Source code for pysph.solver.utils

Module contains some common functions.

# standard imports
import errno
from glob import glob
import os
import socket
import sys
import time

import numpy

import pysph
from pysph.solver.output import load, dump, output_formats  # noqa: 401
from pysph.solver.output import gather_array_data as _gather_array_data

ASCII_FMT = " 123456789#"
    uni_chr = unichr
except NameError:
    uni_chr = chr
UTF_FMT = u" " + u''.join(map(uni_chr, range(0x258F, 0x2587, -1)))

def _supports_unicode(fp):
    # Taken somewhat from the tqdm package.
    if not hasattr(fp, 'encoding'):
        return False
        encoding = fp.encoding
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            return False
        except Exception:
                return (encoding.lower().startswith('utf-')
                        or ('U8' == encoding))
                return False
            return True

def get_free_port(start, skip=None):
    """Return an integer that is an available port for a service. Start at the
    given `start` value and `skip` any specified values.
    skip = () if skip is None else skip
    x = start
    while x < 65536:
        if x in skip:
            x += 1
            with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
                    s.bind(('', x))
                    s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
                    return x
                except socket.error as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.EADDRINUSE:
                        x += 1

def is_using_ipython():
    """Return True if the code is being run from an IPython session or
        # If this is being run inside an IPython console or notebook
        # then this is defined.
    except NameError:
        return False
        return True

def check_array(x, y):
    """Check if two arrays are equal with an absolute tolerance of
    return numpy.allclose(x, y, atol=1e-16, rtol=0)

def get_distributed_particles(pa, comm, cell_size):
    # FIXME: this can be removed once the examples all use Application.
    from pysph.parallel.load_balancer import LoadBalancer
    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    num_procs = comm.Get_size()

    if rank == 0:
        lb = LoadBalancer.distribute_particles(pa, num_procs=num_procs,
        lb = None

    particles = comm.scatter(lb, root=0)

    return particles

def get_array_by_name(arrays, name):
    """Given a list of arrays and the name of the desired array, return the
    desired array.
    for array in arrays:
        if == name:
            return array

def fmt_time(time):
    mm, ss = divmod(time, 60)
    hh, mm = divmod(mm, 60)
    if hh > 0:
        s = "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hh, mm, ss)
        s = "%02d:%02.1f" % (mm, ss)
    return s

class ProgressBar(object):
    def __init__(self, ti, tf, show=True, file=None, ascii=False):
        if file is None:
            self.file = sys.stdout
        self.ti = ti = tf
        self.t = 0.0
        self.dt = 1.0
        self.start = time.time()
        self.count = 0
        self.iter_inc = 1 = show
        self.ascii = ascii
        if not ascii and not _supports_unicode(self.file):
            self.ascii = True
        if not self.file.isatty() and not is_using_ipython():
   = False

    def _fmt_bar(self, percent, width):
        chars = ASCII_FMT if self.ascii else UTF_FMT
        nsyms = len(chars) - 1
        tens, ones = divmod(int(percent/100 * width * nsyms), nsyms)
        end = chars[ones] if ones > 0 else ''
        return (chars[-1]*tens + end).ljust(width)

    def _fmt_iters(self, iters):
        if iters < 1e3:
            s = '%d' % iters
        elif iters < 1e6:
            s = '%.1fk' % (iters/1e3)
        elif iters < 1e9:
            s = '%.1fM' % (iters/1e6)
        return s

    def display(self):
            elapsed = time.time() - self.start
            if self.t > 0:
                eta = ( - self.t)/self.t * elapsed
                eta = 0.0
            percent = int(round(self.t/*100))
            bar = self._fmt_bar(percent, 20)
            secsperit = elapsed/self.count if self.count > 0 else 0
            out = ('{percent:3}%|{bar}|'
                   ' {iters}it | {time:.1e}s [{elapsed}<{eta} | '
                bar=bar, percent=percent, iters=self._fmt_iters(self.count),
                time=self.t, elapsed=fmt_time(elapsed), eta=fmt_time(eta),
            self.file.write('\r%s' % out.ljust(70))

    def update(self, t, iter_inc=1):
        '''Set the current time and update the number of iterations.
        self.dt = t - self.t
        self.iter_inc = iter_inc
        self.count += iter_inc
        self.t = t

    def finish(self):

