecessary properties. """ raise NotImplementedError()
# Private protocol ################################################### def _ensure_properties(self, pa, desired_props, clean=True): """Given a particle array and a set of properties desired, this removes unnecessary properties (if `clean=True`), and adds the desired properties. Parameters ---------- pa : ParticleArray Desired particle array. desired_props : sequence Desired properties to have in the array, can be a list of strings or dicts with stride info or both. clean : bool Remove undesirable properties. """ all_props = {} for p in desired_props: if isinstance(p, dict): all_props.update({p['name']: p}) elif p not in all_props: all_props.update({p: {'name': p}}) pa_props = set( if clean: to_remove = pa_props - set(all_props.keys()) for prop in to_remove: pa.remove_property(prop) to_add = set(all_props.keys()) - pa_props for prop in to_add: pa.add_property(**all_props[prop]) def _smart_getattr(self, obj, var): res = getattr(obj, var) if res is None: return getattr(self, var) else: return res
[docs]class SchemeChooser(Scheme): def __init__(self, default, **schemes): """ Parameters ---------- default: str Name of the default scheme to use. **schemes: kwargs The schemes to choose between. """ self.default = default self.schemes = dict(schemes) self.scheme = schemes[default]
[docs] def add_user_options(self, group): for scheme in self.schemes.values(): scheme.add_user_options(group) choices = list(self.schemes.keys()) group.add_argument( "--scheme", action="store", dest="scheme", default=self.default, choices=choices, help="Specify scheme to use (one of %s)." % choices )
[docs] def attributes_changed(self): self.scheme.attributes_changed()
[docs] def configure(self, **kw): self.scheme.configure(**kw)
[docs] def consume_user_options(self, options): self.scheme = self.schemes[options.scheme] self.scheme.consume_user_options(options)
[docs] def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): self.scheme.configure_solver( kernel=kernel, integrator_cls=integrator_cls, extra_steppers=extra_steppers, **kw )
[docs] def get_equations(self): return self.scheme.get_equations()
[docs] def get_solver(self): return self.scheme.get_solver()
[docs] def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): """Setup the particle arrays so they have the right set of properties for this scheme. Parameters ---------- particles : list List of particle arrays. clean : bool If True, removes any unnecessary properties. """ self.scheme.setup_properties(particles, clean)
[docs]def add_bool_argument(group, arg, dest, help, default): group.add_argument( '--%s' % arg, action="store_true", dest=dest, help=help ) neg_help = 'Do not ' + help[0].lower() + help[1:] group.add_argument( '--no-%s' % arg, action="store_false", dest=dest, help=neg_help ) group.set_defaults(**{dest: default})
[docs]class WCSPHScheme(Scheme): def __init__(self, fluids, solids, dim, rho0, c0, h0, hdx, gamma=7.0, gx=0.0, gy=0.0, gz=0.0, alpha=0.1, beta=0.0, delta=0.1, nu=0.0, tensile_correction=False, hg_correction=False, update_h=False, delta_sph=False, summation_density=False): """Parameters ---------- fluids: list List of names of fluid particle arrays. solids: list List of names of solid particle arrays (or boundaries). dim: int Dimensionality of the problem. rho0: float Reference density. c0: float Reference speed of sound. gamma: float Gamma for the equation of state. h0: float Reference smoothing length. hdx: float Ratio of h/dx. gx, gy, gz: float Body force acceleration components. alpha: float Coefficient for artificial viscosity. beta: float Coefficient for artificial viscosity. delta: float Coefficient used to control the intensity of diffusion of density nu: float Real viscosity of the fluid, defaults to no viscosity. tensile_correction: bool Use tensile correction. hg_correction: bool Use the Hughes-Graham correction. update_h: bool Update the smoothing length as per Ferrari et al. delta_sph: bool Use the delta-SPH correction terms. summation_density: bool Use summation density instead of continuity. References ---------- .. [Hughes2010] J. P. Hughes and D. I. Graham, "Comparison of incompressible and weakly-compressible SPH models for free-surface water flows", Journal of Hydraulic Research, 48 (2010), pp. 105-117. .. [Marrone2011] S. Marrone et al., "delta-SPH model for simulating violent impact flows", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200 (2011), pp 1526--1542. .. [Cherfils2012] J. M. Cherfils et al., "JOSEPHINE: A parallel SPH code for free-surface flows", Computer Physics Communications, 183 (2012), pp 1468--1480. """ self.fluids = fluids self.solids = solids self.solver = None self.rho0 = rho0 self.c0 = c0 self.gamma = gamma self.dim = dim self.h0 = h0 self.hdx = hdx self.gx = gx = gy self.gz = gz self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta = delta = nu self.tensile_correction = tensile_correction self.hg_correction = hg_correction self.update_h = update_h self.delta_sph = delta_sph self.summation_density = summation_density