# friendly mkdir  from
def mkdir(newdir):
    """works the way a good mkdir should :)
        - already exists, silently complete
        - regular file in the way, raise an exception
        - parent directory(ies) does not exist, make them as well
    if os.path.isdir(newdir):

    elif os.path.isfile(newdir):
        raise OSError("a file with the same name as the desired "
                      "dir, '%s', already exists." % newdir)

        head, tail = os.path.split(newdir)

        if head and not os.path.isdir(head):

        if tail:
            # To prevent race in mpi runs
            except OSError as e:
                import errno
                if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(newdir):

def get_pysph_root():
    return os.path.split(pysph.__file__)[0]

def dump_v1(filename, particles, solver_data, detailed_output=False,
            only_real=True, mpi_comm=None):
    """Dump the given particles and solver data to the given filename using
    version 1.  This is mainly used only for testing that we can continue
    to load older versions of the data files.

    all_array_data = {}
    output_data = {"arrays": all_array_data, "solver_data": solver_data}

    for array in particles:
        all_array_data[] = array.get_property_arrays(
            all=detailed_output, only_real=only_real

    # Gather particle data on root
    if mpi_comm is not None:
        all_array_data = _gather_array_data(all_array_data, mpi_comm)

    output_data['arrays'] = all_array_data

    if mpi_comm is None or mpi_comm.Get_rank() == 0:
        numpy.savez(filename, version=1, **output_data)

[docs]def load_and_concatenate(prefix, nprocs=1, directory=".", count=None): """Load the results from multiple files. Given a filename prefix and the number of processors, return a concatenated version of the dictionary returned via load. Parameters ---------- prefix : str A filename prefix for the output file. nprocs : int The number of processors (files) to read directory : str The directory for the files count : int The file iteration count to read. If None, the last available one is read """ if count is None: counts = [i.rsplit('_', 1)[1][:-4] for i in os.listdir(directory) if i.startswith(prefix) and i.endswith('.npz')] counts = sorted([int(i) for i in counts]) count = counts[-1] arrays_by_rank = {} for rank in range(nprocs): fname = os.path.join( directory, prefix + '_' + str(rank) + '_' + str(count) + '.npz' ) data = load(fname) arrays_by_rank[rank] = data["arrays"] arrays = _concatenate_arrays(arrays_by_rank, nprocs) data["arrays"] = arrays return data
def _concatenate_arrays(arrays_by_rank, nprocs): """Concatenate arrays into one single particle array. """ if nprocs <= 0: return 0 array_names = arrays_by_rank[0].keys() first_processors_arrays = arrays_by_rank[0] if nprocs > 1: ret = {} for array_name in array_names: first_array = first_processors_arrays[array_name] for rank in range(1, nprocs): other_processors_arrays = arrays_by_rank[rank] other_array = other_processors_arrays[array_name] # append the other array to the first array first_array.append_parray(other_array) # remove the non local particles first_array.remove_tagged_particles(1) ret[array_name] = first_array else: ret = arrays_by_rank[0] return ret
[docs]def get_files(dirname=None, fname=None, endswith=output_formats): """Get all solution files in a given directory, `dirname`. Parameters ---------- dirname: str Name of directory. fname: str An initial part of the filename, if not specified use the first part of the dirname. endswith: str The extension of the file to load. """ if dirname is None: return [] path = os.path.abspath(dirname) if fname is None: infos = glob(os.path.join(path, "*.info")) if infos: fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(infos[0]))[0] else: fname = os.path.basename(path).split('_output')[0] files = glob(os.path.join(path, "%s*.*" % fname)) files = [f for f in files if f.endswith(endswith)] # sort the files files.sort(key=_sort_key) return files
def iter_output(files, *arrays): """Given an iterable of the solution files, this loads the files, and yields the solver data and the requested arrays. If arrays is not supplied, it returns a dictionary of the arrays. Parameters ---------- files : iterable Iterates over the list of desired files *arrays : strings Optional series of array names of arrays to return. Examples -------- >>> files = get_files('elliptical_drop_output') >>> for solver_data, arrays in iter_output(files): ... print(solver_data['t'], arrays.keys()) >>> files = get_files('elliptical_drop_output') >>> for solver_data, fluid in iter_output(files, 'fluid'): ... print(solver_data['t'], """ for file in files: data = load(file) solver_data = data['solver_data'] if len(arrays) == 0: yield solver_data, data['arrays'] else: _arrays = [data['arrays'][x] for x in arrays] yield [solver_data] + _arrays def _sort_key(arg): a = os.path.splitext(arg)[0] return int(a[a.rfind('_') + 1:]) def remove_irrelevant_files(files): """Remove any npz files that are not output files. That is, the file should not end with a '_number.npz'. This allows users to dump other .npz of .hdf5 files in the output while post-processing without breaking. """ result = [] for f in files: try: _sort_key(f) except ValueError: pass else: result.append(f) return result