[docs] def add_user_options(self, group): group.add_argument( "--alpha", action="store", type=float, dest="alpha", default=None, help="Alpha for the artificial viscosity." ) group.add_argument( "--beta", action="store", type=float, dest="beta", default=None, help="Beta for the artificial viscosity." ) group.add_argument( "--delta", action="store", type=float, dest="delta", default=None, help="Delta for the delta-SPH." ) group.add_argument( "--gamma", action="store", type=float, dest="gamma", default=None, help="Gamma for the state equation." ) add_bool_argument( group, 'tensile-correction', dest='tensile_correction', help="Use tensile instability correction.", default=None ) add_bool_argument( group, "hg-correction", dest="hg_correction", help="Use the Hughes Graham correction.", default=None ) add_bool_argument( group, "update-h", dest="update_h", help="Update the smoothing length as per Ferrari et al.", default=None ) add_bool_argument( group, "delta-sph", dest="delta_sph", help="Use the delta-SPH correction terms.", default=None ) add_bool_argument( group, "summation-density", dest="summation_density", help="Use summation density instead of continuity.", default=None )
[docs] def consume_user_options(self, options): vars = ['gamma', 'tensile_correction', 'hg_correction', 'update_h', 'delta_sph', 'alpha', 'beta', 'summation_density'] data = dict((var, self._smart_getattr(options, var)) for var in vars) self.configure(**data)
[docs] def get_timestep(self, cfl=0.5): return cfl*self.h0/self.c0
[docs] def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): from pysph.base.kernels import CubicSpline if kernel is None: kernel = CubicSpline(dim=self.dim) steppers = {} if extra_steppers is not None: steppers.update(extra_steppers) from pysph.sph.integrator import PECIntegrator, TVDRK3Integrator from pysph.sph.integrator_step import WCSPHStep, WCSPHTVDRK3Step cls = integrator_cls if integrator_cls is not None else PECIntegrator step_cls = WCSPHTVDRK3Step if cls is TVDRK3Integrator else WCSPHStep for name in self.fluids + self.solids: if name not in steppers: steppers[name] = step_cls() integrator = cls(**steppers) from pysph.solver.solver import Solver if 'dt' not in kw: kw['dt'] = self.get_timestep() self.solver = Solver( dim=self.dim, integrator=integrator, kernel=kernel, **kw )
[docs] def get_equations(self): from pysph.sph.equation import Group from pysph.sph.wc.basic import ( MomentumEquation, TaitEOS, TaitEOSHGCorrection, UpdateSmoothingLengthFerrari ) from pysph.sph.wc.basic import (ContinuityEquationDeltaSPH, ContinuityEquationDeltaSPHPreStep, MomentumEquationDeltaSPH) from pysph.sph.basic_equations import \ (ContinuityEquation, SummationDensity, XSPHCorrection) from pysph.sph.wc.viscosity import (LaminarViscosity, LaminarViscosityDeltaSPH) from pysph.sph.wc.kernel_correction import (GradientCorrectionPreStep, GradientCorrection) equations = [] g1 = [] all = self.fluids + self.solids if self.summation_density: g0 = [] for name in self.fluids: g0.append(SummationDensity(dest=name, sources=all)) equations.append(Group(equations=g0, real=False)) for name in self.fluids: g1.append(TaitEOS( dest=name, sources=None, rho0=self.rho0, c0=self.c0, gamma=self.gamma )) # This correction applies only to solids. for name in self.solids: if self.hg_correction: g1.append(TaitEOSHGCorrection( dest=name, sources=None, rho0=self.rho0, c0=self.c0, gamma=self.gamma )) else: g1.append(TaitEOS( dest=name, sources=None, rho0=self.rho0, c0=self.c0, gamma=self.gamma )) equations.append(Group(equations=g1, real=False)) if self.delta_sph and not self.summation_density: eq2_pre = [] for name in self.fluids: eq2_pre.append( GradientCorrectionPreStep(dest=name, sources=[name], dim=self.dim) ) equations.append(Group(equations=eq2_pre, real=False)) eq2 = [] for name in self.fluids: eq2.extend([ GradientCorrection(dest=name, sources=[name]), ContinuityEquationDeltaSPHPreStep( dest=name, sources=[name] )]) equations.append(Group(equations=eq2)) g2 = [] for name in self.solids: g2.append(ContinuityEquation(dest=name, sources=self.fluids)) for name in self.fluids: if not self.summation_density: g2.append( ContinuityEquation(dest=name, sources=all) ) if self.delta_sph and not self.summation_density: g2.append( ContinuityEquationDeltaSPH( dest=name, sources=[name], c0=self.c0, )) # This is required since MomentumEquation (ME) adds artificial # viscosity (AV), so make alpha 0.0 for ME and enable delta sph AV. alpha = 0.0 if self.delta_sph else self.alpha g2.append( MomentumEquation( dest=name, sources=all, c0=self.c0, alpha=alpha, beta=self.beta, gx=self.gx,, gz=self.gz, tensile_correction=self.tensile_correction )) if self.delta_sph: g2.append( MomentumEquationDeltaSPH( dest=name, sources=[name], rho0=self.rho0, c0=self.c0, alpha=self.alpha )) g2.append(XSPHCorrection(dest=name, sources=[name])) if abs( > 1e-14: if self.delta_sph: eq = LaminarViscosityDeltaSPH( dest=name, sources=all, dim=self.dim, rho0=self.rho0, ) else: eq = LaminarViscosity( dest=name, sources=all, ) g2.insert(-1, eq) equations.append(Group(equations=g2)) if self.update_h: g3 = [ UpdateSmoothingLengthFerrari( dest=x, sources=None, dim=self.dim, hdx=self.hdx ) for x in self.fluids ] equations.append(Group(equations=g3, real=False)) return equations
[docs] def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): from pysph.base.utils import get_particle_array_wcsph dummy = get_particle_array_wcsph(name='junk') props = list( output_props = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'rho', 'm', 'h', 'pid', 'gid', 'tag', 'p'] if self.delta_sph: delta_sph_props = [ {'name': 'm_mat', 'stride': 9}, {'name': 'gradrho', 'stride': 3}, ] props += delta_sph_props for pa in particles: self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props) if in self.solids: # This is the load balancing weight for the solid particles. # They do less work so we reduce the weight. if 'lb_weight' not in pa.constants: pa.add_constant('lb_weight', 0.1)
[docs]class TVFScheme(Scheme): def __init__(self, fluids, solids, dim, rho0, c0, nu, p0, pb, h0, gx=0.0, gy=0.0, gz=0.0, alpha=0.0, tdamp=0.0): self.fluids = fluids self.solids = solids self.solver = None self.rho0 = rho0 self.c0 = c0 self.pb = pb self.p0 = p0 = nu self.dim = dim self.h0 = h0 self.gx = gx = gy self.gz = gz self.alpha = alpha self.tdamp = 0.0
[docs] def add_user_options(self, group): group.add_argument( "--alpha", action="store", type=float, dest="alpha", default=None, help="Alpha for the artificial viscosity." ) group.add_argument( "--tdamp", action="store", type=float, dest="tdamp", default=None, help="Time for which the accelerations are damped." )
[docs] def consume_user_options(self, options): vars = ['alpha', 'tdamp'] data = dict((var, self._smart_getattr(options, var)) for var in vars) self.configure(**data)
[docs] def get_timestep(self, cfl=0.25): dt_cfl = cfl * self.h0/self.c0 if > 1e-12: dt_viscous = 0.125 * self.h0**2/ else: dt_viscous = 1.0 dt_force = 1.0 return min(dt_cfl, dt_viscous, dt_force)
[docs] def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): """Configure the solver to be generated. Parameters ---------- kernel : Kernel instance. Kernel to use, if none is passed a default one is used. integrator_cls : pysph.sph.integrator.Integrator Integrator class to use, use sensible default if none is passed. extra_steppers : dict Additional integration stepper instances as a dict. **kw : extra arguments Any additional keyword args are passed to the solver instance. """ from pysph.base.kernels import QuinticSpline from pysph.sph.integrator_step import TransportVelocityStep from pysph.sph.integrator import PECIntegrator if kernel is None: kernel = QuinticSpline(dim=self.dim) steppers = {} if extra_steppers is not None: steppers.update(extra_steppers) step_cls = TransportVelocityStep for fluid in self.fluids: if fluid not in steppers: steppers[fluid] = step_cls() cls = integrator_cls if integrator_cls is not None else PECIntegrator integrator = cls(**steppers) from pysph.solver.solver import Solver self.solver = Solver( dim=self.dim, integrator=integrator, kernel=kernel, **kw )
[docs] def get_equations(self): from pysph.sph.equation import Group from pysph.sph.wc.transport_velocity import ( SummationDensity, StateEquation, MomentumEquationPressureGradient, MomentumEquationArtificialViscosity, MomentumEquationViscosity, MomentumEquationArtificialStress, SolidWallPressureBC, SolidWallNoSlipBC, SetWallVelocity ) equations = [] all = self.fluids + self.solids g1 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g1.append(SummationDensity(dest=fluid, sources=all)) equations.append(Group(equations=g1, real=False)) g2 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g2.append(StateEquation( dest=fluid, sources=None, p0=self.p0, rho0=self.rho0, b=1.0 )) for solid in self.solids: g2.append(SetWallVelocity(dest=solid, sources=self.fluids)) if len(g2) > 0: equations.append(Group(equations=g2, real=False)) g3 = [] for solid in self.solids: g3.append(SolidWallPressureBC( dest=solid, sources=self.fluids, b=1.0, rho0=self.rho0, p0=self.p0, gx=self.gx,, gz=self.gz )) if len(g3) > 0: equations.append(Group(equations=g3, real=False)) g4 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g4.append( MomentumEquationPressureGradient( dest=fluid, sources=all, pb=self.pb, gx=self.gx,, gz=self.gz, tdamp=self.tdamp ) ) if self.alpha > 0.0: g4.append( MomentumEquationArtificialViscosity( dest=fluid, sources=all, c0=self.c0, alpha=self.alpha ) ) if > 0.0: g4.append( MomentumEquationViscosity( dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids, ) ) if len(self.solids) > 0: g4.append( SolidWallNoSlipBC( dest=fluid, sources=self.solids, ) ) g4.append( MomentumEquationArtificialStress( dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids) ) equations.append(Group(equations=g4)) return equations
[docs] def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): from pysph.base.utils import get_particle_array_tvf_fluid, \ get_particle_array_tvf_solid particle_arrays = dict([(, p) for p in particles]) dummy = get_particle_array_tvf_fluid(name='junk') props = list( output_props = dummy.output_property_arrays for fluid in self.fluids: pa = particle_arrays[fluid] self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props) dummy = get_particle_array_tvf_solid(name='junk') props = list( output_props = dummy.output_property_arrays for solid in self.solids: pa = particle_arrays[solid] self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props)
[docs]class AdamiHuAdamsScheme(TVFScheme): """This is a scheme similiar to that in the paper: Adami, S., Hu, X., Adams, N. A generalized wall boundary condition for smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Journal of Computational Physics 2012;231(21):7057-7075. The major difference is in how the equations are integrated. The paper has a different scheme that does not quite fit in with how things are done in PySPH readily so we simply use the WCSPHStep which works well. """ def __init__(self, fluids, solids, dim, rho0, c0, nu, h0, gx=0.0, gy=0.0, gz=0.0, p0=0.0, gamma=7.0, tdamp=0.0, alpha=0.0): self.fluids = fluids self.solids = solids self.solver = None self.rho0 = rho0 self.c0 = c0 self.h0 = h0 self.p0 = p0 = nu self.dim = dim self.gx = gx = gy self.gz = gz self.alpha = alpha self.gamma = float(gamma) self.tdamp = tdamp self.attributes_changed()
[docs] def add_user_options(self, group): super(AdamiHuAdamsScheme, self).add_user_options(group) group.add_argument( "--gamma", action="store", type=float, dest="gamma", default=None, help="Gamma for the state equation." )
[docs] def attributes_changed(self): self.B = self.c0*self.c0*self.rho0/self.gamma
[docs] def consume_user_options(self, options): vars = ['alpha', 'tdamp', 'gamma'] data = dict((var, self._smart_getattr(options, var)) for var in vars) self.configure(**data)
[docs] def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): """Configure the solver to be generated. Parameters ---------- kernel : Kernel instance. Kernel to use, if none is passed a default one is used. integrator_cls : pysph.sph.integrator.Integrator Integrator class to use, use sensible default if none is passed. extra_steppers : dict Additional integration stepper instances as a dict. **kw : extra arguments Any additional keyword args are passed to the solver instance. """ from pysph.base.kernels import QuinticSpline from pysph.sph.integrator_step import WCSPHStep from pysph.sph.integrator import PECIntegrator if kernel is None: kernel = QuinticSpline(dim=self.dim) steppers = {} if extra_steppers is not None: steppers.update(extra_steppers) step_cls = WCSPHStep for fluid in self.fluids: if fluid not in steppers: steppers[fluid] = step_cls() cls = integrator_cls if integrator_cls is not None else PECIntegrator integrator = cls(**steppers) from pysph.solver.solver import Solver self.solver = Solver( dim=self.dim, integrator=integrator, kernel=kernel, **kw )
[docs] def get_equations(self): from pysph.sph.equation import Group from pysph.sph.wc.basic import TaitEOS from pysph.sph.basic_equations import XSPHCorrection from pysph.sph.wc.transport_velocity import ( ContinuityEquation, ContinuitySolid, MomentumEquationPressureGradient, MomentumEquationViscosity, MomentumEquationArtificialViscosity, SolidWallPressureBC, SolidWallNoSlipBC, SetWallVelocity, VolumeSummation ) equations = [] all = self.fluids + self.solids g2 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g2.append(VolumeSummation(dest=fluid, sources=all)) g2.append(TaitEOS( dest=fluid, sources=None, rho0=self.rho0, c0=self.c0, gamma=self.gamma, p0=self.p0 )) for solid in self.solids: g2.append(VolumeSummation(dest=solid, sources=all)) g2.append(SetWallVelocity(dest=solid, sources=self.fluids)) equations.append(Group(equations=g2, real=False)) g3 = [] for solid in self.solids: g3.append(SolidWallPressureBC( dest=solid, sources=self.fluids, b=1.0, rho0=self.rho0, p0=self.B, gx=self.gx,, gz=self.gz )) equations.append(Group(equations=g3, real=False)) g4 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g4.append( ContinuityEquation(dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids) ) if self.solids: g4.append( ContinuitySolid(dest=fluid, sources=self.solids) ) g4.append( MomentumEquationPressureGradient( dest=fluid, sources=all, pb=0.0, gx=self.gx,, gz=self.gz, tdamp=self.tdamp ) ) if self.alpha > 0.0: g4.append( MomentumEquationArtificialViscosity( dest=fluid, sources=all, c0=self.c0, alpha=self.alpha ) ) if > 0.0: g4.append( MomentumEquationViscosity( dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids, ) ) if len(self.solids) > 0: g4.append( SolidWallNoSlipBC( dest=fluid, sources=self.solids, ) ) g4.append(XSPHCorrection(dest=fluid, sources=[fluid])) equations.append(Group(equations=g4)) return equations
[docs] def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): super(AdamiHuAdamsScheme, self).setup_properties(particles, clean) particle_arrays = dict([(, p) for p in particles]) props = ['cs', 'arho', 'rho0', 'u0', 'v0', 'w0', 'x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'ax', 'ay', 'az'] for fluid in self.fluids: pa = particle_arrays[fluid] for prop in props: pa.add_property(prop)
[docs]class GasDScheme(Scheme): def __init__(self, fluids, solids, dim, gamma, kernel_factor, alpha1=1.0, alpha2=0.1, beta=2.0, adaptive_h_scheme='mpm', update_alpha1=False, update_alpha2=False, max_density_iterations=250, density_iteration_tolerance=1e-3, has_ghosts=False): """ Parameters ---------- fluids: list List of names of fluid particle arrays. solids: list List of names of solid particle arrays (or boundaries), currently not supported dim: int Dimensionality of the problem. gamma: float Gamma for Equation of state. kernel_factor: float Kernel scaling factor. alpha1: float Artificial viscosity parameter. alpha2: float Artificial viscosity parameter. beta: float Artificial viscosity parameter. adaptive_h_scheme: str Adaptive h scheme to use. One of ['mpm', 'gsph'] update_alpha1: bool Update the alpha1 parameter dynamically. update_alpha2: bool Update the alpha2 parameter dynamically. max_density_iterations: int Maximum number of iterations to run for one density step density_iteration_tolerance: float Maximum difference allowed in two successive density iterations has_ghosts: bool if ghost particles (either mirror or periodic) is used """ self.fluids = fluids self.solids = solids self.dim = dim self.solver = None self.gamma = gamma self.alpha1 = alpha1 self.alpha2 = alpha2 self.update_alpha1 = update_alpha1 self.update_alpha2 = update_alpha2 self.beta = beta self.kernel_factor = kernel_factor self.adaptive_h_scheme = adaptive_h_scheme self.density_iteration_tolerance = density_iteration_tolerance self.max_density_iterations = max_density_iterations self.has_ghosts = has_ghosts
[docs] def add_user_options(self, group): choices = ['gsph', 'mpm'] group.add_argument( "--adaptive-h", action="store", dest="adaptive_h_scheme", default=None, choices=choices, help="Specify scheme for adaptive smoothing lengths %s" % choices ) group.add_argument( "--alpha1", action="store", type=float, dest="alpha1", default=None, help="Alpha1 for the artificial viscosity." ) group.add_argument( "--beta", action="store", type=float, dest="beta", default=None, help="Beta for the artificial viscosity." ) group.add_argument( "--alpha2", action="store", type=float, dest="alpha2", default=None, help="Alpha2 for artificial viscosity" ) group.add_argument( "--gamma", action="store", type=float, dest="gamma", default=None, help="Gamma for the state equation." ) add_bool_argument( group, "update-alpha1", dest="update_alpha1", help="Update the alpha1 parameter.", default=None ) add_bool_argument( group, "update-alpha2", dest="update_alpha2", help="Update the alpha2 parameter.", default=None )
[docs] def consume_user_options(self, options): vars = ['gamma', 'alpha2', 'alpha1', 'beta', 'update_alpha1', 'update_alpha2', 'adaptive_h_scheme'] data = dict((var, self._smart_getattr(options, var)) for var in vars) self.configure(**data)
[docs] def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): """Configure the solver to be generated. Parameters ---------- kernel : Kernel instance. Kernel to use, if none is passed a default one is used. integrator_cls : pysph.sph.integrator.Integrator Integrator class to use, use sensible default if none is passed. extra_steppers : dict Additional integration stepper instances as a dict. **kw : extra arguments Any additional keyword args are passed to the solver instance. """ from pysph.base.kernels import Gaussian if kernel is None: kernel = Gaussian(dim=self.dim) steppers = {} if extra_steppers is not None: steppers.update(extra_steppers) from pysph.sph.integrator import PECIntegrator from pysph.sph.integrator_step import GasDFluidStep cls = integrator_cls if integrator_cls is not None else PECIntegrator step_cls = GasDFluidStep for name in self.fluids: if name not in steppers: steppers[name] = step_cls() integrator = cls(**steppers) from pysph.solver.solver import Solver self.solver = Solver( dim=self.dim, integrator=integrator, kernel=kernel, **kw )
[docs] def get_equations(self): from pysph.sph.equation import Group from pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.basic import ( ScaleSmoothingLength, UpdateSmoothingLengthFromVolume, SummationDensity, IdealGasEOS, MPMAccelerations, MPMUpdateGhostProps ) from pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.boundary_equations import WallBoundary equations = [] # Find the optimal 'h' if self.adaptive_h_scheme == 'mpm': g1 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g1.append( SummationDensity( dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids, k=self.kernel_factor, density_iterations=True, dim=self.dim, htol=self.density_iteration_tolerance ) ) equations.append(Group( equations=g1, update_nnps=True, iterate=True, max_iterations=self.max_density_iterations )) elif self.adaptive_h_scheme == 'gsph': group = [] for fluid in self.fluids: group.append( ScaleSmoothingLength(dest=fluid, sources=None, factor=2.0) ) equations.append(Group(equations=group, update_nnps=True)) group = [] for fluid in self.fluids: group.append( SummationDensity( dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids, dim=self.dim ) ) equations.append(Group(equations=group, update_nnps=False)) group = [] for fluid in self.fluids: group.append( UpdateSmoothingLengthFromVolume( dest=fluid, sources=None, k=self.kernel_factor, dim=self.dim ) ) equations.append(Group(equations=group, update_nnps=True)) group = [] for fluid in self.fluids: group.append( SummationDensity( dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids, dim=self.dim ) ) equations.append(Group(equations=group, update_nnps=False)) # Done with finding the optimal 'h' g2 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g2.append(IdealGasEOS(dest=fluid, sources=None, gamma=self.gamma)) equations.append(Group(equations=g2)) g3 = [] for solid in self.solids: g3.append(WallBoundary(solid, sources=self.fluids)) equations.append(Group(equations=g3)) if self.has_ghosts: gh = [] for fluid in self.fluids: gh.append( MPMUpdateGhostProps(dest=fluid, sources=None) ) equations.append(Group(equations=gh, real=False)) g4 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g4.append(MPMAccelerations( dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids + self.solids, alpha1_min=self.alpha1, alpha2_min=self.alpha2, beta=self.beta, update_alpha1=self.update_alpha1, update_alpha2=self.update_alpha2 )) equations.append(Group(equations=g4)) return equations
[docs] def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): from pysph.base.utils import get_particle_array_gasd import numpy particle_arrays = dict([(, p) for p in particles]) dummy = get_particle_array_gasd(name='junk') props = list( output_props = dummy.output_property_arrays for fluid in self.fluids: pa = particle_arrays[fluid] self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) pa.add_property('orig_idx', type='int') nfp = pa.get_number_of_particles() pa.orig_idx[:] = numpy.arange(nfp) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props) solid_props = set(props) | set('div cs wij htmp'.split(' ')) for solid in self.solids: pa = particle_arrays[solid] self._ensure_properties(pa, solid_props, clean) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props)
[docs]class GSPHScheme(Scheme): def __init__(self, fluids, solids, dim, gamma, kernel_factor, g1=0.0, g2=0.0, rsolver=2, interpolation=1, monotonicity=1, interface_zero=True, hybrid=False, blend_alpha=5.0, tf=1.0, niter=20, tol=1e-6, has_ghosts=False): """ Parameters ---------- fluids: list List of names of fluid particle arrays. solids: list List of names of solid particle arrays (or boundaries), currently not supported dim: int Dimensionality of the problem. gamma: float Gamma for Equation of state. kernel_factor: float Kernel scaling factor. g1, g2 : double ADKE style thermal conduction parameters rsolver: int Riemann solver to use. See pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.gsph for valid options. interpolation: int Kind of interpolation for the specific volume integrals. monotonicity : int Type of monotonicity algorithm to use: 0 : First order GSPH 1 : I02 algorithm # 2 : IwIn algorithm # # noqa: E501 interface_zero : bool Set Interface position s^*_{ij} = 0 for the Riemann problem. hybrid, blend_alpha : bool, double Hybrid scheme and blending alpha value tf: double Final time used for blending. niter: int Max number of iterations for iterative Riemann solvers. tol: double Tolerance for iterative Riemann solvers. has_ghosts: bool if ghost particles (either mirror or periodic) is used """ self.fluids = fluids self.solids = solids self.dim = dim self.solver = None self.gamma = gamma self.kernel_factor = kernel_factor self.g1 = g1 self.g2 = g2 self.rsolver = rsolver self.interpolation = interpolation self.monotonicity = monotonicity self.interface_zero = interface_zero self.hybrid = hybrid self.blend_alpha = blend_alpha = tf self.niter = niter self.tol = tol self.has_ghosts = has_ghosts self.rsolver_choices = {'non_diffusive': 0, 'van_leer': 1, 'exact': 2, 'hllc': 3, 'ducowicz': 4, 'hlle': 5, 'roe': 6, 'llxf': 7, 'hllc_ball': 8, 'hll_ball': 9, 'hllsy': 10} self.interpolation_choices = {'delta': 0, 'linear': 1, 'cubic': 2} self.monotonicity_choices = {'first_order': 0, 'i02': 1, 'iwin': 2}
[docs] def add_user_options(self, group): group.add_argument( "--rsolver", action="store", type=str, dest="rsolver", default=None, choices=set(self.rsolver_choices.keys()), help=f"Riemann solver to use, one of :" f"{set(self.rsolver_choices.keys())}" ) group.add_argument( "--interpolation", action="store", type=str, dest="interpolation", default=None, choices=set(self.interpolation_choices.keys()), help=f"Interpolation algorithm to use, one of :" f"{set(self.interpolation_choices.keys())}" ) group.add_argument( "--monotonicity", action="store", type=str, dest="monotonicity", default=None, choices=set(self.monotonicity_choices.keys()), help=f"Monotonicity algorithm to use, one of :" f"{set(self.monotonicity_choices.keys())}" ) group.add_argument( "--g1", action="store", type=float, dest="g1", default=None, help="ADKE style thermal conduction parameter." ) group.add_argument( "--g2", action="store", type=float, dest="g2", default=None, help="ADKE style thermal conduction parameter." ) group.add_argument( "--gamma", action="store", type=float, dest="gamma", default=None, help="Gamma for the state equation." ) group.add_argument( "--blend-alpha", action="store", type=float, dest="blend_alpha", default=None, help="Blending factor for hybrid scheme." ) add_bool_argument( group, "interface-zero", dest="interface_zero", help="Set interface position to zero for Riemann problem.", default=None ) add_bool_argument( group, "hybrid", dest="hybrid", help="Use the hybrid scheme.", default=None )
[docs] def consume_user_options(self, options): vars = ['gamma', 'g1', 'g2', 'interface_zero', 'hybrid', 'blend_alpha'] data = dict((var, self._smart_getattr(options, var)) for var in vars) map_vars = ['monotonicity', 'rsolver', 'interpolation'] for var in map_vars: data[var] = self._smart_getattr_mapped(options, var) self.configure(**data)
def _smart_getattr_mapped(self, obj, var): res = getattr(obj, var) if res is None: return getattr(self, var) else: choices = getattr(self, f'{var}_choices') return choices[res]
[docs] def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): """Configure the solver to be generated. Parameters ---------- kernel : Kernel instance. Kernel to use, if none is passed a default one is used. integrator_cls : pysph.sph.integrator.Integrator Integrator class to use, use sensible default if none is passed. extra_steppers : dict Additional integration stepper instances as a dict. **kw : extra arguments Any additional keyword args are passed to the solver instance. """ from pysph.base.kernels import Gaussian if kernel is None: kernel = Gaussian(dim=self.dim) steppers = {} if extra_steppers is not None: steppers.update(extra_steppers) from pysph.sph.integrator import EulerIntegrator from pysph.sph.integrator_step import GSPHStep cls = integrator_cls if integrator_cls is not None else EulerIntegrator step_cls = GSPHStep for name in self.fluids: if name not in steppers: steppers[name] = step_cls() integrator = cls(**steppers) from pysph.solver.solver import Solver self.solver = Solver( dim=self.dim, integrator=integrator, kernel=kernel, **kw ) if 'tf' in kw: = kw['tf']
[docs] def get_equations(self): from pysph.sph.equation import Group from pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.basic import ( ScaleSmoothingLength, UpdateSmoothingLengthFromVolume, SummationDensity, IdealGasEOS ) from pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.boundary_equations import WallBoundary from pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.gsph import ( GSPHGradients, GSPHAcceleration, GSPHUpdateGhostProps ) equations = [] # Find the optimal 'h' group = [] for fluid in self.fluids: group.append( ScaleSmoothingLength(dest=fluid, sources=None, factor=2.0) ) equations.append(Group(equations=group, update_nnps=True)) if self.solids: group = [] for solid in self.solids: group.append(WallBoundary(solid, sources=self.fluids)) equations.append(Group(equations=group)) all_pa = self.fluids + self.solids group = [] for fluid in self.fluids: group.append( SummationDensity( dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim ) ) equations.append(Group(equations=group, update_nnps=False)) if self.solids: group = [] for solid in self.solids: group.append(WallBoundary(solid, sources=self.fluids)) equations.append(Group(equations=group)) group = [] for fluid in self.fluids: group.append( UpdateSmoothingLengthFromVolume( dest=fluid, sources=None, k=self.kernel_factor, dim=self.dim ) ) equations.append(Group(equations=group, update_nnps=True)) group = [] for fluid in self.fluids: group.append( SummationDensity( dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, dim=self.dim ) ) equations.append(Group(equations=group, update_nnps=False)) # Done with finding the optimal 'h' group = [] for fluid in self.fluids: group.append(IdealGasEOS(dest=fluid, sources=None, gamma=self.gamma)) equations.append(Group(equations=group)) if self.solids: group = [] for solid in self.solids: group.append(WallBoundary(solid, sources=self.fluids)) equations.append(Group(equations=group)) g2 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g2.append(GSPHGradients(dest=fluid, sources=all_pa)) equations.append(Group(equations=g2)) if self.has_ghosts: g3 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g3.append(GSPHUpdateGhostProps(dest=fluid, sources=None)) equations.append(Group( equations=g3, update_nnps=False, real=False )) g4 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g4.append(GSPHAcceleration( dest=fluid, sources=all_pa, g1=self.g1, g2=self.g2, monotonicity=self.monotonicity, rsolver=self.rsolver, interpolation=self.interpolation, interface_zero=self.interface_zero, hybrid=self.hybrid, blend_alpha=self.blend_alpha, gamma=self.gamma, niter=self.niter, tol=self.tol )) equations.append(Group(equations=g4)) return equations
[docs] def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): from pysph.base.utils import get_particle_array_gasd import numpy particle_arrays = dict([(, p) for p in particles]) dummy = get_particle_array_gasd(name='junk') props = (list( + 'px py pz ux uy uz vx vy vz wx wy wz'.split()) output_props = dummy.output_property_arrays for fluid in self.fluids: pa = particle_arrays[fluid] self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) pa.add_property('orig_idx', type='int') nfp = pa.get_number_of_particles() pa.orig_idx[:] = numpy.arange(nfp) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props) solid_props = set(props) | set(('wij', 'htmp')) for solid in self.solids: pa = particle_arrays[solid] self._ensure_properties(pa, solid_props, clean) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props)
[docs]class ADKEScheme(Scheme): def __init__(self, fluids, solids, dim, gamma=1.4, alpha=1.0, beta=2.0, k=1.0, eps=0.0, g1=0, g2=0, has_ghosts=False): """ Parameters ---------- fluids: list a list with names of fluid particle arrays solids: list a list with names of solid (or boundary) particle arrays dim: int dimensionality of the problem gamma: double Gamma for equation of state alpha: double artificial viscosity parameter beta: double artificial viscosity parameter k: double kernel scaling parameter eps: double kernel scaling parameter g1: double artificial heat conduction parameter g2: double artificial heat conduction parameter has_ghosts: bool if problem uses ghost particles (periodic or mirror) """ self.fluids = fluids self.solids = solids self.dim = dim self.solver = None self.gamma = gamma self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.k = k self.eps = eps self.g1 = g1 self.g2 = g2 self.has_ghosts = has_ghosts
[docs] def get_equations(self): from pysph.sph.equation import Group from pysph.sph.basic_equations import SummationDensity from pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.basic import ( IdealGasEOS, ADKEAccelerations, SummationDensityADKE, ADKEUpdateGhostProps ) from pysph.sph.gas_dynamics.boundary_equations import WallBoundary equations = [] if self.solids: g1 = [] for solid in self.solids: g1.append(WallBoundary(solid, sources=self.fluids)) equations.append(Group(equations=g1)) g2 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g2.append( SummationDensityADKE( fluid, sources=self.fluids + self.solids, k=self.k, eps=self.eps ) ) equations.append(Group(g2, update_nnps=False, iterate=False)) if self.solids: g3 = [] for solid in self.solids: g3.append(WallBoundary(solid, sources=self.fluids)) equations.append(Group(equations=g3)) g4 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g4.append(SummationDensity(fluid, self.fluids+self.solids)) equations.append(Group(g4, update_nnps=True)) if self.solids: g5 = [] for solid in self.solids: g5.append(WallBoundary(solid, sources=self.fluids)) equations.append(Group(equations=g5)) g6 = [] for elem in self.fluids+self.solids: g6.append(IdealGasEOS(elem, sources=None, gamma=self.gamma)) equations.append(Group(equations=g6)) if self.has_ghosts: gh = [] for fluid in self.fluids: gh.append( ADKEUpdateGhostProps(dest=fluid, sources=None) ) equations.append(Group(equations=gh, real=False)) g7 = [] for fluid in self.fluids: g7.append( ADKEAccelerations( dest=fluid, sources=self.fluids + self.solids, alpha=self.alpha, beta=self.beta, g1=self.g1, g2=self.g2, k=self.k, eps=self.eps ) ) equations.append(Group(equations=g7)) return equations
[docs] def configure_solver(self, kernel=None, integrator_cls=None, extra_steppers=None, **kw): """Configure the solver to be generated. Parameters ---------- kernel : Kernel instance. Kernel to use, if none is passed a default one is used. integrator_cls : pysph.sph.integrator.Integrator Integrator class to use, use sensible default if none is passed. extra_steppers : dict Additional integration stepper instances as a dict. **kw : extra arguments Any additional keyword args are passed to the solver instance. """ from pysph.base.kernels import Gaussian if kernel is None: kernel = Gaussian(dim=self.dim) steppers = {} if extra_steppers is not None: steppers.update(extra_steppers) from pysph.sph.integrator import PECIntegrator from pysph.sph.integrator_step import ADKEStep cls = integrator_cls if integrator_cls is not None else PECIntegrator step_cls = ADKEStep for name in self.fluids: if name not in steppers: steppers[name] = step_cls() integrator = cls(**steppers) from pysph.solver.solver import Solver self.solver = Solver( dim=self.dim, integrator=integrator, kernel=kernel, **kw )
[docs] def setup_properties(self, particles, clean=True): from pysph.base.utils import get_particle_array import numpy particle_arrays = dict([(, p) for p in particles]) required_props = [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'rho', 'h', 'm', 'cs', 'p', 'e', 'au', 'av', 'aw', 'arho', 'ae', 'am', 'ah', 'x0', 'y0', 'z0', 'u0', 'v0', 'w0', 'rho0', 'e0', 'h0', 'div', 'h0', 'wij', 'htmp', 'logrho'] dummy = get_particle_array(additional_props=required_props, name='junk') dummy.set_output_arrays( ['x', 'y', 'u', 'v', 'rho', 'm', 'h', 'cs', 'p', 'e', 'au', 'av', 'ae', 'pid', 'gid', 'tag'] ) props = list( output_props = dummy.output_property_arrays for solid in self.solids: pa = particle_arrays[solid] self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props) for fluid in self.fluids: pa = particle_arrays[fluid] self._ensure_properties(pa, props, clean) pa.add_property('orig_idx', type='int') nfp = pa.get_number_of_particles() pa.orig_idx[:] = numpy.arange(nfp) pa.set_output_arrays(output_props)